Saved from the Failed Preparation Phase, Semester/National Exams, and Thesis

1. That day was the National Exam day. As univ. student, I have well prepared for it but when I would do the exam, I forgot all I studied and for about 30 minutes, I could write nothing in the exam paper.

Then I prayed in my heart: “GOD, I forgot all I studied. Please help me, GOD. In JESUS’ Name. Amen”. Instantly, I could write the answers quickly and finished just before the time ended. THANKS ABBA JESUS, I was supposed to get E but only by YOUR Grace, I got A. Praise ABBA JESUS!

2. Two similar experiences: I have finished a few exam questions but forgot what I studied then couldn’t answer the others. After praying in my heart, then instantly, I could write the answers quickly and all the results were A. THANKS ABBA JESUS!

3. I was doing the computer programming for my thesis and the problem was I did not understand the certain part of the theory then I could not do the programming.

I have tried and tried for about 2 hours but the program was always stuck. Then I prayed in my heart: “GOD, the program is stuck. Please help me, GOD. In JESUS Name, Amen.” Instantly, I could do it and the thesis was finished in about 3 months and the result was B. THANKS ABBA JESUS!

4. When I was in the 1st semester, my Basic Programming quiz was E. No wonder, no one of friends I knew (at that time, I still didn’t know all my contemporary friends well, only some friends including my old friend) were not willing to accept me as their task group member. But, THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS, YOU made a new friend, which we didn’t know each other before, was willing to accept me and she said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. I will teach you.” 

5. When I was in the 1st semester, my midterm exam results were not good: Math 1 was E, Basic Programming was E, and Flowchart was D. Logically, it was impossible to pass the preparation phase in a year, in which a student must passed all the subjects with C as the minimum requirement.

But ABBA JESUS has made me able to pass in time. All E and D grades have been changed into C in the final result with GPA 2.5.

My study target was “The important is I can pass all the subjects, all C are OK.” I had never thought that I would be graduated in 8 semesters with GPA 3.1, instead of the 9 semesters offered, but HE made it happen.

Some subjects, which I got C in the semester exams, were substituted into A from my national exam results, which were higher than the local ones. All Glory to ABBA JESUS!

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...