The Anatomy of Acceptance

By Mohamed Farouk

Acceptance, The Vague Word!!
Sometimes the only solution to a problem is to accept it; for example, when the problem is the loss of someone, goals that weren't met or finding that your loved one is in love with someone else, then the only thing that can be done is acceptance.

But the problem with acceptance is that whenever you read an article about it, it keeps telling you about the importance of acceptance and how nice acceptance is but not how to do it.

We all know that acceptance can sometimes be the only solution to a problem, but still the question is how to accept? Is there a certain thing that I should do to accept a new situation faster?

There are many tips that can help you in doing this, but I have hidden them somewhere safe, about 3cm below the line you are reading now :)

A Guide to Acceptance
The main obstacle that will stand in your way when trying to accept a new situation is uncertainty. Uncertainty is simple not being sure that what you are currently facing is the truth. For example, if you bought some stocks at $10 each, and if their price went down to 5$, you may become sad or even depressed, but at the same time you won't be able to accept it. Why? Because you are still unsure whether the price will go up again or whether it will stay at the $5 level. So the conclusion is: as long as there is still the smallest sliver of hope left, you won't be able to accept the new situation.

Here are a few examples that will further demonstrate the idea:

* She is in love with someone else: It feels so bad when you discover that your loved one is in love with someone else, but even after this discovery you will usually find yourself unable to accept the situation, simply because you still don't have enough evidence to prove it. At the same time, your mind will be striving to convince you that there is still some hope.

* I don't look like a super model: People who think that they should look better are usually struggling with an endless cycle of thoughts: each new comment they receive about their looks makes them repeat their calculations and repeat the same cyle of critical thoughts about themselves. If those people were certain about their looks, good or bad, they wouldnt have felt that bad.

* Is he dead?: I really feel sorry for anyone who loses someone close, and when the shock becomes intolerable some people start to deny that this death has happened and get stuck in uncertainties instead of accepting the truth.

It's the Uncertainty that Makes You Feel Bad!
Suppose that you had an emergency and had to run down the street in your pyjamas. If someone tells you "Man, you look awful! How can you dress like that in the street?", do you think that this situation will make you feel bad? Definitely not. Do you know why? Because you were certain that you were wearing something that looks bad in the first place, so it's natural that that be people's reaction.

Now, what if you were normally dressed and the same person told you the same thing, will you feel bad? Of course you will, but why? Because you are wearing something that should look good by itself, you became uncertain about your own looks!!!!

We can conclude something very critical from this story: knowing that you are bad is less painful than being unsure that you are bad!!! In other words, it's the uncertainty that makes you feel bad.

What to Do
Simply remove the uncertainty: find the evidence that proves that this situation is actually a new fact. Of course I am not telling you to give up so early or to admit defeat, but when you are sure that it's over, let go of your inner resistance and of this tiny hope because you know that it's not realistic. When you do this, your mind will accept what happened and it will signal for the healing process to start.

Don't Get Stuck
One of the main reasons for depression is getting stuck in a state of denial. In that case, the problem remains and the ability to accept it is hindered by this denial which will eventually lead to depression. What you need to do is to accept what happened and you'll find that you are no longer depressed and since you now know what acceptance means and how to do it, that should be no problem anymore.

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Coaching In The Workplace

Today organizations employ life coaches in the workplace so that the employees can achieve the desired results through proper guidance and training and therefore achieve increased efficiency at work. Hence whether it involves completing deadlines, attending meetings or planning out the next project a life coach can help you to use sophisticated tools and techniques to help all employees excel at their work and complete all the tasks allotted to them on time.

Today big corporates and multinational organizations make use of coaching sessions to train and empower their employees so that they understand their responsibilities and they are made capable to fulfill them. Coaching in the workplace results in learning from one's mistakes and not repeating them again. It becomes very important that each and every employee has a clear vision and an action plan in place so that he focuses on the same to achieve the end result.

Coaching at the workplace also helps to you to work in co ordination with your team. After all achieving the goals of an organization is a team effort and every member in the team should strive in his own way to achieve a common goal. Every team member's job is to be coordinated according a predetermined plan. Coaching also helps in isolating the important skills to succeed in your job. Exercises are performed in order to hone the skills of the employees. Next it is necessary to insure that the role an employee fills in an organization is the one that he is most capable of fulfilling. This is one of the most important aspects of coaching in the workplace as it leads to specialization which leads to maximum output and minimum wastage of time, effort and money.

Next coaching leads to assessing the true worth of an employee through regular performance appraisals. Rotate similar jobs so that the employees do not perform badly due to boredom. The coach can also suggest modified or new roles for the employees. A life coach will help the employee to understand the new responsibility entrusted on him and also help him put his best foot forward in fulfilling the responsibilities.

Communication in the organization is vital between different levels and between individuals at the same level. Coaching in the workplace will ensure effective communication at all levels leading to faster completion of work and harmony amongst the employees. Coaching helps decrease communication gaps as well as personal space boundaries and helps to build a better rapport and greater understanding between the employees.

Once the organization achieves the results, it is advisable to celebrate so that the employees are motivated to work harder than ever before. Hence coaching makes you aware that every successful project should be cherished. Actually coaching in the workplace helps to manage the most prized resource within the organization and that is the human resource. If human resources are well looked after then all other resources such as raw materials, capital, land, etc can be well maintained and be used optimally. However the opposite is also true. If you do not manage your people well, then the end result will be chaos.

Written by Gerard O'Donovan
Founder of Noble Manhattan coaching Ltd
CEO of the European coaching Institute
Europe's leading executive coach

The Art Of Satisfaction

By Karin Steyn

Spending the greater part of each day to get food on the table is wise benevolence. It is the simplest security system we rely on for the sake of a better standard of living. But it's work, work, work ... and then the grave. While we know it's the only way to provide the necessities, all the work takes a serious toll on our health and relationships. For many the salary doesn't even come near to compensating the effort, and the outcome is resentment and disappointment.

There's always something spurring us on. A good education for the children, an annual holiday, the nest-egg, insurance ...and in the long run the end justifies the means. Yet, the security system is flawed. We never feel financially secure. We stress about inflation, debt, medical expenditures, crime, the cost of entertainment, the car payment, a salary increase and practically everything and anything with which we're involved. Who amongst the middle class and commoners can sincerely say their income comfortably lasts till their next pay day?

We define our own standard of living. It's never done according to the scale of our income. It's done according to our desires and the material world we live in. What we never realize is that we should be living according to our income. If we get peanuts, our life should be based on the peanuts. We are what we earn, right? If we're managing to eke out a mere existence, we should learn to be satisfied and self-sufficient. Of course there are many who disagree, and with five credit cards soaked to the limit and three or four personal bank loans, they lead a life of a higher standard, indeed! From sunrise to sunset, 24/7, they're reaping what they sow: a stress-afflicting existence. And why? Is it for a better life? Do we do what we do simply to compete with the Joneses? Or is it because we feel we deserve more; a better deal?

The salaries are often out of proportion with the hard work and long hours, which leads to increased frustration and despondency. We look at the sacrificial efforts of the ground workers - policemen, nurses, teachers, firemen, and traffic officers - who remarkably return to work every day for the pittance at the end of the month.

In the end, it's all in the mind and they way we think. When we're negative, the cost of living drains us of every drop of happiness. Dwelling on all the financial obstacles and our circumstances only make matters worse. No amount of complaining will change (for the better) our job, the situation at work, our salary or for that matter the lifestyle we lead. The cost of living shouldn't rob us of our happiness. It shouldn't make us slaves of our jobs. It shouldn't affect our relationships.

We aren't happier when we have more. We aren't happier when we have choices. Happiness comes when we learn to be satisfied. Unfortunately when we are selfish, jealous or greedy, we are never satisfied. Perhaps then, the art of being satisfied also lies in working harder at perfecting our personality.

Secret Ingredients for Success - Part Three

This is a MEGA secret ingredient. Ananda and I have known about The Law of Attraction for many years but this secret ingredient only came into really clear focus recently. Not that we didn't use it successfully in many areas of our lives. There are many very successful people in a variety of walks of life that have used The Law of Attraction masterfully without knowing of its existence. In any case, we certainly used this secret ingredient but the clarity of its importance is now far more apparent to us.

