Millionaire Secrets - The Power Of Leverage

By Shawn Lim

This is a very famous and indeed a very powerful tool that you cannot miss if you want to be a Millionaire. I still remember reading Rich Dad Poor Dad from Robert Kiyosaki, he briefly explains what leverage means and how leverage can help us become rich. And in one of his book, Retire Young Retire Rich, Robert Kiyosaki even tells us how to use the power of leverage and what benefits you can get from using it.

Well, here is the definition that Robert says about leverage :

"In the broad definition of the world, the word leverage simply means 'the ability to do more with less'. When it came to the subject of work, money, and leverage, rich dad would say, 'if you want to become rich, you need to work less, and earn more. In order to do that, you employ some form of leverage.' He contrasted that statement by saying, 'People who only work hard have limited leverage. If you're working hard physically and not getting ahead financially, then you're probably someone else's leverage.' He also said, 'If you have money sitting in the bank in your savings account or retirement account, then others are using your money as their leverage.

My rich dad said, 'People with leverage have dominance over people with less leverage.' In other words, just as humans gained advantages over animals by creating leveraged tools, similarly, humans who use these tools of leverage have more power over humans that do not. Saying it more simply, 'leverage is power'."

So now you understand the word leverage means. And indeed you need to make use of tools to leverage from your work. Plus now with the help of internet and computers, you can achieve many things especially to make more money. As you can see, more and more leveraging tools are being created every single day. Those people who can adapt and use these tools wisely will move one step forward than those who don't know to benefits from these tools. If you're not learning to use all these leveraging tools, you will fall back financially or working harder and harder just to keep up.

Here's some great example so that you can be more clear of how powerful leverage tools can be. When you look back in history, 5,000 years ago, humans utilizing sails and the power of wind to propels their ships across the vast seas. Therefore, humans can carried more loads can cross the seas. Another example is that a bird utilizes its wings as a leverage tools to fly. Humans observed birds in flight, then used their minds to discover how humans could also fly.

Here is a very famous quotes for leverage :

"Give me a lever long enough and I could move the world." from Archimedes.

In our life, we definitely need leveraging tools to make our life easier. And in the case of making more money, use every tools that is available and use them wisely to help you create more wealth.

Learn how to Make Money Online, live a Millionaire lifestyle in no time. Get all Free Tips Making Money Online here,

If you don't act on this information today you may never get the opportunity to take this life changing step again. Just follow the link and start your new life today!

The Leadership Character Challenge

Waste no time arguing what a good man should be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius. I used to have a severe case of analysis paralysis. Spending so much time talking, thinking and reading about the things I wanted or wanted to be.

I wanted to know all the details.

I wanted to be the best.

Most of all I wanted it to work.

But it didn't because I was continually stuck in the wrong mindset. Excellence is not something a Leader demands, we go out and build it. After all, making demands goes against the very fabric of the word itself--Leadership. And to be a Leader you must strive for excellence but you also have to live it.

Excellence can be defined as "the quality of being excellent" OR "being all you can be" while doing the right thing for your company. And to be a Leader who builds and attracts excellence you have to be a person of strong character and which might be defined as having drive, energy, determination, self-discipline, willpower, and nerve.

Quite a recipe for greatness, isn't it?

Marcus directs us to waste no time talking about being a good person. "Be One" he says, and I can't think of a better model for being a Leader.

Don't get me wrong, I am a huge advocate of discussion, reading and learning but I'm also a strong believer in the ideal that a Leader isn't born--we are developed. It is through the efforts and affects of our character building that we develop and then learn to say "Follow Me."

Be a Leader.

Do what is right.

Then share your experiences.

Are you up to the challenge of developing your skills?

Tim Draayer is a networker and leader, taking the time to mentor people in leadership and business skills through his home based travel business Teaching others how to start a business and make sales with their own online travel agency


True Forgiveness Comes at a Price!

