Feelings of the Oneness

Feelings of oneness with the Universe - indeed, with the Omniverse - these feelings are the beginning of the change that occurs when one begins the process of loosening the ties of the world and acknowledging the Oneness that Is All. These feelings may include visions, apparitions, sounds, smells and unusual experiences that have not yet been encountered. Yet, this awareness is only the tip of the iceberg to that which lies underneath the consciousness that is awakening.

As each person moves more and more into the awakened state, more unusual experiences are apt to become part of that individual's life. Energy coursing through the body speaks of its becoming alive - fully alive and sensitive to the frequencies that inhabit the form and flowing out into the formless. There is the beginning of an inkling of remembering how the waves of manifestation work and pulse as the current flows from the field of Source downward in frequency to the dimensions in which the form resides. Such are the feelings and they can be accompanied with thoughts of losing control, impending disaster, even death. Indeed, the ego begins to undergo an egoic death so it is not far off the mark.

During this time, others see the individual as off balance and in a state of chaos. Even medical treatment may be suggested. Yet, the natural course of what is being experienced is so much more profound and there are no words to convey the state of existence that he or she may be experiencing, often changing in each moment. Anger comes; a feeling of desertion, pain and often suffering, physically, mentally and emotionally.

What is this torment that appears to assail those who are letting go of the currents of the mass consciousness while seeking greater heights? Could it be as simple as the evolution of the consciousness itself as it begins to recognize its own spark of Divine Essence? Could it be that mankind is created, destined for exactly this; that life has meaning in exactly these profound moments of trial and pain? Could this ordeal be seen as pleasure and embraced with the love of the Open Heart?

Indeed, this is exactly what is being asked in these moments. As each one comes to the crossing between being earthbound and otherworld-centered, he or she must step across that boundary - filled with uncertainties and fearful anticipations - and touch the farther shore by setting foot on a world that will resurrect him or her into a space that knows no end and had no beginning. It is the end of the hunger and the fulfillment of that yearning which appeared to have no end. The journey has been worth the traveling and now the urge is to bring others to this resting place, this place of Divine Peace.

As each of you step through these doors in your day-to-day life, know that the way is always before you; that what you are seeking is what you already are and that the presence of the Divine Master of your Open Heart leads you surely and safely to the shore that beckons you. Keep your eyes fastened on that shore and you will surely reach it, no matter the obstacles that appear to be in the way of your secure arrival. Your entrance is assured and your path is secure. The path is through your Heart.

Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich, Ph.D. is a visionary, weaver of grace, quantum physicist and multidimensional traveler. Born with memory of the etheric worlds intact, Toni uses her gifts to expand the same remembrance within the consciousness of other beings. She is the owner of Sacred Spaces in the beautiful San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State where she conducts personal sessions, retreats and etheric readings for all those drawn to the authentic Self. She is the author of The Call - Awakening the Angelic Human and its accompanying CD, DNA Re-Awakening. Toni is also a direct channel for the Light Orbs who are the Guardians of the Soul. She does long distance healing, spiritual counseling, soul readings, light orb readings and chakra readings by appointment.

For more information regarding Toni's work or to contact her by telephone or email, please see her websites: http://www.sacredspaceswa.com and http://www.angelichuman.com


Forgive Everyone in Every Way

By Sam Oliver

Forgive everyone, everyday, and in every way. Each person is doing the best he or she can. No one, absolutely no one is perfect. Since no one is perfect, this means that we all need to share more patience and more understanding surrounding all aspects of our interactions with one another. Think of the last time you needed to forgive someone. And, think of the last time you needed to be forgiven. When we need to be forgiven, there is a feeling of lack or something as missing. When we need to forgive, we often feel anger. Anger is a secondary emotion for loss. When we lose something, the need to restore what was lost. This sends us on a search within ourselves for attention in a peace filled direction. If you noticed, to forgive or to be forgiven leads you to the same place. Both paths of awareness lead us on a search. What are you searching for? You are searching to find wholeness. What is wholeness? This is often one's perception of reality created by what one believes to be true. This creation of what one believes to be true is the path of one's soul seeking manifestation in the world of form from the formless.

There is no set way to wholeness. Simply being aware that you have a self-defined understanding of wholeness that is within you is what we simply need to give attention to within us. This continued attention on what we seek the most within us will grow in our awareness until the need to place our attention on forgiveness fades away.