That's why we call it a mega secret ingredient. We have the teachings of Neville Goddard to thank for this heightened awareness.

We said in previous articles that the subjective universe or Unified Field knows nothing about time - everything is now. When we plant an intention in its soil, to it, the intention is already a reality. Now, follow this closely...what is your real objective with any intention? We've also talked about the "essence feeling" we experience when we attain anything that we have intended, and it is that essence feeling we are really looking for when we intend something and not the manifestation of the intention itself.

If we can tap into the "timeless" aspect of the Unified Field and merge with its awareness of reality, we can experience the essence feeling the moment we declare our intention. Sound fantastic? Well, its not...because its all happening in the mind.

Any qualified hypnotist will tell you that a person can tell you things that he or she does not know or have any experience with under the influence of hypnosis. You may have witnessed this yourself. The Unified Field obeys everything we tell it to do and that same Unified Field knows everything that has ever occurred - everything. This means that if a hypnotized person is told they have certain skills or knowledge, that expertise is available to them now from the Unified Field by virtue of the fact that their mind is temporarily unblocked of the limitation that would ordinarily tell them they know nothing of the subject.

The same thing is true of the essence feeling we are seeking through the fulfillment of an intention...that essence feeling is there already in the Unified Filed. If we tap into the "now-ness" of the Unified Field, we can experience that essence feeling immediately. This is the meaning of, "Do not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'?

Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" John 4:35.

More on this in the final article in this series.

By: Ananda and John McIntosh

John & Ananda McIntosh are authors and teachers of A Course in Miracles and The Law of Attraction. The couple has ten published books to date related to these subjects and over 40 years of experience applying the principles they teach. To find links to their writings, books and Podcasts go to their web site: or send an email to © copyright 2007 by John & Ananda McIntosh

New Year's Reso-DO-tions

Ok folks, this is the issue you get to DO, not just read. It's holiday time, New Year's is fast approaching, and I'm going to ask you to take something on - something for yourself, that stands to change your life...

Now we've all tried New Year's resolutions - lose weight, look for a new job, be nicer to people, blah-blah, blah-blah, blah-blah. And what generally happens? We keep our resolutions for what, a day, a week - if we're really steadfast, a month?

So instead of any resolution, I'm asking you to choose one thing in an area of life that's most important to you. You want a new job? Great! You want to be involved in a passionate relationship? Exciting! You want to have the body you've been dreaming about? Go for it! (Notice I didn't say anything about losing weight - if this is your focus, the Universe will keep giving you weight to lose.)

Once you've chosen what you want, your next responsibility is to channel all your good feelings toward that area. Using the weight example, keep a picture in your mind of your 'perfect' self - and call up that image as often as possible. Take time to bask in how awesome you FEEL looking this way! (Hint: The key is to generate feelings that it's already happened.)

Then, in order to manifest your desire, you must take the inspired actions of someone who's already achieved your goal. Remember, Law of Attraction isn't magic, it's always about your feelings. So if eating 4000 calories a day doesn't make you feel good about the prospect of having that winning body, do something different - something that makes you feel GREAT. (A healthy salad, anyone?)

Again, here are the steps:

1. Choose what you want

2. Focus all your good feelings toward that result

3. Take inspired actions of someone who's already achieved it

By incorporating this formula, you'll find your results will manifest quicker than you imagined. And what could be sweeter than getting that holiday snowball rolling in your direction?

Until next time...

With love,


Jeffrey T. Brownstein is a Certified Empowerment Coach (CEC), specializing in Law of Attraction, and founder of Lifescaper Coaching LLC. He has Bachelor's degrees in English and Metaphysics, and is also a professional speaker, Certified Energy Healer, Holistic Health Consultant, Landmark Education graduate, and has been a Group Exercise Instructor for 13 years. Jeff resides with his wife Allison in North Carolina, and is working on a book about harnessing the power of Law of Attraction.

Contact information: Lifescaper Coaching LLC, 888-262-6999,

Want to receive more Law of Attraction news and articles? Get LOA to work for YOU. Sign up FREE for 'Lifescapers' now!

It Is Not What We Expect, But What We Are Willing To Accept In Life That Matters

All of us have got dreams we aspire to attain in our lives. These dreams come from people who inspire us. We may dream of making $20,000 a month, owning a luxury-y car and living in a million dollar mansion. At the same time, based on our beliefs, we also have what I call a 'level of acceptance'.

This 'level of acceptance' means that though you may aspire to earn $20,000 a month, you are willing to accept earning $3000 a month.

Although you would love to live in a million dollar house, you are quite willing to settle for a small apartment, Although you would love to be at an ideal weight of 65kg, you are willing to live life at 75kg.

You may set a goal to earn $20,000 but if you are willing to accept earning $3000, then $3000 is what you are going to end up getting. Why? Because the $3000 level of acceptance is what we make a 'must' for ourselves.

We will not allow ourselves to earn below that level of what we believe is our minimum. This is our tolerance level. The moment we think we are going to go below our acceptance level, our mind hits panic mode and we will do whatever it takes to get above that. Again, when we are committed to do whatever it takes, we will get it.

People who make $20,000 a month do so because to them, that is their level of acceptance That is what they believe they are worth. They will not accept anything less. They will never accept $5000 or even $10,000 a month. They will do whatever it takes to get the level they believe they deserve.

You Must Raise your Acceptance Levels.

Unless we raise our acceptance levels, we will never do what is necessary to achieve our goals. So if you want to make more money, you have to raise your standards of what you are willing to accept. You have to raise your standards of what you are willing to accept.

Be very honest with yourself, what is your current level of expectation and level of acceptance in the different areas of your life? Invest the time to reflect and to write down your thoughts.

If you want success to become your reality, make it so that you will never settle for anything less. Raise your level of acceptance to the level of your goals and you can't help but become successful.

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his supercharged success secrets and claim your FREE bonus report 'Supercharge Your Success!' at Success With NLP.

Career Coaching - Get Started in an Interesting Career

How to get started in an interesting and challenging career field.

Career Coaching is an interesting career field. To get started there are some basic requirements that you will need to take. One of the most common steps is getting your qualification diploma. Depending on what school you chose to complete your education, there are a number of different programs to choose from.

There are also different schools and institutes to choose, with each of them offering their own type of career coaching qualification diploma. Each of them will advise you of the proper steps towards getting your qualified. Then you will have the credentials you'll need to market your skills to acquire clients and run a successful business or use the skills in an HR coaching program.

One group, the Association for Coaching in the UK offers the basics such as coaching diplomas, refresher courses, degrees and executive programs like MScs and PhDs. Completion of a qualification diploma from one of these programs will qualify an individual for full or part time positions and right up to executive positions. The professionals at the Association for Coaching will help you get started and stay with you every step of the way, guiding you in the right direction.

Another company, the Coaching Academy in the UK, offers a program where you can earn your qualification diploma and almost guarantees you success if their instructions are followed. Upon completion of the program, you will be given help in setting up a web page, sending out newsletters, advertising on Google, and marketing your services. They know all the correct strategies to get you started in your new career. The program is offered in different areas in UK, so you can choose the location most convenient for you. Career coaching is becoming a very popular career field with a high success rate, so you are encouraged to apply early if you are interested.

Career Coach Institute has a continuing educational program, a free newsletter and a career coaching certification program.

Some of the highlights that the people enrolled in many of these career advancement programs, really enjoyed were the convenience and cost. Many of the programs are online programs where you can learn from the convenience of your own home. With the price of gas and daycare, many individuals find it very difficult to go back to school for any type of education. Studying for your qualification diploma at home saves you money on those unnecessary expenses. Most of the institutes that offer this program also offer you a convenient payment plan.

Getting an education to qualify as a career coach has never been easier. You can almost work at your own pace, get individual assistance from the school's qualified staff, pay in a convenient payment plan and earn your qualification diploma. In no time at all you will be a career coach helping other individuals find the career that is best suited to them and earning a good living in the process.

John Groth is a former HR executive and career coach. Find Career Coaching Ideas, valuable articles and a Free seven day career planning guide. Discover up to date career and recruitment strategies at our Career Coaching Guide all to assist you in advancing and managing your career.

