Work-Life Balance - Eliminating Energy Drains

Are you are in plan-your-future mode or just plain doing the best you can to keep all those balls in the air? You might pick up some great traction by doing a tune-up on your energy system.

Whether you are in plan-your-future mode or just plain doing the best you can to keep all those balls in the air, you might pick up some great traction by doing a tune-up on your energy system. Many people have serious energy leaks they are completely unaware of. Intentionally managing your energy can be as powerful as vigilantly managing your time.

As a Work-Life and Career Coach, I know the great boost my clients gain when they start eliminating some of the energy-drains in their lives. Think about the things that drain your energy. How might you eliminate even one of them? Here are some ideas (pick just one to start with!):

Caveat: This list is so long, it can be disheartening. But please do not go there. Read through it only until you find an item you'd like to work on. Or read through it to be reassured that there are always new ways to free up energy. It is not just another task list.

1. Handle an incomplete.
2. Get some help.
3. Lower a standard.
4. Downsize your "To Do" list: 4 D's (do, delegate, delay, ditch)
5. Change your personal email protocol: check less frequently.
6. Deal with a single procrastination.
7. Acknowledge yourself frequently.
8. Review your top 3 priorities.
9. Adjust your "To Do" list to align with your priorities.
10. Monitor and address worrying.
11. Nourish and hydrate for the long haul.
12. Replace " I should" with "I choose."
13. Develop your inner witness.
14. Strengthen and protect your boundaries.
15. Clear some space, either physically or "on your plate."
16. Don't hide from integrity issues; address them.
17. Say "No" in order to say "Yes" to something more important to you.
18. Leverage your work preferences. (If you're a morning person, do your most challenging work in the mornings.)
19. Manage interruptions.
20. Spend sometime every week not rushing, not in "To-Do Brain."
21. Take some time off. Really off.
22. Clean out your car.
23. Be HERE now.

Just pick ONE item. Addressing one item from this list (or from your own list) can free up some bandwidth for you. Start with something that's relatively easy to do and won't create a lot of push back, reaction, or fallout from the people around you.

Copyright 2006 Sharon Teitelbaum. All rights reserved.

Sharon Teitelbaum, author of "Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued: Restoring Work-Life Balance," Master Certified Coach, and motivational speaker, helps high achievers re-claim their work-life balance. Her interactive coaching process provides a powerful catalyst towards greater career and life satisfaction. Sharon's work has been featured in national publications including The New York Times,, and Working Mother Magazine. Visit Sharon's website at and subscribe to "Strategies of Change" to receive practical tips for work-life success.


Motivation Is Like Bathing, You Need to Do It Daily

By Leanne Hoagland-Smith

Keeping one's motivation in high gear 24/7 is an incredible challenge given all the obstacles we face traveling the road to success. The lack of motivation appears to continually cross our paths as we grow forward. Recently I read about Zig Ziglar's simple answer as to his own motivation technique. Zig said: People often say, "Zig motivation is great, but it does not last." I just tell them, Bathing does not last either, that is why I recommend it daily.

To stay highly motivated according Zig requires a daily habit. How you construct that daily habit is up to you. Bottom line is that you need to reinforce, reinforce and reinforce your own thoughts and desires so that you stay focused, focused and focused on where you want to be 365 days from today.

Developing a habit is understanding that attitudes are habits of thought (another Ziglar definition). These attitudes are merely reflections of our foundational belief system that holds all of our experiences and knowledge. Much of this belief system has become so internalized that it is subconscious or what some call on automatic pilot.

For it is truly our Beliefs that drive out Attitudes demonstrated through out Actions that create our results. (BAAR) If we belief that we cannot do something, the result will be that it will not be done.

Motivation techniques are essentially the internal fuels that keep our thoughts on the conscious level so that we do not allow unconscious thoughts from years of previous negative conditioning to take over. This is why changing actions or behaviors is so difficult. And why results continue to allude so many.

Not only does our brain respond to conditioning so does our body. After wearing braces for 8 years in junior high, high school and my first year in college, I had them removed. Teeth were straight. Then at the age of 40, I had to wear them again for another year, because teeth have memory and wanted to return to how they were. And we all know about losing weight and how the body is comfortable at certain weight levels no matter how much we do not eat or how much we exercise.