If a person was to believe that forgiveness is something obtained through the human psyche alone, we all would find the journey into such a place within us as something to avoid. In the deepest parts of who we are, we want to connect to what is sacred within us. Therefore, to re-create a past interaction with someone who we feel we harmed or who we feel harmed us is a useless attempt to embrace what cannot be. This is not to say that certain relationships close to us do not need verbal efforts to make up for a past action leading to harm. In fact, a person can find this useful, and even, helpful. The point I want to make is the place one's attention may be at the time such a verbal interaction will become vital in the success of such expressions taking place.

Dying patients remind me that there are countless times in all our lives where the issue of forgiveness was perceived and we become aware of it. There is no way a dying person can retrieve all their past life experiences in physical form, but we can recall these moments in time and visualize how we would have handled them differently. This is our soul seeking to make right a wrong our personality may not allow us to do, or it may no longer be feasible to take place in our current circumstances. People are such a vast array of experiences. There are endless paths of attention within us calling for our attention. Perhaps, the instant we remember who we are and who others are in the deepest parts of our being, we begin to remember the love that brings all our lives together, and into, being. This remembrance of who we are as children of our Creator reminds us of the unconditional spirit reflected within our own selves. The transcendence of flesh and blood inspires us to give our Creator our lives, the lives of others, and our very reason for living into the hands that created us.

For More on this Author: http://www.soulandspirit.org

Midlife Career Change - 5 Easy Steps To Get An Ideal Career

Career change or frequent job changes once bore a negative stigma and raised a red flag to alert prospective employers. No more. According to Department of Labor Statistics, the average person will change career somewhere between four to six times in their lifetime. Additionally, they will make an average of twelve to fifteen job changes.

The red flag has been lowered and these frequent changes now tell prospective employers that the applicant with a variety of careers and jobs exhibits flexibility in the workplace - and that is highly desired. So, if you are contemplating a mid career change, now is the time to take action.

Assess Your Current Position

Take a look at your current position, both professionally and personally. Are you stuck in a rut? Do you feel stifled or held back? Do you feel as if you are going nowhere? A career switch may be in order. If you feel that you are not adequately utilizing your existing skills or that you may have hit a professional plateau, it may be time to think about a new career plan.

Evaluate Your Career Change Options

Think about not only what you can do but also what you like to do. If you are going to make a job change, salary and benefits may be a factor in determining the route you should take, but that should not be the only reason that you make the move. It is important to find a career that you will actually enjoy. Statistics show that people who work in a job that they enjoy are healthier and experience fewer stress related illnesses. You should also take a look at the knowledge, skills and abilities that your prospective career requires. Do some research on your chosen career. Your state's department of labor is a good resource for finding profiles on various careers.

Determine Your Transferable Skills

Once you have taken a good look at your new career, determine what transferable skills you have that you can bring to the table. Transferable skills are those skills that you can bring from one job position to another. When you are pursuing a new career, it is important that you can identify your own transferable skills. This can be very useful in when and how you make your move.

Establish the Educational Track You Need To Take

Depending on the career move that you are making, it may be necessary for you to get some training. With the boom of online schools that allow professionals to take courses online, on their own time, getting an education to boost your career change is now easier than ever. If the online route isn't your thing, though, you can also take classes at your local university or community college. There are also technical schools that offer courses in many different careers. You should also note that non traditional students -- students who are older than 24 years old -- are a rapidly growing population on college campuses throughout the United States.

Get Help If You Need It

As you embark on your ideal career, don't be afraid to ask for help. Find a mentor or life coach who can help you take a good look at yourself and your life, your profession and your goals. They can help to guide you and make your transition from your current career to a new career much smoother. You can find a life coach or if you know someone who is already in the field that you want to enter you can ask them for help. If you are attending school, you can talk to a career counselor there. The point is, if you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it.

A midlife career change can be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. If you keep your head and do it smart, you can enter into a new career that fulfills you in the manner that you need, be it professionally, financially or personally.

Paul Sarwanawadya offers career change advice to help career changers pursue their ideal careers. He runs an informational website that provides tips on making a midlife career change

Please visit http://www.career-tests-guide.com/ to get more quality midlife career change information.


Prayers, Petitions, and Praises

By Dorette Saunders

Genesis 18:20-32 portrays a poignant glimpse of Abraham petitioning God on behalf of the good people who live in Sodom. God's plan to destroy the city because of its wickedness causes Abraham to beg God to stay his judgment if fifty good people can be found. Although the Lord agrees, Abraham courageously petitions God five more times until God consents to save the city from destruction if only ten good people can be found.

