Saved from Taking the Wrong Supplement and the “Expired” Cakes

By Yen Yen

Nov 2023, a few days ago, my worker said that our neighbor gave him the appetite supplement.

Though I felt this was strange as he didn’t have eating problem and the neighbor, which was known as a stingy person, never gave him anything for all this time, but I didn’t think too much and just forgot it.

I believe, this morning ABBA JESUS made me suddenly remember about it and moved me to do some web-research. My conclusion is the supplement should not be taken without consulting the doctor.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! My worker has not taken it yet. YOU have saved him from harmful side-effects due to taking the wrong supplement.

The similar case happened to us years ago. Mom’s friend gave us quite a lot of cakes and dad had eaten a few of them before mom had time to thank her by phone, whereas I didn’t like to eat them and mom decided to call her first before eating them.

Mom’s friend said, “其实那些糕没人要吃了,要丢又可惜。看到你孩子经过我们门口时,就想到把那些糕送给你们吃。(Actually, no one wanted to eat those cakes anymore, and it would be a pity to throw them away. When I saw your child passing by our doorway, I thought of giving them to you all.)

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS to protect us and dad didn’t get poisoned from eating them.

“The LORD will do whatever it takes to get HIS children to safety” ~ Joseph Prince – Unmerited Favor

“For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you” ~ Acts 18:10a

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...