One motivation technique that I use is scheduling time to read and improve myself. Another technique, believe it or not, is Internet article writing. A third motivation technique is the use of belief statements or what are called positive affirmation statements.

Regardless of your motivation techniques, to be successful requires that you use them each and every day as you travel the road to success. Keep that fuel as a constant stream into your conscious thoughts and life will be good for you if not even better.

Where are you going? The M.A.P. for Success, a FREE email course may help you begin to chart a course of business, professional or personal success. Visit

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Please feel free to call me, Leanne Hoagland-Smith, Your Chief People Officer and Business Coach for individuals and organizations that are tired of not being where they want to be and truly want Success. 219.508.2859


For Many Men And Women You Might Be The Only Part Of The Bible They Will Every See!

Over these past 2,000 years it has been so interesting to observe and learn that no matter how certain persons have tried, nothing can stop the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In a number of articles, the truths and lessons which I have been writing about, have been based on the authority of the book of Acts. Bible Studies? Dry, dull and boring? Nonsense!

One of the strong messages arising throughout the Book of Acts is, nothing can stop the Gospel, and, no-one can prevent this Word from spreading.

Paul the prisoner of the Lord Jesus Christ is now in Rome as Jesus had indicated a few years previously, and he continues to speak and preach and teach. He writes letters to various churches, and to individual disciples. Much of our New Testament is being written during this two year period when Paul is a prisoner in Rome, and written by this powerful man of God who would just not stop working for Jesus Christ. Philippians - Ephesians - Colossians - Philemon - Timothy were all written around this period.

In one sense Acts is an unfinished book. It is a record of the Acts of the Holy Spirit, and as we know the Holy Spirit continues to move and act and speak, and this will continue until Jesus Christ returns.

We are writing part of Acts Chapter 29. That is no exaggeration. For many men and women in the world, that may be the only Chapter they will ever see. Note carefully there is no "Amen" at the end of Acts 28.

Let me summarise this wonderful Book. We would hardly know what the Church of Jesus Christ was about if it were not for the Book of Acts. This is what the Church was like - should be like - and can be like. These men and women were indeed WITNESSES. They were witnesses to Jesus. They KNEW Jesus was risen and alive. They experienced Jesus Christ baptising them in the Holy Spirit and it was an experience which was very real, and which lasted. They were witnesses to the truth.

These apostles travelled and preached. There were signs and wonders following. They were imprisoned. They experienced suffering. The last eight chapters are taken up with this struggle Paul had with these rebellious Jews.

In the Book of Acts, there is a great absence of organisation. They were simply filled with the Holy Spirit. We see in this book something of the authority of God available to us as we serve in the Kingdom of God - in the Name of Jesus - in the Power of the Holy Spirit. And, we see how the Holy Spirit works and flows and speaks and appoints and chooses people.

This is OUR GOD at work. We have no improved pattern for today. There is no better pattern anywhere.

Paul proclaims the Kingdom of God - Jesus Christ is King. He demonstrates the Kingdom - the rule of Jesus - the government of God - with words and works. People see signs of the Kingdom of God - healing - deliverance - and lives being totally transformed. Look at 1 Corinthians 6 verses 9 to 11. Such were some of you. These Corinthians were rescued and saved out of all that mess.

One thing I see in the life and ministry of Paul - when he met Jesus - he was shaken - his plans were disrupted - he had to move out of what he had been in - and into all that God had for him.

His life was so changed - and for the cause of Jesus Christ - and in obedience to Jesus Christ - and having a concerned for the confused and lost and perishing. Paul flowed in the power of the Holy Spirit - and there were occasions when that even involved floating in the sea.

Wherever you are and whoever you are, know this - you need never feel embarrassed or ashamed or intellectually inferior for believing the whole of the Bible! Nothing can stop the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and no-one can prevent His Word from spreading.

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.

His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.

Sandy Shaw


Success Is a Matter of the Self Selection Smart Choices That We Make Every Day

By Leanne Hoagland-Smith

Do you want success? Most people say yes to what they believe is such an obvious question. However, have you ever thought that your current level of success is a matter of the self selection smart choices that you make?