True Forgiveness comes at a price. It is quite costly in the human scheme of things. Because in many cases the human mind is addicted to pain and misery and the desire to return over and over to the same pain is habitual. Kind of like what the tongue does with the broken tooth. And the price of course is letting go! Letting go of grievance, hate and judgment of any kind, a daily practise that must be adhered to if moving beyond duality is at all possible for anyone here on planet earth

The dualistic mind sees a "them and me" scenario on all occasions, and hasn't moved to the level of being able to see them selves as the other or embrace the experience of oneness. And because this hasn't happened it is necessary to go back to the very basics of the awakening process and take responsibility for all that is seen as part of the projection of the construct of mind. This is what is known as taking responsibility for what is seen heard and felt. This is also the beginning of self inquiry or the ancient adage "Know Thyself"

So how do you forgive or let go of hatred, judgment and grievance. Well the first step is to decide that forgiveness is necessary and to understand that the reward is a peaceful mind. And that this is worth the effort that you must put into this "work". And what goes with this of course is knowing you can't do this alone. You are a child of The Universe, whole perfect and loved.

Then say to your self "I am immortal Spirit; this body is just an image. It has nothing to do with what I am in truth" When you look at someone else who you may want to judge as having wronged you in some way .Say to yourself, "I am Spirit whole and innocent, all is forgiven and released" Finding yourself not at peace with a particular person you might have had a past idea of hurt with. Picture the person in front of you during meditation and say a prayer "Since I am whole and perfect and remember who I am in truth, I forgive "both" of us for what has never really occurred. Now there is only innocence and we join together in this Love that permeates all that is. Forgiving does make the grievance disappear. Forgiveness has a vibration that is higher than the grievance and when forgiveness is activated it spreads out and uplifts as you remember your Universal connection. If at any time the mind returns to the grievance it is worth asking the question "What am I getting out of this pain"? And return quickly to the above ways to return to your true nature. You may find "The 7 Doors, Keys to Your Full Potential" a useful book full of good tips for awakening to enlightenment.

Margo Knox is a coach in "The Field of All Possibilities" her ebook. "The 7 Doors, Keys to Your Full Potential" is available at along with other written and audio resources for your success


Knowledge is NOT Power - It's Not What You Know, It's What You Do With What You Know

By Jennifer M Ryan

Just this week I finally watched Children of Men with my husband. I know, I know, I'm a little late to seeing one of the greatest movies of the year, but I wanted to give my full attention to the movie and before now it wouldn't have had my focus. (You'll know this if you've been following my blog. You'll know my twin girls just turned one and well, they do happen to be where most of my focus lies most of the time.)

It was well worth the wait! What a great story, and I promise, I'll give you a "spoiler warning" if I start talking about something that will spoil the movie for you.

The plot of the story is no secret. The movie is set in 2027, but by the looks of things on the screen, you would think it was a movie based in the Depression era. Things were run down, dismal, gray, and depressing. But here we are in the year 2027 and the world has become infertile. The youngest child in the world is 18 years old.

One character turns up miraculously pregnant after 18 full years of infertility. She is kept a secret for 8 months, goes into early labor, and so…. Is the world changed now?

The young lady and her companion trek across England trying desperately trying to make it to the shore because they've been told there's hope for them there. The trials and tribulations that ensue leave you on the edge of your seat as you feel you're part of the movie, and you wonder… what kind of hope is at the shore? Will there really be people there to save them? What will come of the little baby?

The new mom and her companion have only faith to go by, and they let NOTHING deter them along their journey.

(Spoiler warning!) And at the end of their journey, as they wait at the buoy as directed to do, there arrives a pristine clean, bright blue, ship with the letters "Tomorrow" spanning across the side. The men are dressed in white, and save the couple. From what, we don't know, but we DO know, there was hope and faith. As an audience, you get a feeling that everything is now going to be ok.

(End of spoiler)

This was a movie full of analogies of our existence on this planet. The infertility represented the habitual, passionless, mundane existence of man; it wasn't a biological problem at all. When man stopped taking risks in their lives and lived for only comfort and security, the world essentially stopped.

In a Rut

Staying in the habit of our daily routine means we continue to do what we've always done. We're not expecting, nor believing in, and definitely not achieving success. Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich said, "We call it 'getting into a rut,' which means we accept our fate because we form the habit of daily routine, a habit that finally becomes so strong we cease to try to throw it off." Just like in Children of Men.

