UPDATED (Jan 10, 2025 - No. 3. 2016): Saved From the Earthquakes

By Yen Yen

1. One late afternoon, I (about 6-8 years of age at that time) was just back from my neighbor's across the house. Mom said, “There was an earthquake here. Did you feel it? This chair (=an iron chair with seat and backrest using rubber valves, called “Kursi Pentil/Valve Chair”) was moving from there to here”. “No, there’s no earthquake there”.

My neighbor’s across the house was only separated with a narrow street with a width of approx. 6 m. Many their glass art items were in the glass doorless living room cabinet and their glasses and plates were on the kitchen utensils stand, but no glass clinking. None of their chairs was moved alone though some were lighter than ours. And, nobody said, “There is an earthquake”. Everything was just as usual there.  PRAISE ABBA JESUS!

Another 4 similar experiences of mine:

2. In Sep 1998, I was waiting to start my class in the course, which was located in the centre of the city, with a friend.

She said, “Yesterday, there was an earthquake.” “Really?” “Yes. That wall clock shaked. Didn’t you feel it?” “No. What time did it happen?” “About 6.30 p.m. What were you doing?”. “I was pray and worship”.

Another friend, who just arrived, said, “Yes. I was reading the newspaper at home (His house was in the east side of our city). Suddenly, I felt dizzy. I thought I was sick. As it turned out, it’s an earthquake”.

The next day, when I just arrived to my students’ house in the west of our city, their parent said the same thing, “The day before yesterday, there was an earthquake. That (ceiling) fan shaked”.

Though my house was located in the centre of our city, but there was no earthquake at all. And, nobody said, “There is an earthquake”. Everything was just as usual there. PRAISE ABBA JESUS!

3. (Updated Jan 10, 2025) In 2016, around 2 a.m., there was an earthquake in our city. My neighbor, who lived about 10 m from my house, said, his lamp was shaken and my friend, who lived in the east side of our city, said, her relative asked his family to go outside from the house as it was strong enough. But, we didn’t feel at all, even the small key with its turtle key chain (made from white cement), which hung on the bookcase in my bedroom, was not shaken at all. If the turtle key chain was shaken, it would wake up me. PRAISE ABBA JESUS!

4. In Apr 2021, around 11 a.m., I was moved by The HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) to listen Pastor Joseph Prince’s Psalm 91 sermon and receive his prayer.

Then, around 2 p.m., while I was watching the match in YouTube, our worker came to my room and said there was an earthquake (about Magnitude 6) in her room, which was about 10 meters from mine.

The place where she sat was strongly moving up and down like riding a car on a bumpy road. My friend and people in the internet also said the same thing as her.

But, I just felt the place I sat was slightly vibrated when I leaned back but when I sat up straight, no vibration there. I thought, my next neighbor was renovating their house as they had done since a few months prior. It also happened another 8 earthquakes on that day and PRAISE ABBA JESUS! I didn’t feel them at all.

5. In March, 2024, around 10.30 a.m., after I finished cooking, when I wanted to work on the computer, not as usual, The HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) asked me to pray for an earthquake protection dan I prayed, “BLOOD of JESUS cover me, .... (including mentioned my workers’ names) and our housing and complex housing as a shield never fail!”

An hour later, I almost didn’t believe that there was an earthquake happened (Magnitude 6), I only felt the place I sat like strongly moving back and forth for about a minute then it stopped. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS!

Then, about 12.30 p.m., there was another one (Magnitude 5.3), but THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! I didn’t feel it at all here, I was taking a rest on the chair.

Around 3.30 p.m., while I was working on the computer, there was another one and I felt the place I sat like softly moving back and forth.  Then, I prayed in tongue and said, “I command the earthquake stop, in JESUS’ Name!” and about a minute later, it stopped. PRAISE ABBA JESUS!

My worker, who was on the downstairs of my house, and other people said the afternoon earthquake (around 3.30 p.m) was stronger (Magnitude 6.5), causing a house (about 2 km from here) to collapse. My neighbors came out of their houses, some also tried to run as far as possible from their office.

As I didn’t feel a strong earthquake, then I just stayed and prayed at home. I thought, it was soft now. On that day, it had happened 11 earthquakes but I only felt twice (the strong and the soft, once each).

UPDATED: In Apr 2024, I just read the news, there were two earthquakes with Magnitude 5.6 and 5 happened in our city but we did not feel at all!

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to us! All of us are saved and no house collapsed here!

“A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.” ~ Psalm 91:7 NKJV

"Quiboloy: ‘I yelled at the Mindanao quake to stop, it stopped’"

‘HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)


The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of https://bestmotivation.blogspot.com/2023/07/saved-by-attack-of-cat.html After that, I still often met ...