Set Yourself Up for Success

n any venture we undertake, there is always the possibility of failure. This is the nature of the beast, if there wasn't a risk it wouldn't be worth doing. Making no-risk choices rarely results in lasting success.

So how do we avoid failure? Regardless of what we are doing, there are several common pitfalls we must be carful to avoid. If you have the right attitude about these obstacles, you can set yourself up to win and win BIG.

Rejection and Criticism

Who likes to hear no? Who likes to have their decisions, product, writing, etc. criticized? I can't blame you for wanting to avoid it. But the truth of the matter is that you will never avoid rejection and criticism so you need to learn how to handle it.

Basically, you have two choices. You can let it get to you and back off what you are doing. But if you really believed in what you were doing that just makes you a sell out. To be successful, you need to commit to what you are doing and keep chugging ahead. William Swanson, the CEO of Raytheon, says that if you are not criticized you may not be doing much.

Your other choice is to treat rejection as a success. This is classic Tom Hopkins training. His philosophy is that you do not get too attached to individual outcomes and instead focus on the overall results. There is no such thing as success or failure...only results. Both are valid, neither is better than the other and both bring you closer to your goals. That may be hard to swallow at first (every salesman prefers to make a commission over not getting paid), but the logic is that every rejection brings you closer to the closes (sales is a numbers game, you just have to accept a certain percentage of rejection). Additionally, you learn more from the rejection. Every rejection you hear allows you to improve your presentation and overcome future objections.


In my programs, I stress finding a mentor and being coachable. The easiest path to success is to model someone successful. Do what they did, think like they do, and avoid the mistakes they made. In sports terminology, I am talking about running the play the coach calls.

Negativity from Spouse/Family

This is related to rejection and criticism, but it is always more biting when it comes from the people you love. To overcome this, you need to understand the motivation behind it. You family doesn't want you to get hurt, pure and simple. But in order to be 100% certain you will avoid getting hurt, you have to take zero risks. You can't win. Understand the motivation, and you can move forward. They'll all be there for you when you succeed, and they'll have absolutely no recollection of their own opposition.

Work Ethic

I say it over and over and over, and I mean it more each and every time. Winning isn't easy. You have to work hard, and you will have to work through lean times when nothing seems to go right. This will require a work ethic. You need to put in the work, to do what you need to do to get where you want to go. There are no shortcuts, no substitution for hard work.


It may seem like a lot of jerks get ahead, but the reality is that they are the exception rather than the rule. 99% of the time, it is the person of good character who gets ahead. Being dishonest and cheating people is going to catch up with you.

Success is not built on your own. It requires you to work with people on some level. You cannot get away with being a jerk long term if you want to win. Character counts.


Even smart, talented, honest and hardworking people fail. Usually, it is because they failed to set goals. If you do not know where you want to go, you can't possibly get there.

Goals are powerful things. They allow you to evaluate your actions in the light of "does this help me get where I want to go?" If you do not have goals, you cannot ask that question and your efforts will be scattered. You may have a certain degree of success, but it you are selling yourself short. Having a goal and consistently working toward it also signals other people what you want to do. The clarity of direction means they tend to help you. If you don't have goals you are working towards, you will naturally fall in line with those who do. Better to work towards your own success.

Tom Haynes has worked with sales, management, and not-for-profit for companies, helping their staff set goals, increase productivity, exceed expectations, and manage their human resources. He is the owner of, a site dedicated to success, motivation, happiness, entrepreneurship, and wealth. Visit today for a free copy of Napoleon Hill's classic "Think and Grow Rich"

Surviving New Year Resolutions - Using Goal Setting Techniques to Make This the Year

Ok, so it's not quite Christmas yet, but it is getting close to the end of the year. Every year many people make New Year Resolutions. This is going to be the year they lose weight, give up smoking, spend more time with their kids, or whatever else they feel is important. This is all well and good, but how often do we hear of New Year's resolutions flopping? They fail to the point where it's become a running joke in society.

There's no need for that.

As I often say when it comes to goal setting, pick concrete goals. Part of the problem with most New Year resolutions is that they're vague to the point of hopeless. Many people want to "lose weight". Um, ok. If you dig a little bit you'll find that they were happiest when they were 20 or 30 pounds lighter, or their waist was 32", or something similar. Which goal do you think is going to be more likely to be met: "Lose weight", or "I will reduce my waist from 40" to 32". Trust me, it's the second one.

The other problem with New Year resolutions is that they're often grand in scale. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I think you should aim high, but a huge goal can be daunting when you're looking at it from the beginning. Want to lose 50 pounds this year? That's a lot of weight! That means that you'll have to lose, on average, about a pound a week for the WHOLE YEAR. That can be mind-boggling for some people.

What about if you set your year goal for 50 pounds, and then took a step back. We all know that weight loss is usually much more rapid at the beginning of a diet, so let's set some ambitious goals early. How about losing eight pounds in January (doable) and seven in February (also doable). Well, now you're 15 pounds down in only eight weeks. That makes the big goal look a little less scary, doesn't it?

Your homework for the weekend is to come up with three goals for next year, fitness-related or not. Then take a look at each of these three goals and give each a six-month goal, a three-month goal, and a very specific, ambitious, and attainable one-month "jump start" goal. After the New Year I don't want you to worry about your three, six, or twelve-month goals. Just focusing on hitting that attainable one-month goal. After you do that, then you can reevaluate towards your other goals with some real confidence behind you!

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Isaac Wilkins, M.Ed, CSCS, NSCA-CPT
Training athletes and driven individuals in Charleston, SC and beyond. Get strong, get fast, become the new you.

The Archetic Orchestra - God, Your Spirit, And Your Soul

When you receive the Seal you are made just like the earth was created into a big garden. And when man was created God said that man would be archetic, or the princely leader of all the life on earth.

On the second day God created the earth He separated the seas from the dry land. That was the day He planted the great garden in you so that now you are able to bear much fruit.

On the third day God created the sun and moon, the greater and lesser lights, to rule the day and night, along with the stars. Now the fourth day has arrived, when God will bring forth all the living creatures of the seas and Heavens.

And that is what God said. "Let the waters bring forth creatures with living souls," God said, "and flying winged creatures upon the earth below the Heavens!" And those creatures appeared.

When you are sealed you are a little earth and ecosystem as that garden. Your duty is to bear fruit, but you become host to much other life of the garden spiritually as well.

When God commands that the waters bring forth living creatures, that is when the Holy Spirit within you produces those living souls, for the Holy Spirit within you is the seas of the earth you have become.

And when God commands that those flying winged creatures appear above the earth, that is when your own Spirit (along with the help of the Holy Spirit) brings forth living souls of its own, for your Spirit is the air of the earth.

So the fourth day is a day of bringing forth spiritual Life, from the Holy Spirit who lives in your belly when you become sealed, and also from your own Spirit which is sanctified by God.

God also gave a blessing to the creatures of the seas and of the air. "Grow and multiply," God said, "and fill the waters in the seas. And let the winged creatures be multiplied upon the earth." And now comes the fifth day.

The fifth day is when the earth brings forth every living creature to live upon the dry lands instead of in the seas only or in the air only. God does this again with your help--this time with the help of your soul.

Your soul is what is sealed. That is your mind, where you are impressed with God's mark. And your soul is where you become that great garden, the mark upon you a little plot of ground ready to be sown with seed.

So your soul with the help of God the Father brings out much fauna life as well as the flora which has become your purpose. And this is when God created archetic man, that most important part of the fifth day.

"Let us make man according to our Image," said God, "and according to likeness." And then God commanded that man become archetic, the prince over all the other living creatures of the seas, the air, and the land.

When you are sealed you become the archetic prince over all the Life of your garden, made in God's Image, just as God is Lord and Leader over you. After all, you helped God give life to those creatures and you host their lives.

So you become the archetic prince over your own garden and you come to be able to produce even people as well as other life. God gives you all this and more when you receive the Seal.

And now Jason invites you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian?
And donate to get the ebook Seal of the Soul.