Hill goes on to say, "The idea of starting at the bottom [of the success ladder] and working one's way up may appear sound, but the major objection to it is this – too many of those who begin at the bottom never manage to lift their heads high enough to be seen by opportunity, so they remain at the bottom. It should also be remembered that the outlook from the bottom is not so very bright or encouraging. It has a tendency to kill off ambition."

Knowledge is NOT Power

People falsely believe that the more knowledge they have and the more education they attain the higher on the ladder they will be. Not so! There are thousands of people in this country with higher education degrees who don't make the money they want to make and who don't have the success they want to have. In fact, there are MANY people who never stepped a foot into a higher education facility who make millions! We would deem "successful."

So, no, knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only POTENTIAL power. Knowledge won't attract you what you want unless it is organized and intellectually directed through practical plans.

I spoke to a nice gentleman the other day who reported he wanted to lose 80 pounds. I asked him what his plan to do that was. And he said, "Oh, I'm just going to start exercising more." And he trailed off from there, talking about some intangible what-not's. He lost me, because he didn't have a plan.

You need to know how use the knowledge you've attained. You read self-help books, attend seminars, go to workshops, and do whatever you can do to soak up more and more knowledge, but with no results. Why? Because there is no organized plan of action to meet the end results you desire.

In Children of Men, the couple had one mission, and a clear-cut plan of action to get what they wanted. They would find hope and purpose in the midst of their dreary existence. Many people along the way said, "What do you think you're going to find when you get to the shore." With unwavering faith, the couple said exactly what they thought they'd find – hope.

If you find you have desire for something, you must have a plan of action to attain it, and have unwavering faith that what you want is already there for you, you just have to be willing to accept it in your life.

With the knowledge you attain from books, seminars, workshops, coaches and counselors, what will you do with that information? How do you plan on using it? You will only get the results you want if you develop a realistic plan of action to attain it. That doesn't mean "working your way to the top" and HOPING it takes you were you want to go. It means outlining exactly what you will do to make a shift in the reality of your existence.

Many times in my job as a Coach, when I ask people what their plan is go have the money they want, the career they want, and the success they want, the first thing I get told is, "Go back to school."

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Education can be attained through many ways, but as the knowledge is acquired must be organized and put into use for a definite purpose. You must create practical plans. Hill says, "Knowledge has no value except that which can be gained from its application toward some worthy end."

Hill also says that successful people in all professions never stop acquiring specialized knowledge, and those who are not successful usually make the mistake of believing that the "knowledge-acquiring period ends when they finish school." So Now What?

Use what you know to guide you to what you want from your life. You want to lose 80 lbs? You want to have an outstanding relationship with your spouse? You want to start your own business but just not sure what the first steps are? You want to raise happy, healthy children by being the best parent you can be?

If you said yes to any of those, then get the education, but then develop a practical plan to attain the end result of your goals. Knowledge is NOT power; knowledge is only POTENTIAL power. You decide what you're going to do with it!

Jennifer Ryan, M.Ed.
Life and Business Coach

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Oprah Winfrey

You too can be inspired to live out your life dream, and in the same way as Oprah Winfrey is living out her particular dream. All of our dreams may be different, but the way to achieve them is, was, and always will be, the same! What if you could find out what that way is? You could then take those steps necessary to attain your goals. What would happen then? What would happen is, you would begin to live out your own dream, regardless of what that dream is! How can you do this? This article will outline the first five steps you must take in order to do exactly that living. Then, in all the articles that will follow this one, more steps will be expounded upon, so that you can take them and be coached for your success along the way. All this work puts the "C" into inspiration, so that it becomes "inspir-action!"© In this way you can "C" your way to take action, because without action, there is no inspiration. Every article can be read alone, and other than this beginning one, the order you read them in is not important. The only important thing is-to begin! Let's begin now.

