JESUS’ Stripe, not “Stripes” HIS STRIPE (chabburah – a stripe in Hebrew) we are healed ~ Isaiah 53:5 NKJV WHOSE STRIPE (molopi - a stripe in Greek) you were healed.  ~ 1 Peter 2:24 NKJV

“STRIPE” (either in Hebrew or Greek) can only be used when there actually is only ONE WOUND or ONE LARGE GAPING WOUND; no flesh left at all! JESUS' back was lacerated so badly that HIS entire back was ONE STRIPE. HE was beaten until no skin was left. 

Had there been one quarter inch of space between any two of the bruises/stripes, the Greek here must then have read ‘molopsi (bruises/stripes)’ and not ‘molopi (bruise/stripe)’, likewise the Hebrew here must then have read ‘chabburim (bruises/stripes)’, ’not ‘chabburah (bruise/stripe)’.

The word “STRIPE” tell us how much HE suffered and how brutal the punishment for our sins and the payment for our healing was.

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The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...