5 Easy Steps - How to Fail in Business

1. Do not plan

Why bother with a plan? Jump straight in and sort out problems as they occur. Planning is for wimps!

These appear to be the attitudes of a significant number of business leaders in both new companies and well established companies. Planning does take time and energy and often poses questions that are difficult to answer. It is also possible to go to the other extreme and spend so much time on planning that you never implement any of the plans.

A balance needs to be struck between no planning and excessive planning. The amount and detail of planning will vary depending on the stage of development of the company and the degree of volatility of the business environment.

If no planning is carried out, there are two main risks:-

An opportunity occurs but your company does not have sufficient resources to gain from the opportunity.

A threat occurs and again your company does not have sufficient resources to cope with the threat.

2. Choose an activity that interests only you

Some people start a business based on a favourite hobby or pastime. Similarly, leaders of some existing businesses diversify into a business sector they find interesting.

Just because you find something interesting does not mean anyone else agrees with you or is prepared to pay you to do something they enjoy doing themselves.

Some, even very simple, market research may help you identify market niches that no one else is servicing. The reason no one else is servicing this market niche could be there is no demand. For example, as far as I am aware, there are no companies making steam powered televisions. If you diversify into this sector, you will probably have little competition but you may be disappointed about the level of sales.

3. Choose a business with low profit margins

Some businesses operate in sectors that are regulated, have significant competition or have few potential clients. This tends to limit the ability to charge a high price and to increase prices.

Quite often, this type of business also has high costs. The combination of high costs with limited selling prices produces low profit margins.

Having low profit margins means, less can be re-invested in the company to help it grow and develop. Time spent in low margin business sectors reduces the time that could be spent in high margin sectors.

4. Enter a declining market

Some organisations make a lot of money from declining markets but have very specific and ruthless business models that they rigorously pursue.

So forget about that and just go into a declining market because, who knows, the market may reverse. Maybe there will be a demand for mechanical calculators and typewriters again or fashions may change and people will wear powdered wigs again. Perhaps if you spend enough on marketing you will make the market change direction.

5. Combination strategies

Some companies appear to:-

a) No plan

b) Do not survey a potential market

c) Choose a low profit business

d) Enter a declining market

e) Appear surprised when they fail

Now it is up to you. Follow these simple five steps to ensure you fail in business - it is not as difficult as it looks.

Michael Daly, founder of Executive Coaching and Mentoring Ltd provides more than 40 years international business experience for the benefit of all sizes of business. If you need to operate in an increasingly transnational business environment you will benefit from one of our executive, business or corporate coaching programs. Michael, a well known international business coach, uses not only his experience but also knowledge gained from being a Master Practitioner of NLP to help you achieve goals in a manner that you will find acceptable. Michael also makes use of various profiling and psychometric tests including Belbin, DISC and Apter. Michael helps the modern international business executive succeed. Have a look at http://www.ecam.nu and http://www.businesscoachingexecutive.com and http://www.corporateexecutivecoach.com


12 KEYS TO SUCCESS - Control Your Emotion

By Shawn Lim


Now, here is the second keys that you will need if you desire for success. All the 12 keys to success are equally important, the order of all the keys are not important here. For example, Key #1 is Never Gives Up, the order of it doesn't matter here. All of the 12 keys are crucial and you must have them!

Are emotions important to us? Indeed. All of our work will be influence by our emotions. So what if you're in a bad emotion? Do you think that you can did a perfect job if your emotion is bad at that time? If you want to success, especially for businessman, they need to control their emotions. This is because they need to deal with other people all the time to have their business done. If they don't control their emotions, it is impossible to get their business deal in a nice and perfect way. Another great example is for network marketers. Every network marketers need to contact with their members all the time. So if they cannot control their emotions, all their members will leave them eventually.

You need to feel happy all the time. You need to feel positive all the time. Let me give you an example here of how important controlling your emotions are. There is a father, who works in an insurance firm. One day he had been fired from his company. So he is in a very bad mood. When driving home, the traffic jam. He is so angry and keep on sounding horns. Suddenly a car hit his car from the back. Now he is getting more angry and get out of his car, quarrel with the one who hit his car. Back at home, he see his wife and he straight away scold her. Then went into his room and slam the door. Now, the wife too is getting angry because his husband scolded her without any reasonable reason. The wife keep scolding their children, throwing things. Then one of the kid drop some food on the floor and the wife give that kid a slap on the face. Did the kid feel happy? Of course not, the kid move out of the house, and see a cat walking across. What that kid did? That kid kick that poor cat. Therefore you see. The negative effect of having bad emotion is so powerful. What if you are happy all the times? You can imagine that your positive emotions will influence all the people around you.

There are lots of downs in our life. And many people don't know how to control their emotion to face their downs. We are humans, we are can control our emotions. Why can we control our emotion? Because we can control our thinking. And why can we control our thinking? Because we have the power of making decisions. Thus you must learn how to make the right decisions.