First step:

Let go of "How?" You are at the bottom of a long staircase, and it's one that leads you to living out your dream. Look at it. It's a high journey, one that you can't see the end of. That's great! Why? Because if you already knew what actions would best get you there, you would have been carrying out that plan already. Along the way of going toward your goal you will find out what the best plan is, but first you have to commit to doing whatever it takes to reach your goal. We all have do this. That's the good news. You don't have to see the end result yet, all you have to do is plan on what that result is, and then commit to it. For instance, your result could be a good marriage, or making a million dollars. How are you getting along with your spouse? What kinds of things are you doing? Do you smile at them? Do you say you love them? Or money goals. Have you gone to a financial planner yet? Do you allow yourself to be coached? Are you open to receiving more? Are you willing? How much money do you have and what are you doing with it? These markers along the way will show you what you are really committed to.

Second Step:

Create a model. What you also need to do is to say what you would like to achieve. This is concrete planning. How much money do you want? What kind of relationship would you be happy with? This is the next step. You are now on it. At the bottom of the staircase you are like a child. Do we criticize children or get upset with them when they at first don't know how to walk? Of course not! We should treat ourselves with exactly the same courtesy. We are on a path we have never been on before, so why should we expect ourselves to know how to proceed? Give that expectation up, and then climb up onto the first step, because not knowing "how" to do what you have never done before is important. In that way, every option that presents itself can be valuable for you in taking the next step. Every successful person from Henry Ford to Mother Teresa has always stated that when they began their incredible journeys they never knew how they were going to proceed and accomplish their goals either, only that they knew they would. That's commitment! I would imagine if you asked Oprah, she would say the very same thing!

The Third step:

Take another step. Realize that taking a step, any step, is your journey and accomplishment. Know that if you take a "wrong" step or a "right" step, either way, you can use the information for your success. If your step appears to have led you to where you don't want to go, then what it has provided you is valuable information regarding what not to do anymore. Edison stated that he was happy he got to see 4,999 times, how not to create a light bulb, because on the 5000th time, he was successful! If you take a "right" step, then you can congratulate yourself, and then keep on proceeding toward your goal fulfillment by taking the very next step.

The Fourth Step:

Know that you are already there. Humans are so impatient! We set a goal and then want it right away. The big "end result." But goals and their fulfillment do not work that way! We set goals, and then take the necessary steps to fulfill them, thinking that after our goals are completed, then we will be satisfied. But the path to our goals is where we spend most of our time. If we aren't satisfied along the way, going up the staircase, then how can we expect to be satisfied when we get to the top? We won't be, that is, unless our journey is satisfying along the way. Anxiety never supported anyone in achieving any goal, ever. That's why it's so important to pick a goal that requires you to fulfill tasks that you love. For instance, in any cherished avocation, the things you do to complete your goals in that career are things that you love to do. Great! Do those! I am a writer, and I love to write, regardless of whether I get published or not. Writing is enjoyable, fulfilling, and satisfying for me, and out of that kind of energy, what happens? I get published! Has this goal of simply enjoying every minute I write always been something I have done? Not hardly! It took a long time, and a lot of practice, until I got to the point where simply giving one hundred percent to whatever I was doing was in and of itself, more important than goal fulfillment. The irony is, that once I threw myself into whatever I was doing, my goals were reached so fast I had to make new ones!

The Fifth Step:

Trust. Trust that what you are doing is what you need to be doing. Believe in yourself. How does one do that? There is a process for doing exactly that at the back of Be BAD! Do Good! How To Get What You Want In Spite Of Yourself! called The Loving Process© In a nutshell, it's about picking out those details you already love that are true about you and your life, and so expanding upon them that you experience the truth, which is that yes, no matter what, you do love yourself. It's so freeing a process that self-trust and a strong belief in yourself happen out of it. You also have to trust that those actions you take, are those that will get you not only to where you want to go, but more importantly, are those actions that are in alignment with where you are. Because where you are--your actions, your thoughts, your beliefs, what you are doing in this now moment, are the goal realized, no matter what that goal is.

