Keep Protected from the Pandemic and the Chicken Pox Epidemics

In Feb 2020, when the pandemic started to happen in my country, I was concerned as an online student of mine, who lives in another city, said a bad thing (that turned out to be a lie) about my city.

The next day in the afternoon, the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) reminded me (I could clearly see in my mind) how HE has protected me and kept me safe during the chickenpox epidemic from my 5th elem. grade class until now:

[In my 5th grade class, many got a chicken pox, including the one sitting in front of me, behind me, across to my right (each student sat alone – on my left was the wall) and two chairs behind me. But I didn’t.

In my 1st grade in JHS, many got it. My friend sitting behind me came to the school when the vesicles were just broken and leaked as he was afraid of missing lessons/exams. Then, it caused his seatmate, my seatmate, the one sitting behind him on the right and two chairs behind him to get a chicken pox. But I didn’t.

In my 1st grade in SHS, quite a lot got it, including the one sitting in front of me and behind me (across to my right). But I didn’t.

In my 4-5 semesters in the Univ., quite a lot got it, especially they who lived in the same boarding house. But I didn’t.

In 2006, when I was teaching a private child with a fever in my house. The parents didn’t know it was a chicken pox and the next day, the vesicles appeared on her skin. But I kept safe.

In 2008, a private student, who hasn’t completely healed yet, came to my house for the lesson. But I kept safe, and so on...]

Then HE said, “Sebagaimana AKU melindungimu dari wabah cacar air, AKU juga akan melindungimu dalam pandemi ini (As I protected you from the chickenpox epidemics, I will also protect you in this pandemic)”. And HE did, does and I believe HE will keep us safe and protected. THANKS JESUS, I will keep YOUR Promises.

So far, none died cause of the pandemic in my complex housing. Five of my neighbors’ workers got sick but all of them got healed. PRAISE JESUS!

For as many as are the promises of GOD, in CHRIST they are [all answered] “YES.” So through HIM we say our “AMEN” to the glory of God. ~ 2 COR 1:20 AMP

For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in HIM will not be put to shame.” ~ Rom 10:11 NASB

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...