Just imagine if you would make self selection choices based upon doing your personal best for the next 24 hours or how about the next week? What would happen to your life and the lives of those around you?

Every day we make self selection choices based upon our existing beliefs. Making a self selection choice is a judgement. Unfortunately, society appears to frown upon the word judgement as something negative. Judgements can be very positive because when we are making smart choices based upon our own self-selections judgements, we are actively using our higher order thinking skills or are engaged in what some now call intensive thinking activities.

Many times people opt out so to speak in the self selection process of every day life.

  • They choose not to participate in a corporate wide training or change initiative - self selecting - not realizing that there could be one significant gem within that learning experience.
  • They choose not to listen to their children upon returning home from school. They self select themselves out of their child's life.
  • They choose not to become involved in their community. They self select themselves out of being a part of the solution.
  • They choose not to care about others. They self select themselves out of the human race.

Self selection is explained quite well in the book Leadership and Self Deception. The author use the analogy about being in the box (choosing people as objects) or being out of the box (choosing people as people).

Aristotle saw the power of smart choice through self selection when he wrote: For what is the best choice for each individual is the highest it is possible for him to achieve.

Are you where you want to be? The M.A.P. for Success, a FREE email course may help you begin to chart a course of business, professional or personal success. Visit

Did you enjoy this article? Then join the other 1,000 subscribers who receive Power Choices each month. Register at

Please feel free to call me, Leanne Hoagland-Smith, Your Chief People Officer and Business Coach for individuals and organizations that are tired of not being where they want to be and truly want Success. 219.508.2859


Work-Life Balance - Handling the Demands That Speed up Your Pace of Life

I want to offer you one very simple idea that may be useful to you if the pace of your life generally accelerates after Labor Day.

If you're like my clients and the people in my workshops, you probably do a fair amount of thinking on your feet. Your life is probably fast-paced, you're involved in complex projects, and you expect yourself to respond in the moment to a stream of information and demands regularly coming at you.

And like my clients, you may have forgotten one of your options. This option is particularly useful to invoke when you are being asked to do something that you really, on some level, do not feel good about. Perhaps you suspect that you don't have the bandwidth to take this on know. Perhaps you feel that it's not in your projects' best interest, but you're not quite ready to say so. Perhaps in some way it seems out of integrity for you to do this. Perhaps you have no idea at the moment why it feels wrong to you, but it does. Or you just don't know what you think.

Remember at a time like this, you can say something to the effect of, "Let me get back to you on that." Or, "Thank you for thinking of me for this. I have so much coming at me at the moment, I want to be sure I can really manage this. So let me think about it off line and get back to you." THIS BUYS YOU SOME TIME.

Once you have bought yourself this time, you can think about the issue in question, talk about it, sleep on it, do whatever you need to do in order to respond appropriately. Most overcommitments are made on the fly. Save yourself from over committing or agreeing to something you don't really agree with by taking some time and responding later.

It's a fairly conventional option that a lot of highly effective people forget they have, I find. So consider yourself reminded.

Copyright 2006 Sharon Teitelbaum. All rights reserved.

Sharon Teitelbaum, author of "Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued: Restoring Work-Life Balance," Master Certified Coach, and motivational speaker, helps high achievers re-claim their work-life balance. Her interactive coaching process provides a powerful catalyst towards greater career and life satisfaction. Sharon's work has been featured in national publications including The New York Times,, and Working Mother Magazine. Visit Sharon's website at and subscribe to "Strategies of Change" to receive practical tips for work-life success.


When to Hire a Coach

Most of the time, when people hire a coach, they don't have a clear, concise statement of what they need. That's one of the reasons to hire a coach -- to get clearer about what's up for you, what your life is requiring of you now, and what you actually need to DO.

Most of the time, when people hire a coach, they don't have a clear, concise statement of what they need. That's one of the reasons to hire a coach -- to get clearer about what's up for you, what your life is requiring of you now, and what you actually need to DO.

I always offer a complimentary initial session if you're considering hiring me as your coach so we can both look at what's going on for you, how I would propose to work with you, and whether we're a good fit to work together. I'm not the right coach for everybody, and I have a number of excellent colleagues I refer to if they're a better fit for you than I am.