Stated another way, if you want a perfect, loving, relationship, then the love, the touches, the way you treat your partner, right now, are what are more important than the end goal itself. This is because completing a goal takes a brief moment, yet working toward that goal takes most of the time. So when you talk to them lovingly right now you are already there. For your millions, start a plan toward financial freedom right now, regardless of what it is, and there you go, one step taken on a huge staircase that none of us may ever get to see the completion of anyway. But that's the good news if you live in the suggested way here! If you are living the way you really want to be living, then you are so already "there" that goal completion actually becomes secondary to the way you are living in this moment! Now that's the really good news! That you can have it all, and you can have it all right now! In fact, there's no other way to have it all anyway! You go!

TB Wright is the creator of The One Penny Millionaire!™ web based seminar series, and the author of Be BAD! Do Good! How To Get What You Want In Spite Of Yourself! which is available at


How to Say "No" - 4 Tips

How much of your time do you spend doing things you don't want to do?

Are the things that you "really" want to do, always at the bottom of your to-do list?

Do you routinely find things on your calendar that you wish you could "get out of?"

I am consistently struck by the powerful, strong, talented people I know--individuals who run businesses, who can be a force-to-be-reckoned-with when called to defend their own families, people who KNOW how to make-things happen, who struggle with how to apply those skills to themselves.

A client of mine decided that she was ready to get serious about say "no" after literally adding up everything she had spent in the past month on things she had been too uncomfortable to say "no" to. Among the things she found: lunches out at restaurants she didn't like, fund raisers she was supporting out of guilt, transportation to events she didn't want to attend, money spent on scrap booking supplies that a coworker was selling (she hates scrap booking), and the cost of hosting a candle selling party as a favor for a friend. Her adult daughter was also living at home, rent-free and this arrangement was wearing thin.

Although the financial toll got her attention, her real issue was never having time for the things she needed and wanted to do. The money spent didn't even begin to compare with what her time and energy were worth.

Growing comfortable saying "no" gives us our personal power and control back.

Our most valuable commodity isn't money, it's our time and energy.

If we use up our life energy meeting other peoples' agendas, we may never get where we really want to go.

Saying "no" creates more time and space for us to say "yes" to the things that really do enrich our lives and fill us up. Making clear choices about how we spend our energy allows us to create lives that are aligned with our priorities and values.

Saying "no" makes your "yeses" more enthusiastic--because you really mean them.

People who are comfortable saying "no" have less resentment

Saying "no" gracefully is easier than you think. In fact, most of us tend to over complicate it. Plus, it gets easier over time.

Tips for saying "no":

1. The shorter the better

Sometimes "No." is the best possible way to phrase it. You rarely owe the asker the lengthy explanation you may feel compelled to give. Besides, offering a lengthy explanation just opens the door for someone to help you figure out how you really could say "yes."

example: "I know you need volunteers for the silent auction committee but my son's soccer games have us really busy this month." reply: "I know, my daughter plays too. That's okay, you can just come to the meetings and start soliciting donations next month after the season ends."

better "no": "I know the silent auction is an important fund-raiser but I really won't be able to serve on a committee this year. I'm sorry."

2. When you feel challenged or pushed, don't add to your explanation (see tip number one), simply repeat it with sincerity.

example: "Wow. I'm disappointed. You are so talented at getting great donations."

your reply: "I know and I know the auction is an important fund-raiser, but I really won't be able to participate this year."

By having a clear "no" statement, sticking to it and repeating it if necessary, you avoid being drawn into a conversation about whether there is any other possibility but "no."

3. Think about your goal.

It's probably along the lines of saying "no" and also being a nice, caring person. The reality is that most of us can't do everything we care about all the time. We need to set priorities or we can end up so over-booked that the energy we have to spend on anything is compromised.

Often a solid "no" has two parts. An acknowledgment that the person's request is important and a "no."

-"I'm sorry, but I can't."
-"I wish I could, but I won't be able to attend."
-"I'd really love to, but that won't work for me."
-"It sounds fun, but I won't be able to participate."
-"I know you're looking for volunteers, but I can't add more commitments to my schedule right now."