Jason Witt

Top Tip To Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Though stress is an inevitable part of daily life, stressed out does not have to be. We all need an outlet for stress. If we can't vent out our emotions in a healthy way, we may completely deplete ourselves by turning all that negative energy inward. There are lots of ways to do it. Here is a tip you may wish to consider to adopt to relieve your stress, enhance your vitality and energy sooner than you can imagine.

There are many natural supplements that can reduce anxiety and boost your spirits, which are all sold over the counter at health food stores and pharmacies. If the simple solutions do not work for you, you may want to try Kava, a wonderful, soothing supplement that is particularly good for people who are under a great deal of stress. If you are feeling stressed out or anxious, it is recommended that you include the following supplement in your daily plan for at least ten weeks, if not longer.

For thousands of years the herd kava has been used in the South Seas as a mood enhancer and treatment for anxiety. Today, kava is growing in popularity in the West, and kava teas and capsules are sold in health food stores and pharmacies. It contains biologically active compounds called kavalactones that have been shown to be effective against stress, anxiety, and muscle tension. Unlike tranquilizers, it will not leave you feeling groggy or drugged; instead, it promotes a feeling of tranquillity and well-being. Even better, kava is non-addictive.

The kavalactones in kava have a profoundly positive effect on the region of the brain that controls emotion. There have been more than eight hundred studies of the benefits of kava as an anti-anxiety agent in Europe, and most of them have verified that it works as well as, if not better than, many prescription anti-anxiety drugs.

Kava is also an important part of social life of South Sea residents. The kava ceremony, which involves drinking a strong drink, is reserved for honoured guests. Dignitaries who have visited the South Seas from Pope John Paul II to Hillary Clinton have participated in the kava ceremony. What a nice way to relax your guests and make them feel at home!

If you feel anxious and stressed out, it is recommended that you take 60 milligrams of it daily. Like many other herbs, it has a cumulative effect, which means that it will take about four weeks to notice an improvement in anxiety. You should feel better long before you have completed your own health routine, and if kava works well for you, you may want to continue on it for as long as you need it. If you are currently taking a prescription drug for anxiety, work with your doctor to wean yourself off it slowly and to start to drink it.

Raymond Lee Geok Seng is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is a writer specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He has spent countless of time and efforts conducting research and share his insightful and powerful secrets to benefit men and women all over the world. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts."

Visit for more information.

5 Ways To Develop The Leader In You

Someone once wrote, "You are today actually better than yesterday and the days before because you are today's sum of what you have learned from all your yesterdays combined."

Who you are today then is a result of all that you have been through, all your experiences and opportunities that you have leveraged on. Opportunities are mere possibilities that offer the prospect of some result or outcome, if you take advantage of them.

Such is true with leadership. Leaders are made and not born; and becoming a leader is an unending process that you'll undergo by first grabbing opportunities and not letting them pass you by.

In developing yourself as a leader, you cannot simply tell yourself, "I want to develop my leadership abilities" and leave it at that, as that would simply be lip service, and you will find that you are the same person, no better at leading than the day you told yourself that. In order to develop the leader in you, you have to take action. In order to take action, you need to find opportunities, and put yourself in situations that will mold you into the leader you want to be.

Here are 5 simple ways to do that.


Other people will not notice your potential if are quiet as a fixture in a room like a coat hanger. Take a chance and raise your hand. Jump at every opportunity or activity to show off your skills; to show what you can do well. Get involved in activities.

Be Proactive

Don't wait to be told. If you see a chance for you to put your skill or talent to good use, don't wait for an invitation. Jump right in, people appreciate a person who does not need to be told what to do.

Position Yourself.

In selecting what to volunteer for, you should evaluate these not simply on pros and cons but how it shall serve your goal of developing your leadership abilities. Make a list of potential gains from the experience you plan to volunteer for and go for the roles that will serve as stepping stones towards more opportunities that offer more responsibilities in the future. Positions that offer no opportunities for advancement or with minimal springboard value will just delay you. Grab opportunities that will expand your role and expose you to more challenging tasks.

Build Relationships.

Leadership is all about relationships. You cannot learn to be a good leader, neither will you come across opportunities if you do not build relationships. You have to go out, meet people, and seek out those you can learn from.

Create your own opportunities.

They never really come knocking, as one old adage goes. You have to pursue them, or create them. You have to go to where the action is and see what you can do. Opportunities do not come to you as you daydream about them in the comforts of your bedroom, you have to seek them out. If you get the right kind of exposure, enjoy a measure of success and create a buzz, people will take notice and this will further translate into more opportunities in the future.

By exposing yourself to opportunities, you increase your chances of learning new things. This is essentially what leadership development is about, an admission that regardless of what you have been through and learned, there is much more to learn and there is always room for improvement, especially in leadership development.

Roy Sencio is a Certified National Trainer (CNT) accredited by Junior Chamber International (JCI), A Worldwide Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs. Find out more about leadership development at the Leadership Training Blog, or visit

How Coaching Changes Lives

The world has become very competitive and all of us are striving day and night to achieve our goals in our personal lives as well as our professional lives. We have to remember that if we are not able to keep pace with the world's progress we will soon be left far behind. Hence receiving training and support from a life coach can prove to be extremely beneficial for us as we learn to get what we want with the least time and effort without making and repeating any mistakes.

Today a life coach and help you change your life and make it worth living positively. You can hire a personal coach or you can also work with life coaches online through the internet via email, chat and teleconference. Regular coaching can change your life completely as you will be able to identify your desires and will also learn the techniques and methods to fulfill those desires. A life coach can help you get positive results not only in your professional life but your personal and social life as well. You can use the techniques that you have learnt during your training to find out what your goals really are, define the values and then achieve the success that you desire. So whether you want to move up the corporate ladder or maintain relationships with your friends, coaching can help you with everything and much much more.

Remember that many people have a desire to do something and their lack of direction leaves them clueless. This is where life coaching can be introduced to play the most important role in finding a direction to make someone achieve what he desires. Hence we see that life coaching proves to be a very powerful and professional type of coaching that is always effective. If you apply in real life what you have learnt from life coaching you will definitely see how fast your life has changed. You will be able to discover your worth in terms of how much you can achieve in every area of your life, especially if you do your work with honesty and persistence.

Life coaching is not only theory that you learn from the books. Life coaching is something that you implement in your real life every single day. Coaching helps you focus on your objectives and it makes you understand how you have achieved the positive results through your hard work. Coaching helps you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Today the services of a life coach can be hired by anyone, whether an individual or an organization. The best part of life coaching is that it can be applied to any aspect of your life, be it education, career, personality development, communication, maintaining health, maintaining finance and even spirituality. Life coaching can help us in every aspect of our lives and it can make all the difference by moving to a great life from a good life. You can depend on your coach to be at your service any time you require.

Written by Gerard O'Donovan
Founder of Noble Manhattan coaching Ltd
CEO of the European coaching Institute
Europe's leading executive coach

Quit Alcohol Addiction

By Shanat Kuphur

The reason that many people tend to get addicted to alcohol is varied. Some people drink to enjoy their life and others drink when they have nothing to do, when at a party and others drink in their mournful days. Alcohol addiction can also be a consequence of the environment a person has grown up in. others may simply start to get a taste of varied alcohol flavors and different kinds of alcohols that the manufacturers dish out.

Alcohol addiction is a common sight in today's generation. Especially in the youth, none of the parties are said to be complete without the involvement of alcohol. Alcohol is stated as one of the top causes of death and ailment in the list of addictions. It can cause many conditions that can get the better of your health even before you realize it.

After consuming alcohol it's your liver that is targeted in the long run. This in turn guarantees that you start having problems with your internal body parts. It has been proved with recent studies that a person that tends to get addicted to alcohol reduces his own life expectancy by a minimum of ten years. People that are addicted to alcohol can be involved with a number of crimes such as murders, felony, and rape.

In such a situation a person might not have the intention of doing such an awful crime but excessive alcohol consumption takes over an alcoholics better senses. Not only do you ruin your health but also in the bargain, this will land you in a problem where you will find yourself behind bars under rigorous punishment.

People that are addicted to alcohol are described as alcoholics. Many people have attempted to try to stop this bad habit of theirs but are simply unable to. How to stop drinking alcohol? What exactly has to be done in this regard? Firstly a strong will is to be developed in order to get rid of alcohol. This is the time a person's will power can be put to an ultimate test and for this you should be ready to overcome all obstacles that come your way.