Such unabashed persistence is also found in the example Jesus gives about the man who awakens his friend at midnight seeking food for an unexpected guest (Luke 11:5-8). Despite the sleepy friend's lethargic response, Jesus suggests that the man in need will get what he wants simply because he was not ashamed to be persistent in his request.

In similar fashion, Jesus contends that we, too, need to pray and petition God for the things that we need. "So I tell you to ask and you will receive, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you" (Luke 11:9, CEV). Jesus tells us that if we are capable of responding to each other's needs favorably, how much more will God, who has created all things, respond to our requests when we ask (Luke 11:13).

How then shall we ask? In what is commonly known as The Lord's Prayer (Luke 11:2-4), Jesus provides a prayer model which acknowledges God's sovereignty, puts forward a request for physical and spiritual provision, and ends by seeking forgiveness for one's self (in the same manner as we forgive those who have wronged us) and protection against temptation.

By his own example, Jesus shows us that prayer should be consistent communication with God, whatever the circumstances (Luke 9:18-21; Luke 9:28-36; Luke 22:39-46; John 17).

In addition to our petitions and prayers, we are instructed to praise God. The Scriptures say that God delights in the praises of his people. And so, we may join in the elation of the psalmist when he says: With all my heart I praise you, LORD. In the presence of angels I sing your praises. I worship at your holy temple and praise you for your love and your faithfulness (Psalm 138:1,2a, CEV).

Indeed, we serve a mighty God who hears and answers our prayers and petitions even before we utter them (Isaiah 64:24). Let us come before our God with thanksgiving and praise because he is worthy of honor and glory.

This Reflection is drawn from the Bible Resource Center's e-Bulletin Series - an online ministry of the American Bible Society. The Bible Resource Center is also home to an extensive collection of Essential Bible Study Tools.

For more Bible Study Resources visit: http://www.bibles.com/bibleresources


Steps Of Positive Thinking

By Munyaradzi Chinongoza

Positive thinking is something that everyone should be doing in life so that they may achieve their goals. There are a few steps that should be followed because positive thinking will make you happier and achieve those goals in life.

Step one: Appreciate everything that your body can do for you whether it be breathing, dancing, running, playing, sports, allowing you to drive because although we may think of these things as simple everyday things they are actually luxuries because remember not everyone is able to do them.

Step two: Make a list of things that you like about yourself it can be anything you want because everyone has something special about themselves that they can do or they like that they do.

Step three: Remember that true beauty is not only on the outside, it is also on the inside and when you truly feel good about your self you suddenly gain more confidence.

Step four: When you think about yourself or look at yourself, think about yourself as a whole person and the person that you want other people to see you as. If you want people to see you as being strong and independent tell yourself that you are strong and independent as well.

Step five: Hang out with positive people that have goals and ambitions and do not concentrate on the negative. It is a lot easier to be more driven and positive on a whole when you are with positive people and people that are not getting themselves involved with the wrong things in life.

Step six: Do something good for yourself and rewarding, something that you truly like and enjoy. Finally step seven, use your time more efficiently. Instead of wasting your time worrying about silly issues, use it to help others in need. By helping others you will feel better about yourself. These are just a few of many steps you can use for positive thinking.

If you want more FREE information steps of positive thinking, please visit our website: www.StepsOfPositiveThinking.com/

Setting Powerful Intentions

Intentions Have Power In Them

One of the best ways to tackle a problem in your life is to set powerful intentions. Many people have the desire to be different, yet they do not know how to go about making the changes they'd like to see. Lofty goals are often set and seldom achieved, because of a lack of understanding of HOW to set the intention.

When setting an intention to do something differently, you must be specific and set goals that are measurable and attainable in order to be successful. The more specific you are the better! Resolving to do something differently is basically saying that you will no longer resort to a habitual way of approaching life and will use a whole new set of behaviors instead. This is much like starting a new exercise routine- you'll be excited at first, and then the resistance will start, especially as your muscles ache and you experience pain as you develop your strength in a new area. And you are likely to return to old habits if you don't have a personal trainer to report to, or if you do not have clear, measurable, and defined goals to achieve so that you see ongoing results!

Here's how to set goals that will be successfully achieved: be clear, be specific, and have a way to assess on a daily or weekly basis your progress. And for those who need extra support, having an "intentions buddy" or a life coach can make a world of difference!

Many families I work with express a desire for better communication. This is a general goal. Together we explore ways for them to get very specific. I ask them questions to help them define what they really want -- questions like: What would better communication look like? How would you know that your family is communicating at the level you want? What would be different? How would life in your family change?