4. When "no" is too hard, don't say "yes."

Give yourself time to think about what you really want to say and how you want to say it. Say:
-"I need to get back to you about that."
-"I need to think about it and call you back."
-"I have to check my calendar."
-"I'm not sure, can I call you?"

Give yourself time so that you can prepare yourself to say the "no" you really want to say.

Melissa McCreery, Ph.D. is a Psychologist and Life and Wellness Coach who helps her clients create and live their very best lives. She is also the creator of the Emotional Eating Toolbox (TM), Tools for Taking Control and Moving Beyond Dieting. Subscribe to her free newsletter, Mindspa, at her website:

Copyright 2007 - Melissa McCreery, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all of the EzineArticles terms of service for Publishers.


God's Creation Inspirational

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and Earth. He created the seas, dry land, plants on the land, the beasts of the ocean and beasts of the earth. Then, He created man and woman. If you do not believe that, look it up, it is straight out of Genesis. Anyway, God's creation is a wonderful thing. We were made in His likeness and for His glory. How often do we take that fact for granted? How often do we not realize that the simple pleasures in life were created and placed in our lives to glorify God? Think about it. Everything you see is somehow linked the creative process of our God. Everything we hear is a product of God's wonderful creative hand. Everything we touch can somehow be traced to the Creator of the universe. If we can not understand that, we are missing a significant part of the master plan for creation.

Too often in life we coast along or fly along at warp speed and do not take time to think about creation and just sit back and enjoy creation. We are moving through life with blinders on trying to complete our own agenda without regard to others and without much regard to God and His magnificent creation. Undoubtedly, we are usually thinking of what is the next thing we need to accomplish and how can we benefit from it. Do not misunderstand me, I know that many people have an agenda to change the world for the better. I applaud people who can strictly adhere to that type of agenda. I dare say that no one is able to never deviate from a unselfish agenda and from time to time even the Billy Grahams and Mother Theresas of the world have been imperfect in what their sights are set on accomplishing. It's o.k. We are not perfect. All we can do is strive to be the best we can be and to glorify God through what we do. Oh, and by the way, one of the rewards for living that kind of life is to have His creation to enjoy here on earth.

Children understand this on a completely different level that adults understand this. Have you ever seen a child admiring the beauty of butterfly? They are enthralled by its beauty and grace. Have you ever seen a child hold a dandelion and rave about how pretty it is? As adults we want to set that child straight and tell them that a dandelion is nothing more than a weed. Chances are that child will argue that we are wrong and it is a beautiful flower and if you pick enough of them, you will have the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. You know what? That child is right.

In our family, my wife and I try to teach our children to appreciate everything life has to offer and to recognize creation for what it is - a beautiful thing accomplished by a beautiful God. The reality is that my wife is much better at this concept than I am. O.k., she rules when it comes to this concept, but I am improving. I have seen her take a wild flower half torn from its life giving stem and somewhat mangled and tell my son, Chase, how pretty it is and how proud she will be to display it for all to see. You see, here is my son's thinking as best as I can tell. He sees a flower and thinks "Hmm. That's pretty. I'll bet mom would like to have one of those pretty flowers. Mom likes flowers and I like flowers. I think I'll pick it for her!" Then, he moves in for the picking of the flower. However, he underestimates the stem strength. He pulls and pulls until finally the stem gives way but not before he has nearly destroys the plant. Finally, Chase runs to his mom with the beautiful flower he has picked. Here is the lesson in this child's action. He recognized the beauty of God's creation. He decided to enjoy the beauty of God's creation. He decide to share the beauty of God's creation. Chase's simple flower picking was actually a three part lesson. Let me review those points again. 1. He recognized the beauty of God's creation 2. He decided to enjoy the beauty of God's creation 3. He decided to share the beauty of God's creation I challenge you to do the same. We have to make a conscious decision to enjoy and share things we recognize as God's creation. A child is lucky, this is more instinctual for him or her. It comes naturally. It does not come naturally for most adults. God made us to enjoy His creation and to worship Him for His creation. We have chosen to become hardened or complacent toward the beauty around us.