You can visit a rehabilitation center that can help you. Rehabilitation centers are well known for their success to help people deal with different kinds of addictions. Alcohol addiction is a problem that many have encountered and overcome. With the help of friends, family and, of course your own willingness, you can leave your past behind. Now that you are aware of how to stop drinking alcohol you should not find it difficult to put a stop to your dreadful habit.

One very effective way to control drinking is by using a process called Hypnotherapy. The use of Hypnosis in therapy became very popular towards the end of the last century, used by many in the western world to help them to stop smoking. Since then the practice has come a long way and there are many clinics the world over that can help sufferers of alcohol addiction with Hypnotherapy. Many people also wish to get this help in the comfort and security of their own home. If this is the case for you then you may wish to consider using an hypnosis download for alcohol addiction. This way you get the results that you want in the comfort of your own home and in your own time.

For more on alcohol addiction and how to stop drinking alcohol clink on the link...

Wealth And Riches Which Never Lose Their Value

Wealth and riches which never lose their value and which can never be stolen are offered to all who wish to receive them.

Have you ever wanted to be truly blessed, and your life enriched abundantly?

Many people seek this but do not know where to find such wealth.

God shows us how we can be blessed, and He indicates the path of blessing, and for blessing. Of course, He also warns us what will happen if we ignore His ways.

There is a very real blessing to be received and enjoyed when a man takes his counsel from men of God.

Blessed is the person who comes to God, and God's Word, and to God's men, for advice, and help in time of trouble and need.

If we take the wrong counsel and advice, we will find ourselves hanging around in the company of those who do not know Jesus or keep His Word, and that will do us no good.

Blessed is the man who can say "NO" positively. No, I am not doing that. No, I am not going there. No, I will not be with you.

Do you know what gradually happens?

We have the picture of a man walking with the ungodly, and a series of steps leads him to make certain commitments.

This man stands in this company, and before he knows it, he is sitting alongside them, agreeing with them, and perhaps beginning to scoff and mock at the things of God.

There does not appear to be any room for compromise here. Sin grows.

When we move into sinner's company, we begin to think like them, speak like them, and act like them.

Yes, we have to work alongside all kinds of people in the world, but our fellowship is in Christ, and with those who are in Christ.

It takes courage to say "Yes" and it also takes courage to say "No", and it is important to speak the right word at the right time.

All this can be found in the opening Psalm. Do take time to read these few sentences. Let them sink in. Let them be a channel through which the enriching blessings of God can flow.

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.

His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.

Sandy Shaw


Get Ready To Set Goals in January

By Wendy Hearn

December is generally a hectic time for most of us and before we know it January is upon us. As you welcome in the New Year, your thoughts may turn to the goals you're going to set yourself for the year. Spending time thinking about and writing down your goals will get your New Year off to a flying start. But stop! Before you think about what you want to achieve next year, I encourage you first to review the past year. Take a look at what you've achieved this year to give yourself a firm basis, inspiration and a feeling of success to think about your goals for the next year. Taking stock and reviewing the past year is often forgotten and yet is an essential step to being successful. In the quest to achieve more, we often forget how far we've come. This continuous driving forward can leave us feeling that there's something missing in our success.

December is a great time to reflect on your achievements during the past year, both personally and professionally. The year is drawing to a close and now is the time to tidy up loose ends, consolidate things and be ready for the New Year, and some new exciting goals. Before you jump

ahead to the New Year, I really encourage you to take some time and write down the achievements you've made during this past year. Include all your achievements even if they appear small. They all count! In your mind take yourself back to January 1st and ask yourself,

• How far have I come this year?
• What have I achieved?
• What have I improved about myself?
• What problems and challenges have I overcome?
• In what way have I grown personally?

Remember to include achievements that relate to you as a person. Perhaps you've become more relaxed or more focused. The feeling of success, which derives from reviewing the past year's achievements, can be a wonderful inspiration for what you can strive for during the next year.

As you review your past year for achievements you'll probably find that the things you didn't achieve also pop into your mind. This isn't the time to beat yourself up or to think you 'should' have done more. This is a time for reflection and acknowledgment of your achievements. The things you didn't achieve can be reviewed when you're choosing your goals for the next year. Take this time now to appreciate and connect with your achievements.

I invite you to reflect on and acknowledge your achievements for this year, and harness this feeling of success to be ready to set your goals in January.

Wendy works with business owners to be more effective and successful, achieving a more profitable business in less time. Click through to her site and read more of Wendy's articles and about how business coaching can take your business to the next level.

Discover How to Learn From Mistakes and Develop Growth in Success

By Rauf Mohamed Yusope

When one goes through the process of making mistakes, it can be a painful and difficult experiences. In life itself, the response of an individual through making such mistakes can play a huge determinant factor of the individual growth for the future. How does one respond from making mistakes and develop growth to success?

Firstly, the important lesson in responding to them is the individual must take ownership and be held responsible for his actions. Here, he must not stop blaming others for his mistakes. He must be accountable for his mistakes. A sense of responsibility will enable the individual to grow better through such experiences.

Secondly, in going through learning process from making mistakes, one should highly emphasize on how he can grow from such experiences. He should focus on the valuable lessons that he can learn from making the mistakes. Making mistakes can be a challenging and difficult period. In times like this, he should focus on the solutions, emphasize that he will push through and grow well as a person from the difficult period and experiences.

Thirdly, in making mistakes, there are great chances of such individuals being criticized and embarrassed by others. It might not be the most pleasant experience for them. However, one needs to understand that overcoming challenges through facing such criticisms is a wonderful opportunity for the individuals to grow from such experiences. It can be observed in the society that successful figures went through criticisms, overcome it and became successful. Through overcoming such mistakes and challenges, success will be a wonderful and meaningful experience for the individuals. One method to overcome such challenge is one should listen to themselves when making mistakes. Instead of responding to others' criticisms negatively, he should instead focus on rising to the challenges and tell himself that his response will ultimately play a huge role in him growing as person in the future.

Fourthly, it is another great opportunity to develop ones' great integrity and leadership values. As a leader making mistakes, he should focus on developing great integrity in the eyes of his team by facing such challenges with great responsibility. Chances are a leader with great integrity will earn huge respect from the team.

Lastly, in responding and developing growth to success, the individuals must instill a continual learning spirit in themselves. They should focus on continually developing themselves and look forward to great learning experiences in the future.

Making mistakes can be a huge part in developing ones success growth. What matters here is how the individuals respond and learn from mistakes to grow well.

Visit Blog for educational tools on areas such as home based business, entrepreneurship, financial education, internet marketing, internet development and personal development for success.

Being Shy Affects Your Self-Esteem - Are You Shy?

By Bobby Jonnes

Are you afraid to take a risk? Perhaps you always anticipate the worst and fearing the outcome; you avoid the pain by avoiding the situation altogether. It could be simply fear of the unknown. Sometimes a single bad experience can grow into a habit as you continue to choose to flee or avoid any situation in which you feel uncertain.

Shyness affects your self-esteem.

Many doctors who work with shy people describe them as being self-centered, more preoccupied with what kind of impression they're making to care about anyone but himself or herself. They are so worried about what others will think of them that they are incapable of concern about the welfare of others.

Those plagued by shyness may be seen as less than friendly by others, maybe a bit standoffish, even cold in some circumstances. It's evident that compared to other people, they are not as assertive, due to their quiet nature in some settings. On the whole, they are certainly not viewed as negatively as they might fear. Because they are shy, they are definitely more sensitive to negative feedback than the average person is. They probably even see themselves in a more negative than positive light.

Because of this worry, their thoughts and strengths are limited to a very small circle of people; they are in fact only limited by their own thoughts and emotions. They constantly think that others are slighting them, insulting them, or attacking them in some way.

The shy person can actually handicap themselves with negative thoughts and wind up using their shyness as a crutch and an excuse for not pursuing more social occasions, "I can't handle these kinds of situations because I'm so shy." Of course the more they tell themselves things like this, the harder it becomes to socialize, make friends, and establish relationships, both personal and professional. It becomes a self-defeating behavior.