Once these questions are answered, then the family comes up with specific, measurable ways to determine their "communication progress" on a regular basis. One family determined that they needed a daily ritual to encourage communication. They started playing a game after dinner where they spend time sharing their wins and challenges for the day. Another family came up with a weekly family event where they passed an ice-cream maker around a circle and whoever was cranking was the one who shared about their week and about how they were doing in general.

In both of these families, they set up a routine, a structure, and a way to determine if the goal was being achieved. If a family member wasn't showing up for the designated family times, then the other family members knew that they needed to check in with that person and find out what was going on for them - communicating more individually.

Another common complaint I hear from couples in blended families is that they get little to no time to themselves. These couples might set a general goal of "We're going to spend more time together alone this year." As their coach, I explore with them how to make their goal clear and specific so that they will actually follow through. Some couples decide to arrange for a weekend away once a month. Others have a date night every Friday night with a regular sitter scheduled months in advance - so it is a given. And, again, if the date night doesn't happen, the couple gets to immediately check in and look at their level of commitment to the intention that they set. They explore what's not working about their original plan and how to adapt it to new circumstances so that their intention of regular, private time together is achieved.

NOTE: Use of this article requires links to be intact.

Emily Bouchard, has over 18 years of experience in working with children and families to deal with problems. Emily is also a loving stepmother to two young women who were teenagers when she entered their lives. She publishes a free Blended Families newsletter. Don't miss her Caring page.


Spelling It Out

By Dorette Saunders

In today's pop culture, nothing is left to the imagination; everything is spelled out: violence, sex, inappropriate behaviors. As a child, I grew up in a culture where things were not always spelled out, yet instinctively children knew where the boundaries were. Parents who engaged in adult conversation would often give young eavesdroppers "the eye," followed by a jerk of the head in a particular direction offsite. Sometimes, the foolhardy would feign ignorance of the interpretative message of "the eye" and stay put, only to be told in no uncertain terms to "move on."

Like recalcitrant children, we, too, sometimes look for excuses to wiggle out of being obedient to God. We bide our time in disobedience, waiting for God's commands to be spelled out. In Deuteronomy 30:9-14, Moses tells the people of Israel exactly what God expects of them, and he reminds them of their responsibility to be obedient. Forestalling any excuses, Moses tells them: "You know God's laws, and it isn't impossible to obey them. His commands aren't in heaven, ...No, these commands are nearby and you know them by heart. All you have to do is obey!" (Deuteronomy 30:11-12a; 14, CEV)

Moses had to spell it out. The Old Testament is replete with instances of Israel's continued disobedience, their repentance, and God's forgiveness. It is not enough to know God's Word -- what counts is our obedience to God's Word and our efforts at applying it to our lives.

In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus spells it out for a wily expert in the Law of Moses who feigns ignorance and asks Jesus concerning the requirements for gaining eternal life. In his repartee with Jesus, the man eventually answers his own questions, indicating that one should love God and one's neighbors (Luke 10:27). Jesus commends the man for his answer and says, "If you do this, you will have eternal life" (Luke 10:28b, CEV). In an effort to show off his knowledge, the man ignores Jesus' response to "do," and challenges Jesus further on the concept of who is a neighbor. It is here that Jesus introduces the parable of the Good Samaritan.

At the end of his narrative, Jesus asks this expert in Mosaic teachings which of the people in the story acted in a neighborly fashion to the man who was beaten up by robbers (Luke 10:36). Again, the man responds correctly, to which Jesus responds, "Go and do the same!" (Luke 10:37b, CEV)

There is no wiggle room for disobedience. The Word of God clearly spells out that we need to be "doers of the word, and not hearers only" (James 1:22, KJV). It is only by actively doing the will of God that we will become obedient and "live a life that honors the Lord" (Colossians 1:10a, CEV).

This Reflection is drawn from the Bible Resource Center's e-Bulletin Series - an online ministry of the American Bible Society. The Bible Resource Center is also home to an extensive collection of Essential Bible Study Tools

For more Bible Study Resources visit: http://www.bibles.com/bibleresources

Guardian Spirits - Do They Really Exist or Are They Figments of the Imagination?

A great many people firmly believe in the idea of "Guardian Spirit". They are convinced that in times of extreme danger, a powerful, spiritual force is always close at hand to guard and protect them. Detailed accounts have been written by these people of incidents that occurred when they were completely alone in an isolated area and faced with dangerous situations.