Here are some of the situations that a coach can help you with:

  • You have been going around and around the hamster wheel with a decision or problem, and just not getting anywhere with it.
  • You have become dissatisfied with some aspect of your work, your job, or your work-life balance and aren't quite sure what to do about it.
  • There's nothing really wrong, but you're just not feeling the energy and commitment you used to feel.
  • You are longing to spend more time with your children and can't figure out how to deal with this.
  • You are less successful (by your definition) in some way than you know you could be, and you just don't get what's holding you back.
  • For one reason or another, there is no one right now that you can bounce ideas off of, talk things through with, or get a reality check from, and it's holding you back.
  • You suspect you've outgrown your job or your career and can't imagine starting over somewhere.

The initial consultation also offers you the opportunity to ask whatever questions you might have about my approach, training, fee structure, how coaching works, and so forth.

Copyright 2006 Sharon Teitelbaum. All rights reserved.

Sharon Teitelbaum, author of "Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued: Restoring Work-Life Balance," Master Certified Coach, and motivational speaker, helps high achievers re-claim their work-life balance. Her interactive coaching process provides a powerful catalyst towards greater career and life satisfaction. Sharon's work has been featured in national publications including The New York Times,, and Working Mother Magazine. Visit Sharon's website at and subscribe to "Strategies of Change" to receive practical tips for work-life success.

Tips for Success When Overdrive Isn't Enough

Many of us spend most, if not all, of our waking hours in ONE gear, "overdrive", characterized by a driven, focused attention to accomplishing items on the To Do list, a "can-do" attitude, and a relentless, linear push for results, completions, and on to the next. But it's not the right gear for every situation.

Albert Einstein once said, "The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." This point of view is extremely relevant to the way most of us live our lives.

Many of us spend most, if not all, of our waking hours in ONE gear, "overdrive", characterized by a driven, focused attention to accomplishing items on the To Do list, a "can-do" attitude, and a relentless, linear push for results, completions, and on to the next. It is the mode that our culture applauds and favors, supported by the availability of high-grade, hi-test coffee every quarter of a mile; you don't even have to get out of your car! It's a good gear, don't get me wrong! I personally love being in that gear, and I love getting stuff done!

But it's not the right gear for every situation. We cannot solve our "serious problems" with it, as Einstein observed. It's not the right gear for breakthrough thinking. Creative problem solving requires deeper thinking, a more big-picture perspective, and detachment. It's also not the right gear for spending time with a young child, which requires being in the moment, present, slowed down, and with no To Do list in mind! In this mode, you can relate to the child on his own terms as well as access your intuition and inner wisdom, which will guide you in developing a nurturing relationship with the child.

Over the next months, at times when you feel exhausted and depleted, check in with yourself to see what gear you are in. Chances are you have been spending too much time in Overdrive, and need to use some of your other gears. Try shifting into balanced gear. Do not feel guilty about it! Bottom line, big picture, it will allow you to be more effective in all the arenas of your life.

Copyright 2006 Sharon Teitelbaum. All rights reserved.

Sharon Teitelbaum, author of "Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued: Restoring Work-Life Balance," Master Certified Coach, and motivational speaker, helps high achievers re-claim their work-life balance. Her interactive coaching process provides a powerful catalyst towards greater career and life satisfaction. Sharon's work has been featured in national publications including The New York Times,, and Working Mother Magazine. Visit Sharon's website at and subscribe to "Strategies of Change" to receive practical tips for work-life success.


When Passion Ended

Do you feel lost?

Do you feel uninspired and less energy?

Do you feel that you are at the junction of a crossroad?

When waking up is just something you do because you have to, then you have either not found your inspiration or passion, or you have lost it some where along your journey.

Here's a meaningful story that I would like to share with you. May it enlightens you...

Once upon a time there was a very strong woodcutter. He asked for a job from a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and so were the work conditions. For that reason the woodcutter was determined to do his best.

His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he was supposed to work. The first day the woodcutter brought down 18 trees. The Boss was very much impressed and said Congratulations Go on that way! Very motivated by the boss words the woodcutter tried harder the next day but he only could bring down 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder but he only could bring down 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing down less and less trees.

I must be losing my strength the woodcutter thought to himself. He went to the boss and apologized saying that he could not understand what was going on. When was the last time you sharpened your axe? the boss asked.

Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut the trees.

Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so busy that we don't take time to sharpen the axe. In today's world it seems that everyone is busier than ever but less happy than ever. Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay sharp? There's nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But we should not get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life like our personal life taking time to read etc. We all need time to relax to think and meditate to learn and grow. If we don't take time to sharpen the axe we will become dull and lose our effectiveness.

So start from today, think about the ways by which you could do your job more effectively and add a lot of value to it.

Aaron Loh
Founder and Director of Wealth Learning International

Aaron Loh is an avid learner and is always in the pursuit for success in what he's passionately involved in - helping others to constantly learn and upgrade themselves. He faced many setbacks and challenges in this journey. With his strong commitment and determination, plus God's blessing, he successfully changed the lives of thousands and thousands of people.

Truth Telling Game

Intimacy is one of the most fulfilling aspects of relating with another. In opening oneself and revealing your innermost thoughts to another creates intimacy, understanding and deepens any relationship. The feeling of "being known" and "knowing another" authentically is fulfilling.

One fun way to stir up the intimacy quotient is by playing the "Truth-Telling Game". It's simple and easy, but not for the faint of heart. It's about connecting to your truth in the moment, and then sharing that with another. It can be played at any time by simply asking, "What's your truth?" And, it's a great way to connect with yourself, "What's MY truth?". The biggest key is to find the truth in your heart, not your head. That's the difference between a "soul response" versus an "ego response". The soul won't lie, but our egos make up all kinds of crazy nonsense. Go for the heart's truth. Then be open and ready for anything.

It's important to note, that "your truth", isn't always "the truth". We may perceive situations inaccurately. That's not bad. It's simply what is so. "Be with" whatever is so, your "truth" in the moment, or your partner's "truth" in the moment is neither "good" nor "bad". The truth can be messy at times. However, just "being with" another's truth is healing and supportive. Understanding, compassion, curiosity and love are useful tools to support you in this 'game of truth'. In speaking your truth - others can respond and clarify. Also, when we speak the truth about emotions, we're more easily able to "let them go". When you say "your truth is feeling sad", just saying that begins the process of releasing it. And, as each "truth" is spoken to, you can dig for deeper and deeper "truths". And, as the saying goes, "the truth will set you free".

Mary Allen, CPCC, MCC is author of The Power of Inner Choice. She hosts Conversations with the Masters interviewing best-selling authors via free, live conference calls. Visit to learn about coaching, her popular year-long Success and Inner Peace Bootcamp and tap into a wealth of resources including her ezine SoulFULLY Living, and Your Daily Gems.


Winning is Nothing to Fear - Do Not Fear Success!

Have you ever heard of the notion that many people are afraid to succeed? If they succeed then what? Sure, we have all heard this and yet we laugh when we hear it, after all who in their right mind is afraid to succeed?

Well, you might not like the answer to that problem because odds are that you are one of them. To fully understand this paradoxical issue with the human psyche, actually your psyche, I think you should read the following book:

"Overcoming The Fear of Success - Why and How We Defeat Ourselves and What to Do About it" by Martha Friedman - 1980.

Many people out there are actually afraid to succeed, and worse they have no clue, and well my advise is simple, don't be one of them too, don't you dare let it be you. This book explains the human psyche and how most everyone has the tendency to want something and then once they get it, wishes they did not have it.

Sometimes this tendency hits us in advance of succeeding at our goal or dreams, but there is something you can do about this inherent and some say innate characteristic. I realize all this sounds a little crazy and that you are not buying into this "Afraidy Cat Syndrome" at all, but until you read this book, you will not understand or be able to detect why you maybe holding yourself back.

Once you read this work you will be able to spot the signs of this real problem in yourself, in your mirror and in others. Once you do, well overcoming it, that's the easy part, but not until you read the book, buy it online today, it's a classic.

My name is Lance Winslow and I am a semi-retired entrepreneur, retired Franchisor and now I am a consultant brain-4-hire, internet writer and author. I got bored in retirement so I founded the Online Think Tank - If you would like to send me an email just to say hi, discuss an article, send me hate mail or need some advice you can find me at; Have a great day and thanks for reading - tell me about you?

Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...