Saved from the Failed Preparation Phase, Semester/National Exams, and Thesis

1. That day was the National Exam day. As univ. student, I have well prepared for it but when I would do the exam, I forgot all I studied and for about 30 minutes, I could write nothing in the exam paper.

Then I prayed in my heart: “GOD, I forgot all I studied. Please help me, GOD. In JESUS’ Name. Amen”. Instantly, I could write the answers quickly and finished just before the time ended. THANKS ABBA JESUS, I was supposed to get E but only by YOUR Grace, I got A. Praise ABBA JESUS!

2. Two similar experiences: I have finished a few exam questions but forgot what I studied then couldn’t answer the others. After praying in my heart, then instantly, I could write the answers quickly and all the results were A. THANKS ABBA JESUS!

3. I was doing the computer programming for my thesis and the problem was I did not understand the certain part of the theory then I could not do the programming.

I have tried and tried for about 2 hours but the program was always stuck. Then I prayed in my heart: “GOD, the program is stuck. Please help me, GOD. In JESUS Name, Amen.” Instantly, I could do it and the thesis was finished in about 3 months and the result was B. THANKS ABBA JESUS!

4. When I was in the 1st semester, my Basic Programming quiz was E. No wonder, no one of friends I knew (at that time, I still didn’t know all my contemporary friends well, only some friends including my old friend) were not willing to accept me as their task group member. But, THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS, YOU made a new friend, which we didn’t know each other before, was willing to accept me and she said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. I will teach you.” 

5. When I was in the 1st semester, my midterm exam results were not good: Math 1 was E, Basic Programming was E, and Flowchart was D. Logically, it was impossible to pass the preparation phase in a year, in which a student must passed all the subjects with C as the minimum requirement.

But ABBA JESUS has made me able to pass in time. All E and D grades have been changed into C in the final result with GPA 2.5.

My study target was “The important is I can pass all the subjects, all C are OK.” I had never thought that I would be graduated in 8 semesters with GPA 3.1, instead of the 9 semesters offered, but HE made it happen.

Some subjects, which I got C in the semester exams, were substituted into A from my national exam results, which were higher than the local ones. All Glory to ABBA JESUS!

JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Crown

2 Kings 11:12 NASB:

Then he brought the (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) SON of THE KING out, and he is giving on HIM (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) THE CROWN and gave him the testimony; and they made (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) HIM KING and anointed him...

1 Chronicles 20:2a: David took (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) THE CROWN of their king from his head

JESUS is the Crown of Glory

Isaiah 28:5 DRA:

In that day the LORD (=YAHWEH) of hosts shall be a CROWN OF GLORY(=tsebi), and a garland of joy to the residue of his people:

JESUS is the Crown of Holy

Exodus 29:6b:

and put (=Nathan, to give) (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) The CROWN (=nezer) OF HOLY (=הַקֹּ֖דֶשׁ, qodesh) on the turban.

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...