According to these reports, they were conscious of a strange sensation that they were not alone but an "unseen presence" was close by. This mysterious, spiritual force inspired them with confidence and gave them a warm, comforting feeling no harm would come to them. As widespread as this acceptance of the existence of "Guardian Spirits" appears to be, there are certainly as many, practical-minded, pragmatic individuals, who completely reject the idea

They regard it as an example of a superstitious belief held by people with strong imaginations; an illusion conjured up in their minds to relieve their anxiety and counteract their feelings of stress.

Although it is difficult to reconcile these two conflicting points of view, it may be possible to find a common meeting ground, by examining what the term "Guardian Spirit" means to different people. There are many who think of a "Guardian Spirit" in very narrow, easily definable terms. To them a "Guardian Spirit" represents a mysterious, "unseen", supernatural force, always close at hand, that provides them with a warm, comforting feeling whenever they feel threatened.

Others however, interpret the term "Guardian Sprit" in a more rational, less mysterious, more understandable fashion. They see it as powerful, intuitive feelings; similar to an "inner voice", or a certain "gut feeling". The Psychoanalyst Theodore Reik referred to these intuitive feelings as "listening with the third ear". According to him, these are special intuitive powers everyone possesses, but in most instances they remain unused and dormant. He suggested these special powers could be developed and nurtured.

Have there been occasions, in your life, when an important decision you were called upon to make was not based on logic or rational analysis, but on a certain "gut feeling''? Is it perhaps possible this "inner voice" you listen to when critical decisions have to be made, may be your own personal "Guardian Spirit"?

The argument whether "Guardian Spirits" exist or not will never be resolved to everyone's satisfaction but perhaps this may be a reasonable explanation for some aspects of the "Guardian Spirit" idea. On the other hand, perhaps Shakespeare placed the problem in the right perspective with the profound observation expressed by Hamlet "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Dennis Fisher is managing director of financial and investment Companies. In addition to his involvement in many different fields of business, his interests include an in-depth study of various schools of practical psychology, self-improvement and meditation.

To find out more about powerful techniques that will enhance creative power go to two of his websites: http://www.vitalmeditation.com and http://www.creativemindpowers.com


Lack Of Motivation - How To Cure The Lack Of Motivation

By Israel Goldman

Lack is motivation is a common problem in our modern world, just look around your environment & it is real obvious that most people lack motivation.

To solve a problem permanently, we don't just look at the problem, we look at the root of the problem, which is also the real cause behind the problem.

Why do most people lack motivation? Simple, there is simply no reason for them to be motivated!

Most people do not even know what they are living for? It is almost like, they have not a good excuse for breathing the oxygen.

First & foremost, motivation does NOT come from self improvement or motivational material. (Not in a form of a book, an audio or even a seminar.)

Motivation comes right from deep within you. Have you asked yourself:

• Who is the real you? (What is your true identity?)

• What is your purpose? (What do you live for?)

• What is your passion? (What keeps you going?)

Take a few moments to think about those 3 questions.

You will notice that I did not share the usual motivation methods that most people teach. In no way am I saying that they are not good.

Just think of it this way, when it comes to gardening, you can cut off the weeds but they will still grow back quickly, when you finally pull them out by the roots, they are gone for a very long time.

That is the reason why we are going to "fix" the roots before going any further.

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Random Acts Of Kindness

By Dianne Lehmann

Off and on there will be a great deal of talk about random acts of kindness. I think that too much attention is given to grandiose actions. What really matters, in my opinion, are the many small kind actions that we can perform on a daily basis.

Why does a self-serving billionaire have to give a young boy a check for $25,000.00 on a national television show to get our attention? Shouldn't we all pay more attention to the little things we can do each day to make our lives and the lives of others better?

In the hurry up world of today, common courtesy is not really so common any more. Standing in line at the grocery store, all too often I see people purposely ignoring the little old lady or the young woman with children in tow who just have a couple items. How much could it hurt to let them go ahead of you? Will the extra couple of minutes spent in line completely ruin your day?

I realize that much of the indifference is due to there being too many people and too many stimuli in our daily lives. The prospect of sensory overload is a real issue. But a little more connectedness with the world and all who inhabit it can go a long way toward healing the spirit. It can improve your life and how you feel about yourself. Don't be ashamed to pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for giving up your place in line.

Try holding a door for someone. Look a stranger in the eyes and smile. Give someone a cheerful hello and a wave as you pass on the sidewalk. Believe it or not, these are all acts of kindness. The Golden Rule has been much talked about for a very long time. To me it is still valid: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Some day when you are feeling really down and a stranger looks you in the eyes and smiles, and suddenly you feel a little better, you will be glad that you, too, have shown others this kindness.