Talking about controlling your emotions, what should you do when you're upset or angry? Well, you can take bath, sing songs, etc. Just make yourself feel comfortable. You can even pretend to be happy when you are upset. Please don't say that I'm crazy, but this is true and it definitely will helps to cure your sadness. Some people said, when you're down, try to smile and laugh more. The more you pretend the more it will comes true. This is the same as every night reviewing your goals of what you need to do and dream about what kind of lifestyle you want. Your mind will stimulate it to becomes true.

There you have it, the second key to success, control your emotion. Don't let your emotion control you. You have the power of making decision, always think positively and control your emotions. To your success.

Learn how to Make Money Online, live a Millionaire lifestyle in no time. Get all Free Tips Making Money Online here, http://themillionairesecrets.blogspot.com/ If you don't act on this information today you may never get the opportunity to take this life changing step again. Just follow the link and start your new life today!


Don't Bow and Never Give Up

By George Chingarande

What is your problem? Why are you not where you ought to be in life? Why are you not at the top, or on top of the situation? Why are you stuck in the rut? Why are you settling for so little, when there are limitless possibilities? Is it that the market conditions are depressed, or is it that there is something in you that is depressed? What are the bitter lemons that you have had to swallow?

It is in the nature of all humans to seek refuge in cogent arguments, and to seek solace for their failures in excuses. The most monumental of all human failures is this failure to confront reality as it is. And this is actually the womb that breeds all excuses. I would like to challenge you to look at what you think are your valid reasons for not being and becoming all that you could become. However, let us begin with some examples.

Micheal Inglis is an amazing man from New Zealand, with an insatiable appetite for achievement. His dream was to climb to the top of the highest peak in the world. However, in 1982, he suffered a great set back. While scaling Mt Cook in New Zealand, he was trapped in a snow cave for fourteen days. When he was rescued he was barely alive and consequently lost both legs to frost bite. They had to be amputated from the knees downwards, so he is a double amputee. Most people would have been very grateful just to survive the ordeal, complain about life's cruel and unfair hand, quit their ambitions, and make a career out of begging for alms. After all, how can a double amputee climb a flight of stairs let alone scale Mt Everest? However, this was not the case with Michael. From the ashes of despair, he decided to resurrect his dream and live it to the full. He was not content with nursing his excuses and pitying himself. This year Mike undaunted by his disadvantages defied the odds and became the first double amputee to climb to the top of Mt Everest. An amazing feat, isn't it?

That is a small part of the story. On his ascent, he actually broke one of his artificial limbs. How cruel can fate be? Wasn't it time for him to kiss goodbye to his dreams, and join the great mass of humanity that daily gets itself drunk with the tranquilizing drug called "EXCUSES." He could always tell the world that he tried but it was not meant to be because luck was not on his side. Undaunted by this set back, fired by fierce determination and spurred by an indomitable never say die commitment to his ambition, he soldiered on until he stood triumphantly at the top of Mt Everest. He made it in spite of the odds.

Mike is not extraordinary. He is an ordinary guy who dared to do extraordinary feats. Further more, he is not the only one. He is part of a great cloud of impeachable witnesses who defied the odds, conquered the appealing and tantalizing seduction of excuses, and declined the invitation to give up that adverse circumstances dangle before our eyes like carrots every day. Think of people like Beethoven, who was deaf and yet endowed the magnificent symphonies to us, Helen Keller who was a frail and blind girl and yet became a great motivator and author; Nkosi Johnson the African boy who did a man's job and became an articulate campaigner against HIV/AIDS; Thomas Edson who was ejected out of primary school because he was too challenged yet became the greatest inventor; Domosthenes the Greek who was reviled, ridiculed and jeered for his stutter and yet defied his speech impediment, perfected his art and became the ancient world's most articulate orator; Franklin Roosevelt who was crippled by polio but defeated its vagaries to become American president for a record four terms; Richard Branson the self confessed dyslexic who dropped out of school and is today the most celebrated maverick billionaire.

Winners Find Opportunities in their Problems

All these examples and many more that we could not mention here attest to one immutable truth. Winners see opportunities in their problems. However, to the contrary losers see and find problems in their opportunities. Are bank loans an opportunity? I think it is. Have you ever heard how many grumble about the problems of bank loans? I rest my case, but not before I put it to you that life itself is an opportunity and a call to greatness.

For every entry you have in your catalogue of excuses- whether it is lack of capital or support, or deep poverty or handicap; disease or divorce- you name it, there is a more compelling example of a person who triumphed over greater odds. So what is your special problem? Is it because you are black? There are many blacks from as bad a past if not worse than yours who are millionaires. By the way, it was never a case of black and white but light and darkness. There are many blacks with light in their minds (I am proud to say I am one of them), and there are also many whites with darkness in their minds.

I confess I do not know your specific mix of problems, but I can aver with a firm conviction that you do not have to bow and genuflect before them. Embedded in every disappointment, is an appointment with destiny and in every set back is a perfect set up for success. If life forces lemons on you, it is an opportunity to make lemonade. Don't bow before you circumstances no matter how colossal they may seem. Man is not defeated when he is down but when he quits. Burn your excuses, and pursue your wildest dream. There is no CANT. So what is your problem? Mine is that I am Anti-excuses.

