Saved From the Truck Accident

By Yen Yen

One morning in Sep 2023, I had something to do and once it’s done, I went home by foot.

But, I couldn't walk through the sidewalk as there was a food pushcart hawker on the side of the street and some of his customers were eating while sitting and smoking on the long chair with the table he provided on the nearby sidewalk.

Right next to the sidewalk, there was a becak (a cycle rickshaw with passenger seat in front) which was parking on the side of the street.

I planned to walk through the right side of the parking becak, then back to the sidewalk which there was no those pushcart hawker’s customers and as the becak blocked me from walking on the side of the street, then I had to walk a bit to the middle of the street.

Just before I walked through the right side of the parking becak, I saw in front of me, a truck was passing on the street about 1.5 m from where I was standing and the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) made me stop my steps at the right place and right time and HE asked me to stand still and wait until the truck passed through in front of me.

Then, I could turn right, get back onto the sidewalk and get home safely.

Thanks a lot ABBA JESUS to protect me!


The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...