This kind of self-defeating behavior leads to more and more avoidance of any or all social encounters, until they become frozen in fear and completely unable to function in normal social circumstances. They quite literally lose hope in their own ability to function normally in these circumstances, so they quit trying.

Today's modern technology is aiding and abetting many shy people. Thanks to this technology, there is sometimes no need to interact with other humans at all. Everything from bank ATMs to sending text messages on cell phones enables the shy person to avoid interaction with anything but machines. It's less intimidating to send an email than it is to pick up a telephone and speak to a live person. More and more nowadays, it's unnecessary to deal directly with other people. An example of this avoidance is a movie entitled, "The Net," where a young woman deals with others via only her computer; she even orders a pizza and pays for it over the internet.

The fact that you're reading this article means that either you're shy yourself, or you know someone who is shy and you want to help them. It's important to remember that being shy is not the real you; you're so much more than just shy. You are sensitive, caring, and compassionate; so don't allow yourself to be labeled merely shy. Shyness may be limiting your personal freedom, peace of mind, and the ability to express yourself, but is only a part of who you really are.

Do you want to learn more about how I teach people to cure shyness? I have written a comprehensive guide on shyness.

Download a Report on Shyness here Shyness

Bobby is a psychologist and author.

The Archetic Orchestra - God, Your Spirit, And Your Soul

When you receive the Seal you are made just like the earth was created into a big garden. And when man was created God said that man would be archetic, or the princely leader of all the life on earth.

On the second day God created the earth He separated the seas from the dry land. That was the day He planted the great garden in you so that now you are able to bear much fruit.

On the third day God created the sun and moon, the greater and lesser lights, to rule the day and night, along with the stars. Now the fourth day has arrived, when God will bring forth all the living creatures of the seas and Heavens.

And that is what God said. "Let the waters bring forth creatures with living souls," God said, "and flying winged creatures upon the earth below the Heavens!" And those creatures appeared.

When you are sealed you are a little earth and ecosystem as that garden. Your duty is to bear fruit, but you become host to much other life of the garden spiritually as well.

When God commands that the waters bring forth living creatures, that is when the Holy Spirit within you produces those living souls, for the Holy Spirit within you is the seas of the earth you have become.

And when God commands that those flying winged creatures appear above the earth, that is when your own Spirit (along with the help of the Holy Spirit) brings forth living souls of its own, for your Spirit is the air of the earth.

So the fourth day is a day of bringing forth spiritual Life, from the Holy Spirit who lives in your belly when you become sealed, and also from your own Spirit which is sanctified by God.

God also gave a blessing to the creatures of the seas and of the air. "Grow and multiply," God said, "and fill the waters in the seas. And let the winged creatures be multiplied upon the earth." And now comes the fifth day.

The fifth day is when the earth brings forth every living creature to live upon the dry lands instead of in the seas only or in the air only. God does this again with your help--this time with the help of your soul.

Your soul is what is sealed. That is your mind, where you are impressed with God's mark. And your soul is where you become that great garden, the mark upon you a little plot of ground ready to be sown with seed.

So your soul with the help of God the Father brings out much fauna life as well as the flora which has become your purpose. And this is when God created archetic man, that most important part of the fifth day.

"Let us make man according to our Image," said God, "and according to likeness." And then God commanded that man become archetic, the prince over all the other living creatures of the seas, the air, and the land.

When you are sealed you become the archetic prince over all the Life of your garden, made in God's Image, just as God is Lord and Leader over you. After all, you helped God give life to those creatures and you host their lives.

So you become the archetic prince over your own garden and you come to be able to produce even people as well as other life. God gives you all this and more when you receive the Seal.

And now Jason invites you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian?
And donate to get the ebook Seal of the Soul.

Jason Witt


The Archetic Orchestra - God, Your Spirit, And Your Soul

When you receive the Seal you are made just like the earth was created into a big garden. And when man was created God said that man would be archetic, or the princely leader of all the life on earth.

On the second day God created the earth He separated the seas from the dry land. That was the day He planted the great garden in you so that now you are able to bear much fruit.

On the third day God created the sun and moon, the greater and lesser lights, to rule the day and night, along with the stars. Now the fourth day has arrived, when God will bring forth all the living creatures of the seas and Heavens.

And that is what God said. "Let the waters bring forth creatures with living souls," God said, "and flying winged creatures upon the earth below the Heavens!" And those creatures appeared.

When you are sealed you are a little earth and ecosystem as that garden. Your duty is to bear fruit, but you become host to much other life of the garden spiritually as well.

When God commands that the waters bring forth living creatures, that is when the Holy Spirit within you produces those living souls, for the Holy Spirit within you is the seas of the earth you have become.

And when God commands that those flying winged creatures appear above the earth, that is when your own Spirit (along with the help of the Holy Spirit) brings forth living souls of its own, for your Spirit is the air of the earth.

So the fourth day is a day of bringing forth spiritual Life, from the Holy Spirit who lives in your belly when you become sealed, and also from your own Spirit which is sanctified by God.

God also gave a blessing to the creatures of the seas and of the air. "Grow and multiply," God said, "and fill the waters in the seas. And let the winged creatures be multiplied upon the earth." And now comes the fifth day.

The fifth day is when the earth brings forth every living creature to live upon the dry lands instead of in the seas only or in the air only. God does this again with your help--this time with the help of your soul.

Your soul is what is sealed. That is your mind, where you are impressed with God's mark. And your soul is where you become that great garden, the mark upon you a little plot of ground ready to be sown with seed.

So your soul with the help of God the Father brings out much fauna life as well as the flora which has become your purpose. And this is when God created archetic man, that most important part of the fifth day.

"Let us make man according to our Image," said God, "and according to likeness." And then God commanded that man become archetic, the prince over all the other living creatures of the seas, the air, and the land.

When you are sealed you become the archetic prince over all the Life of your garden, made in God's Image, just as God is Lord and Leader over you. After all, you helped God give life to those creatures and you host their lives.

So you become the archetic prince over your own garden and you come to be able to produce even people as well as other life. God gives you all this and more when you receive the Seal.

And now Jason invites you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian?
And donate to get the ebook Seal of the Soul.

Jason Witt

Does 30 Days Of Action Create New Habits?

Just because you will yourself to perform an action for 30 days, does not mean that you have created a habit. By definition, a habit is what guides your actions when you are not acting consciously, and therefore habits are domain of your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious is the collective programming that is an end result (the judgment) of all you have ever heard, said, felt, and experienced, and as such it is a very powerful force to try to overcome. In fact most people live life so unconsciously that who they are from day to day is more a product of habit, than of their conscious mind. So when attempting to create new habits, if your subconscious believes there is no value to that new action, or that the rewards of not doing it are greater than doing it, when you stop being actively conscious, you will revert to your long established patterns of behavior.

Example: We all know that eating a healthy diet is good for you, but if your body has become habituated to filling your emotional needs through the changes in biochemistry caused by a high fat, high sugar diet, over the course of several decades, your subconscious mind will learn to cling to the rewards of high fat, sugary treats, rather than the discipline of eating well. Dieting is so hard, because you are fighting a battle against your habituated beliefs as well as your body chemistry.

The reason why most New Year's Resolutions fail is that people are so focused on the outcome that they fail to think about why they aren't already there. Doing is important, but until you examine your beliefs and habits, you will keep stumbling before the finish line.

How did you let yourself get 100 pounds overweight? It didn't happen overnight. How did you allow yourself to get months behind in your work? You must identify the habits that support what you do not want, if you want to progress consistently towards what you want.

The greatest challenge of our age is that we have all been taught to look externally for solutions to internal problems. What you experience outside of yourself is just a reflection of what is inside of yourself. The problem is not that it is hard to work without reading your emails, rather that some part of you values reading your emails (or doing anything or nothing) over doing your job. You can make yourself not read emails, but the habit will remain dormant within you until you either confront the source of your compulsion, or you attach a different value to the task that you habitually avoid. Until you develop a stronger motivation to get things done, odds are you are only putting a band aid on your issue instead of resolving it.

Therefore, when people pursue 30 days of action to make a change, it isn't just the action you take that matters, but more importantly what you believe, think, and feel while committing that action that will determine whether you are creating a habit, or if you are just overriding the subconscious through an exercise in will power.