One of my sons even taught my wife and I a lesson about creation with a gummy worm. For those of you who have not had any children in the last fifteen years and are unfamiliar with the gummy worm, here is what I am talking about. The gummy worm is basically sugar that has been "gummified" (I know that's not a word, but I like it anyway) and brightly colored, shaped into a worm and rolled in more sugar and then packaged in a see through bag and placed next to every check out counter in America at a precise height of three feet from the ground. At least it seems that way. This way it is seen by every child that happens to been in that store and then the madness ensues until the child is given this worm shaped, brightly colored, gummified sugary treat. My boys are no different than any other child in the world when it comes to gummy worms. They recognize the beauty of this creation (the gummy worms) and they have decided they would like to enjoy the beauty of this creation (the gummy worms) and they might even share the beauty of this creation (the gummy worms). At the risk of sounding like a push over, my wife and I realize that some battles are not worth fighting. Therefore, we occasionally give in and allow the boys to partake of this part of God's creation. After all, God created the ingredients and the man or woman who came up with the recipe and the production of these glorious treats, right?

Our middle son, Ty, was about 3 years old when he truly began to appreciate gummy worms. He loved them for their shape. He loved them for their texture. He loved them for their smell. He loved them for their colors. And most of all he loved them for their taste. One night as we were putting the boys to bed, a nugget of wisdom was being prepared to be released from the mouth of Ty. We were taking turns saying our prayers and thanking God for things that are important to us. I have to wonder what Ty was thinking as he was waiting for his turn. I think these thoughts might have been going through his mind. "Man, those gummy worms we had today were good. I can't wait to have more of them. What if we couldn't taste them…."

Then mom says, "Ty, it's your turn to pray" and here is the nugget of wisdom that followed as best as I can recall.

"Dear God, thank you for today, thank you for my family, thank you for gummy worms and thank you for tongues to taste gummy worms. Amen."

"Very good Ty," his mom replied. Ty then went on to discuss the fact that if we did not have tongues we could not taste gummy worms and that is why God gave us tongues - to taste gummy worms. That is truly a nugget of wisdom.

You see, God wants us to enjoy what we have and what He has given us to enjoy. He wants us to break everything down to a child like faith and be able to say "Thank you God" for all aspects of His creation. The gummy worms and a tongue to taste them with was at the top of Ty's agenda of things to be thankful for and the King heard his appreciation of His creation. How many times have you thanked God for the ability to taste your favorite treat? Or are we like the Israelites in the desert when they grew tired of the taste of manna day in and day out, ungrateful for what they have been given to eat. I dare say they should have been grateful for the life sustaining daily delivery of the manna God sent to them, tongues to taste it and for teeth to chew the manna (which, by the way, are glued into your head according to Ty).

Let us be thankful for creation and learn to share creation with those around us who may not always recognize it for what it is - a manifestation of God. May God give us child like faith to go through enjoying all the tastes, sights and sounds His creation has to offer. Thank you God for gummy worms and for tongues to taste them.

D. Songer is a Director of Children's Ministry at his church, a Real Estate agent and an internet entrepreneur. His Christian Affiliates and Resources website at has a wealth of Christian products and resources as well as opportunities for home base businesses. He is trying to make a positive impact on everyone he comes into contact through his ministry and his internet business at


The Key To Peace

By Lynne Morrell

"Think thoughts that make you feel good. Think thoughts, say words and do things that resonate with who you really are-with that broader, wiser, securer part of you. Then your feelings of well-being, your feelings of worthiness, your feeling of value become very real to you. Then you have something to offer the world." Abraham-Hicks 1/8/91

The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus your energy on will grow larger. That which is like itself is drawn. So, let's look at this in the light of world events. Are you focusing on peace or are you focusing on war? Are your conversations of world events leaving you feeling good or bad? Are you putting your focus on what you want or on what you don't want? Notice where you are putting your attention.

Let's take this a step further. Take a moment to get centered and quiet. Now ask yourself: "What do I want?", "What do I want for this planet?" Notice what words, pictures, and feelings come up for you. Whatever comes up notice if you feel good or bad when you think of what you want. Focus your attention on the aspects that feel good. Bring the essence of what you want into your internal experience. For example: if you want peace in the world, focus on feeling peaceful yourself.