Look Inside of Your Mind to Quit Smoking

Being able to quit smoking can be accomplished by merely the power of suggestion. For smokers, cigarettes are very important. Even with the rising costs and numerous health warnings, smokers still do not ever leave home without them. Most smokers do want to quit, some have even made several failed attempts, and others go to successfully quit but trade the smoking health related problems for an extra 40 or 50 pounds.

Smoking is an emotional and psychological issue, so when a person quits and claims that the main reason that they quit was because of health issues or expenses, that is the wrong approach as they should focus on quitting as a positive reinforcement and plan to look to the future. Hypnotherapy has been very successful in helping people stop smoking.

Chances are that you would quit smoking if you knew it would be an easy task. Especially if you knew you would not fail. Think of yourself in the near future as a non smoker and all of the benefits that non smokers get to enjoy. Imagine how proud you will be once you have kicked the habit. Hypnosis is nothing more than a state of mind that a therapist assists you in getting into. In order to get to that state, you need to be completely relaxed both physically and mentally. Most therapists will take you to a happy time as your focal point before they take you to the bleak issue of quitting smoking. The process that is then used is called desensitization and that is basically replacing a bad experience or habit with a good one. Usually the good experience that replaces the bad feeling or in this case, the quitting of cigarettes, would be replaced with the positive thought that you held onto while under hypnosis. This concept is for the hypnotists to put you in a trance in order to access your sub conscious mind, which is at that point completely vulnerable.

The higher the patient's motivation and desire is to quit smoking, the more successful the outcome will be. The right side of the brain is the side that is responsible for emotion and creativeness while the left side is responsible for logic. Yet, during hypnosis, the right side is generally more stimulated. The left side of the brain during hypnosis has a higher level cognitive processing and behavior. In order for a therapist to put someone into a hypnotic state or a trance, there has to be the right conditions such as intense concentration, extreme relaxation and high suggestibility.

While the subject is in this state, which is very similar to that of dreaming, the hypnotist is able to incorporate on the power of suggestion to influence the mind of the patient. If a person enters a clinic for the purpose of being hypnotized and they believe the hypnosis will work they will have a much better chance than if they come in believing otherwise and the reason for that again is the power of suggestion. For the purpose of quitting smoking, a person that decides to utilize hypnosis with a positive attitude will allow the hypnotist to replace the need to smoke with a more positive action or memory, making the urge to light up again a distant memory.

Terry Doherty works all over the UK working extensively with individual and business clients helping clients to stop smoking, manage weight, manage stress, become more confident and helping change many other issues. Terry uses the latest techniques of hypnosis, NLP and life coaching skills for profound change. He can be reached at http://www.mind-works.co.uk

A Powerful Millionaire Mindset Factor To Help You Succeed!

There's one thing ALL self-made millionaires understand and live by. It's incredibly important for developing the millionaire mindset and for learning how to become a millionaire. This one concept can flat-out MAKE or BREAK your chances for wealth building or achieving success in anything you desire. I'm talking about discipline versus regret.

Multi-millionaire, Jim Rohn, explained it well in a recent interview. Jim is considered to be one of the world's formeost philosophers on achieving success. He's also been a key influence on some of the most successful people in recent history.

Here's what Jim said about discipline versus regret in the interview... "We suffer one of two things. Either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. You've got to choose discipline versus regret. Because discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs tons.

Let me say that again...

Discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs tons. The reason is because the regret is an accumulated effect a year from now, two years from now. When you didn't do the easy discipline. It's like a cavity in your tooth.. The dentist says if we fix it now it's only $300 and if you let it go, someday it's going to be $3,000.

So, the easier pain of the $300 and sitting in the chair for just a little while takes care of it. But, if you let it go, that's no good. The dentist says, 'this cavity is not going to take care of itself. This is something you've got to take care of. You can't cross your fingers and hope it's going to go away. That's not going to help.'

Whatever you see that needs to be corrected, you start taking care of it. If you don't have a splendid diet, you've got to be incredibly thoughtful about how to change that. If your kids don't have a splendid diet, you've got to say, 'hey, maybe I should give some attention to my kids and their diet."

Do you now see the power of this crucial millionaire mindset? It's all about choosing discipline versus regret. What area of your life or your business do you need to apply some disciplines to so you don't end up feeling the huge weight of regret? Get started immediately. Because you now know that it won't take care of itself.

Jason Oman is the author of #1 best-selling Conversations with Millionaires. As well as being the President of Money Systems Technologies, a marketing firm that focuses on book marketing, author publicity and writing resources. Jason is an author's strategist specializing in helping clients achieve their goals of becoming a best selling author. For more information and free book writing secrets, sign up for Jason's newsletter at http://www.bestsellingauthorsecrets.com Get information on Jason's next best seller at http://www.conversationswithfemalemillionaires.com

Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...