Obtain Self Confidence With A Positive Attitude

Think about a self confident person that you know and admire. Close your eyes, and really think about them. Think about the things they have recently done or said. Think about how they act when a problem arises. I will bet that the person you are thinking about has a positive attitude that shines through in almost everything they say or do, and especially when there is a problem to be solved.

The self confidence that they have is more than likely a result of the positive attitude. You can not have one without the other, and any person that does have one without the other is more than likely putting on an act. A positive attitude gives you self confidence.

When you have a positive attitude, you think clearly. You react to bad situations more appropriately. People who are negative can rarely rattle your cage. You see situations, life, and yourself in a very different way when you have a positive attitude - and that automatically creates self confidence.

People with good attitudes rarely dwell on the negative - not even the negative things about themselves. When an overweight positive person looks in the mirror, they do not say 'I am fat.' They say 'I need to lose some weight.' Instead of complaining about a problem, they stated a solution to the problem. Something as small as the way something is stated is proof of self confidence. If a positive high school student is not doing well in one of his subjects, he does not say 'I am stupid.' He says 'I need to study.' No complaint - just a solution to a problem.

Try this out with yourself to determine whether you have a positive attitude that already has, or will, create self confidence. Pay attention to the things that you say about yourself, or think about yourself, and write them down each day. After about a week, go back and read the statements. Do not cheat! Be sure to write things down in the exact words you thought them in! Are you positive or negative about yourself?

If you are positive, good for you! If you are negative, it is time to start working on your attitude, so you can build up your self confidence. The beauty of this is that the only thing you really have to work on is your attitude - the self confidence will arrive all on its own!

Gary Miller is the author of "Do not Knock on Wood": How to break Free from the Grips of Negative Thinking." To learn more about the book click here to go to the website at http://www.positivethinkingnow.com

Gary Miller was the World's Leading expert on Negative Thinking until he lost approximately $3 Million Dollars because of a lifetime of negative thinking. To learn more about his Journey to a Positive Thinking Recovery and weekly FREE Positive Thinking techniques, you can visit his web site at: http://www.positivethinkingnow.com

How To Overcome Leadership Challenges

Frequently leaders are questioned about the challenges that encourage good leadership. Recent research indicates there are 8 prevalent topics. It is vital you identify with as many as possible so that you meet these challenges and rise like a phoenix to enlightenment.

1. Humility - The courage to admit that you are wrong quickly and move in a positive direction. When Jet Blue was faced with a massive communication breakdown in the winter of 2006, humility enabled the CEO to rise from the ashes.

2. Energy - Professional and collegiate athletes reach competitiveness from the energy and enthusiasm engrained from their leaders. While the general public can condone the antics of professional basketball coach Bob Knight, they cannot deny his energy his players.

3. Intuition - We might all suffer from analysis paralysis. Leadership requires the intuition to make the solid judgments. Intuition does not rely on perfection but rather using prior mistakes for better alternatives.

3. Vision - Vision is what drives leadership. If it were not for vision, Ford, Lincoln, Einstein and Washington would never have made their mark on our ancestry.

4. Perspective - Followers desire leaders that are straight shooters and are candid in their approach.

5. Passion - No one will ever deny the use of passion in leadership. King, Lincoln, Clinton are great examples of leaders that love what they do. Moreover, those that found companies such as Gates and Jobs are even more passionate as they nurture their offspring.

6. Conviction - Articulation is a necessity in our multigender and multicultural society. The power of communication is vital to instill growth and success. Failure to communicate is what destroys leaders.

7. Learning - America is founded on the principle of education and risk. Keep learning and keep growing, never stop. Lack of learning is similar to refrain from watering your plants and garden. Your brain requires educational nourishment.

About Drew Stevens PhD

Drew Stevens PhD is known as the Sales Strategist. Dr. Drew creates more revenues in less time. He is the author of seven books including Split Second Selling and Split Second Customer Service and Little Book of Hope and is frequently called on the media for his expertise. Drew's latest book Split Second Selling is available at http://www.gettingtothefinishline.com/products.php Sign up for his monthly newsletter the Sales Strategist(tm) a monthly tool that drastically improves your selling skills it is located at http://www.gettingtothefinishline.com and receive a FREE Finish Line Sales Manual over 130 pages of great information to assist your selling skills. Visit Dr. Drew's Blog located at http://drewjstevens.blogspot.com


Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...