Mario Wells is a motivational coach/speaker/writer whose life purpose is to encourage people to overcome the fears that limit them so that they can begin living the life they were born to lead. He is currently working on his first book and anticipates its completion by April 2008. Visit for coaching challenges, inspirational quotes, motivational movies, and articles that will help to encourage you to begin living the life of your dreams. Your dream is waiting for you. What are you waiting for?

Doing What You Love Will Lead You To Success!

Some people they think that success is something very exclusive and elusive, they think that being able to start a business is not easy, being able to become a millionaire is difficult.

So how does one reach his way towards the top and become successful?

Everybody wants to go after success but the funny thing is that if you ask the following question to many people, if you ask them "What is success to you?" They will stare you blankly in the face and they say, "I don't know".

I don't know about you but there are many people, they want success but they don't quite strive for it.

If I were to ask you this question, what do you really love to do? What are you interested in? And if you say computer games, that's fine.

If you say, playing golf, that's fine.

Here's my take on the above answers, if you could do that for the rest of your life, would you be motivated?

The answer would be a definite yes. And I am sure that you would give it your hundred percent and thus be successful in what you do.

As far as doing the things that you love, there are some people who say, "Hey, I want to do something that I love but it's not going to get me that kind of income.

Let's say someone loves drawing cartoons. They will have this big question in their head, "Is drawing cartoons really going to lead me to success?

Here' my answer this, "Anything that you love to do can lead you to a lot of wealth and success provided you know the way to market It"

For example, if you love lizards, if you got a fetish and passion for lizards, can you become a millionaire? Of course you can.

You know why? In the entire world of, 3 to 4 billion people, there are people who love lizards and would like to know more about lizards. Knowledge like how to feed lizards, and how to take care of them.

Here's another example, if you love Star Wars, do you think there are millions of people out there who would love Star Wars?. If you can come out with a realistic looking light-saber, or you can compile the best quotes said by Yoda, there could be a market for that.

So, you must have the marketing savvy to bring your knowledge and then your love, to that market.

The trouble with most people is that they though they have a talent for something, they do not know how to market. So I'll say that the key to be able to succeed in anything, is that you must learn how to market, you must learn how to sell and also how to manage your finances.

And when your passion of whatever you do then comes in naturally, that will make you very successful in whatever you do.

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his million dollar secrets and claim your FREE bonus CD '6 Ways To Achieve Anything In Life' at Paving The Way To The Top.

Change Your Career - A Practical Approach!

Here's a practical approach to making a move to another career. Most people have different ideas on how to shift to another career field. Finding and analyzing your strongest skill sets and personal interests that can be applied to the workplace is the most practical way to start.

For those who need to know how to switch career fields a personality or an aptitude test could help identify areas of interest, knowledge and overall skill levels. Looking toward your outside interests and passions can be an excellent road map directing you toward the correct employment field.

Once identified and if viewed with a degree of enthusiasm you can begin to focus your research, training and job hunting toward the new employment goal. A career advisor is another avenue to consider when thinking of the steps to take in switching career fields.

The career advisor will have information at their finger tips that relate the particular job and the companies that employ individuals who work in the career. There is no need to remain in a career path that does not satisfy you, when training can outfit you with additional skills needed for a shift in careers.

Learning how to move to a different field, for example, from laboring to teaching or from nursing to computer technology is a skill in itself. Finding the correct training, learning the new skills and discovering how to write a resume that will impress prospective employers will stand you in good stead.

There are websites and online services that will help you learn how to switch career fields. First, you must be prepared to alter your way of thinking. If you once considered yourself as a sedentary worker, you might look toward a career that involves activity that is more physical. You will need to become fitter and learn physical skills that are more demanding.

For the laborer who sees their health or age as a burden, finding skills that do not demand heavy lifting or stressful physical labor could lead to a successful career change that involves teaching or computer skills. Retail skills might already be part of the laborer's ability. Being able to communicate, knowing their trade and tools and equipment well can give the laborer an advantage when they look toward a retail career change. They will probably have many skills needed, already in place without needing to undertake extra training.

For those who look to finding promotion and advancement through a career change they need to know how to switch career fields through training and education. A more intellectual career change might mean advancement and higher wages but you could find there is an element of stress involved in the work itself, as well as the trauma of changing your career.

You should take time to discover the best way to find the right job for your interests and skills to your overall long term benefit. With a high level of interest and applying your previous skills in your new career area satisfaction and promotion should follow.

John Groth is a former HR executive and career coach. Find Career Planning Ideas ,valuable articles and a Free seven day career planning guide at our web site. Discover up to date career and recruitment strategies at our Employment Ideas Site all to assist you in advancing and managing your career.

How A Decision Can Save Your Life

Mr. Galen Litchfield, the manager of Asia Life Insurance, was in Shanghai when Japanese troops invaded. This was in 1942, after the invasion of Pearl Harbor.

A Japanese Admiral was sent to liquidate the company's assets. Litchfield was ordered to assist in this liquidation. He didn't have any choice. He could either cooperate or face the grim consequences of certain death.

He was ordered to compile a list of the company's assets—but there was one block of securities worth $750,000, which he left off the list because they belonged to the Hong Kong organization and were not part of the Shanghai assets.

Still, he feared the Admiral's wrath should the omission be discovered.

And it was discovered—soon afterward.

Litchfield wasn't in the office when the discovery was made; only the head accountant.

Litchfield received the chilling new on a Sunday afternoon. The accountant told him that the Admiral had flown into a terrible rage. He had stomped and cursed and branded Litchfield a thief, traitor, and scoundrel.

Litchfield knew the consequences of defying the Japanese Army. They were grim. He would be fling into the Bridgehouse! The name alone filled people with fear. It was a torture chamber. Litchfield had personal friends who had committed suicide rather than be taken to the Bridgehouse. Other friends had died in the Bridgehouse after only ten days. Now it seemed Litchfield himself was destined for the chamber of horror.

Litchfield went to the typewriter in his room in the Y.M.C.A. He wrote out two questions. The first: What am I worrying about? The second: What can I do about it? He had used this technique for years whenever he had a problem. Now, the answers might save his life. Writing down the answers to these questions clarified his thinking.

He wrote that the problem was that he was afraid that he might be thrown in the Bridgehouse.

"What," he asked himself, "would he do about it?"

He spent hours answering the second question. He came up with four possible courses of action and weighed each one.

One, he could try to speak to the Japanese Admiral. But the Admiral spoke no English. He could use the interpreter, but this might only irritate the Admiral, for he was an irrational and cruel man who would rather let the sadists in the Bridgehouse deal with interrogations.

Two, he could try to escape. But his chances were slim. The Japanese kept track of him all the time. He had to check in and out of his room at the Y.M.C.A. If he did get caught trying to escape, he would be shot.

Three, he could stay in his room and never go near the office again. But, if he did, the Admiral would become suspicious. Soldiers would be sent to get him and they would throw him into the Bridgehouse.

Four, he could go down to the office on Monday morning as usual, pretending that nothing was wrong. Perhaps, the Admiral would have cooled off by then. Perhaps, he would be too busy to remember. Or, perhaps, the Admiral would give him a chance to explain why he made the omission in the list.

After long deliberation, the fourth option appeared favorable. It offered him the best chance of survival.

As soon as he had made the decision and made a commitment to follow it, a wave of relief swept over him. Exhausted, he went to bed and slept well.

When he entered the office on Monday, the Admiral was there, smoking a cigarette. He glared at Litchfield but said nothing. Six weeks passed, and still the Admiral did nothing to bring up the topic. Then—the Admiral was sent back to Tokyo.

The Success Principle

Make a decision and act on it. It could even save your life.

The Principle At Work

Galen Litchfield's experience illustrates the importance of arriving at a decision. He was caught in a no-win situation. Any decision could have been the wrong one. There was no way for him to resolve this dilemma. However, not making a decision is also a decision. It is choosing to act impulsively, and not rationally. There are also consequences to this.

Resource Box

Saleem Rana got his Masters degree in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life

Copyright 2004 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.


Self-Respect - Six Examples of How Learning to Respect Yourself Attracts Respect From Others

Too many people expect to be respected by others when they don't act respectfully themselves. Once you learn to respect yourself, you will attract respect from others. Here are some guidelines for learning self-respect.