Do you treat yourself with unconditional love and compassion, or do you beat yourself up with critical thoughts?

Do you spend time with your kids in joy and play, or do you spend time nagging and yelling?

Do you create a positive connection with your partner by being open and listening fully, or do you hold on to your opinions until the bitter end?

Focus and acknowledge the times that you choose peace over conflict. Focus and acknowledge when you experience peace internally and in your external world.

"If we are going to experience peace we need to notice each act of peace, however small. As we notice and ignite our sense of internal peace, our actions then reflect peace and those actions will influence the whole. If we are going to experience world peace we must start with ourselves and BE peace." --Sarah Hartzell, founder of Circles of Ten Women for World Peace.

I recently joined a local Circle of Ten. As a group we focus on outrageous acts of peace. We are supporting each other in remembering how to focus on peace rather than discuss our fears about war. Circles of Ten is a grass roots, peace activism, and leadership training movement whose intention is to facilitate personal, interpersonal and global peace.

The idea is to energize what you want. Create a clear vision of what you want and begin experiencing this internally. Then begin attending to it in your day to day life. Then broaden the vision and attend to where you can find this vibration in the world.

Lynne has spent years gathering tools to assist others to tap into their inner wisdom. Her work is about ways to accept, love, and honor Self, and to take the great leap of faith into being authentically you! Learn more at her website and her blog


The Secret To Success

It seems the longer think we have, the longer we put off living the life we see in our heads.

You know what I'm talking about. The way you wish things were. Not that you want everything to change, just a few areas of your life. And because you feel like you've got some time to kill, you'll get to it -


I know where you think I'm going, and I also know you've heard it all before: seize the day, make the most of it, live life to its fullest, and on and on. But that's the problem. You've heard it all before. These ideas have lost their impact and have become cliche.

Luckily, that's not my thing.

I'm not about to tell you to live it up and then walk away thinking all your problems will be solved.

No, the answer isn't a catchy saying. The real answers wake something up inside you. They hit a chord and make you think. That's what I want to give you today. A story that wakes you up to the truth.

Here's the problem: We think we have forever and a day to do the things we want to do.

Here's the truth: We only have a sliver of time to put together a great life and need to get moving today.

And here is today's solution: The story of Bobby Darin.

If you haven't heard of the man, I know you've heard his songs. Among his many hits are Mack the Knife, Beyond the Sea, Dream Lover, and Splish Splash.

In the span of only seven years, Darin had several top ten hit songs, was nominated for four Grammy Awards (winning two), nominated for four Golden Globes (winning one), and even nominated for an Oscar.

In a word, he was driven.

So what was his secret?

All his life, Darin suffered from a heart condition that developed from a childhood illness.

The doctors at the time said he would be lucky to live to 16. In other words, his time was limited.

And this was his secret. He knew the truth. He knew what we all have such a hard time accepting: Life is short.

You can't just say it, you can't just hear it. You have to know it, believe it, and feel it.

Because Darin knew his time was limited, he packed as much life as he could into the time he had. But he had an unfair advantage. He knew, without a doubt, his time was limited.

There was no fooling himself, no putting it off. It was now or never.

And only when you get that kind of feeling inside you will you enjoy the same remarkable life. So how can you do it?

To begin, use Bobby Darin's story. Think about what you would do if you knew you only had a few more years to go for it.

Think about that right now. What could you do if you had that kind of mindset? Where would you be right now if you packed as much life as you could into the time you had?

Next, I want you to think of your own personal example of this idea. Because Bobby Darin isn't a major figure in your life, his story won't make as much of an impact as someone or something much closer to you.

When you think about life being short, who or what comes to mind? Use that idea, focus on it. Let it drive you to make the most of your time.

Life feels long and passes quickly. Don't be fooled. Get out there and start packing more life into what time you have.

About the Author:

Jason Gracia - Motivation123 Get your Free Motivation Kit filled with dozens of quick and easy motivation tips and techniques at the Motivation123 Web site. Visit now!

Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...