"I want him to respect me."

"If people respect me, I'll respect them."

"My kids should respect me (it doesn't matter how I treat them)."

If you don't respect yourself, you'll never respect others.

Self-Respecting People

1. Think about how their behavior affects the people around them

2. Consider what they say before blurting out hurtful words

3. Understand the Golden Rule according to Eugene Brown, LPC (my former supervisor and mentor): Do unto others as they need to be done unto

4. Seek first to understand, then to be understood (Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People)

5. Take responsibility for their behavior

6. Let go of the need to hold grudges

Let's look at these six ideas about self-respect:

1. Think about how their behavior effects the people around them

Self-respecting people realize that they don't live in a vacuum; their behavior affects others. They think about what they do and ask themselves, "How will my doing ________ affect the people I care about/my coworkers/others I come in contact with?" They weigh the consequences carefully before acting.

2. Consider what they say before blurting out hurtful words

When self-respecting people engage in disagreements with others, they act diplomatically. Yes, they experience anger just like the rest of us, but they choose their responses instead of allowing a knee-jerk reaction to determine what happens next. They realize that hurtful words won't help their partner understand what is wrong and will harm the relationship.

3. Understand the Golden Rule according to Eugene Brown, LPC (my former supervisor and mentor): Do unto others as they need to be done unto

This ties into understanding that their behavior impacts others. They realize that just because they would like something done a certain way, that others may not agree. They take the time to learn how others need to be treated, rather than just using a "one size fits all" approach.

4. Seek first to understand, then to be understood (Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People)

Self-respecting people understand the value of active listening. They know that if people feel understood, then they are more likely to be willing to listen to another person's point of view. Self-respecting people do not try to push their views on others to be understood first. They are willing to work to earn the other person's respect and trust.

5. Take responsibility for their behavior

This means they are willing to admit when they are wrong. They feel comfortable with themselves and don't feel threatened if they make a mistake. Their ego isn't tied up in always needing to be right. This also means that the self-respecting person lets others be responsible for their behavior, letting go of the need to control them or change them.

6. Let go of the need to hold grudges

Self-respecting people realize that when they hold a grudge, they keep themselves locked into anger and resentment. They know they will keep growing as a person when they allow others to be responsible for their behavior instead of holding a grudge to try to make others change.

For more tips and tools for attracting love and prosperity into your life, visit For weekly tips and tools sign up for Michelle's free newsletter, Relationship Success, while you're there. You can also visit and Michelle E. Vasquez is a Relationship Coach in San Antonio, Texas. She specializes in helping people attract the life they want and create the relationships that bring them joy. She is available for in office and phone coaching for individuals and couples who want to create more joy in their relationships.


The Obvious Truth - Revelation

By Christina Sponias

Many people told me I'm giving too much valuable information entirely free of charge; others told me that I'm helping people through several sites only because I want to sell my ebooks...

Some people attack me, while other people admire me and show me how grateful they are for what I am teaching them.

I think we must have a communication, since we are on the Internet, I write an article per day for you or even two if I have the time, and I want to answer all your questions.

I feel that it's my obligation to give you as much information as I can in the short articles I write everyday, because I discovered exactly what provokes depression, craziness and suicidal tendencies and how we can be cured by following the directions we receive in our dreams from the wise unconscious.

This is similar to saying that I discovered how to feed humanity without any problem forever. I cannot keep such a secret to myself... I have the obligation to feed the crowd that is hungry and needs bread.

I'm proving three basic truths to the world:

1. The human being is basically a demon, since the biggest part of one's psychic sphere belongs to the wild conscience, which is violent and evil and one's relatively small human conscience is idiotic, since it works based only on one completely developed psychological function and the absurd ego that leads the conscience to the labyrinth of craziness with its absurd desires.

2. The unconscious that produces the dreams is directed by God, who really exists and is really as saintly as presented by all religions.

The wise nature of the unconscious is perfect and we can trust it completely. The wise unconscious constantly tries to save the human side of our conscience from the invasion of the wild anti-conscience that is demoniac and wants to destroy it.

If we obey to the directions we receive in dreams not only can we prevent and cure depression, craziness and suicidal tendencies but we can also become geniuses.

The unconscious tries to develop all our psychological functions, since three of them are dysfunctional because they belong to the wild side. They must be transformed, so that they become a part of the human side and help us judge the world and our situations much better.

3. The ignorant and evil human being must obey God's directions, given by the unconscious through dreams, so that humanity may be saved from terror and despair and learn how to live peacefully and happily on Earth.

Therefore, I am not so special: the wise unconscious revealed everything to me. I only had to study the books that I came across, to follow the guidance from my dreams, to be a good student and to be patient.

I am only a dream translator-the real doctor is the wise unconscious.

This is why I can guarantee your cure.

The real doctor is the one who knows everything about you; it is not me, the ignorant human being who translates the wise dream messages.

This is why I want to teach you how to interpret your dreams by yourself, instead of hoarding this secret. You can have the same privilege: you can learn everything I know and communicate with the unconscious.

This is the bread of eternal life!

At the same time, this is the end of craziness, terror and violence on Earth.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.

Learn more at:


Underemployment: What It Is And How You Can Avoid It

Underemployment is typically when you are employed in a position that does not fully utilize your skills and is probably a position that is not ideally suitable for you at this stage in your career.

Letting yourself get into this position can cause bigger problems long term but can also have immediate negative effects on your career.

In my experience as a recruiter, being underemployed can be dangerous for a number of reasons, all of which can hurt your long-term success:

People who experience underemployment tend to feel desperate to change jobs.

When you are desperate to change jobs, this usually becomes obvious to hiring managers and recruiters. No one wants to hire a desperate person but if you know you are underemployed, you can manifest it by applying for any job that comes your way which may simply lead you to accept another ill-suited position.

When you suffer from underemployment, it can be difficult to convince a potential hiring manager that you're capable of a more senior position.

Afterall, if you should have a more senior position, why don't you? I've interviewed job searchers who are underemployed who not only show their desperation to change jobs (see above point) but tell me that they are having trouble convincing hiring managers that they actually qualify for more senior positions.

This is tough because some hiring managers will just look at the person's current job title and responsibilities and rule this person out of the running for whatever job they are looking to fill. In other words, not only are you underemployed, you find it hard to convince people that you're capable or doing more!

Underemployment can lead to problems in your personal life.

When you experience underemployment, you can also become underpaid. Being underpaid can again lead you to take desperate measures and certainly leaving one job for another for solely monetary reasons can lead to more problems especially if the job you move to ends up being not exactly as you'd thought it would be.

If you experience underemployment, you might be short changing yourself (literally) by not only preventing yourself from having a more satisfying job, but from having a higher paying one too.

How can you avoid underemployment?

Don't let yourself become too comfortable at work. In other words while it's nice to feel safe in your position, feeling too safe can cause you to lag behind and then find it hard to catch up again.

Keep active in your industry whether it be talking to peers, attending industry conferences, taking training classes through work or on your own, etc. In other words, keep up to date with what's going on in your industry and don't allow yourself to fall out of touch.

Don't let yourself become bored at work where you become desperate to leave and then start looking at any job to move to. Desperation leads to making rash decisions that you'll regret later on.

Don't change jobs without first considering all the pros and cons of staying in your current position versus moving to the new one. When you change jobs, it should be a progression in not only compensation but responsibilities, too.

Underemployment can lead to a downward spiral in your career that becomes difficult to escape from if you let it drag on too long. This is especially true in a difficult job market when employers can pick and choose who they want to hire.

Typically, they'll look at hiring people with a consistent track record of increased responsibilities during their career as opposed to someone who looks like they've stalled or regressed.

Carl Mueller is an Internet entrepreneur and professional recruiter. Carl has helped many job searchers find their dream career and would like to help clear up some of the job search myths that exist while helping job searchers avoid common job search mistakes that cost them jobs.

Visit Carl's website to find your dream career:

Ezine editors/Webmasters: Please feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your website. Please don't change any of the content and please ensure that you include the above bio that shows my website URL. If you would like me to address any specific career topics in future articles, please let me know.


Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...