Increase Your Success By Having A Daily Plan

It always amazes me how people will take the time out to plan a trip yet refuse to spent even a few minutes planning their lives. As we all know, having a plan when traveling helps to prevent getting lost. It also keeps one on the proper path to make sure that time lines are maintained. Not surprisingly, planning our lives has the same effect. Setting forth the direction that we are heading and the time periods for accomplishing different things increases the chances that we will not get lost.

Many write about the importance of setting goals. It is true that short-term and long-term goals give us insight into what our lives will look like. Creating a longer perspective spanning a few decades enables one to develop a fulfilling life. The shorter goals provide the stepping stones to these achievements. Goals in writing offer the incentive to overcome those obstacles as they arise. They are our roadmap on our trip of life.

As important as having a life plan is, it is incomplete without breaking it down to the shortest time period possible. As much as we tend to focus on the months and years of our lives, this is not where we live. Like they say in twelve step programs, we live 'one day at a time'. Upon awakening, each of us faces 12-18 hours before we retire in bed again. How we utilize this time is what separates the quality of life among different people. Of course, the way to make this most time most effective is to plan it out.

Many have a daily planner that they use. This is especially true in their business. All the appointments for the day are entered. Deadlines are noted along with plans for achievement. However, this is an incomplete 'plan'. To neglect one's personal affairs is what often leaves people feeling a bit unfulfilled.

The same twelve step programs mentioned above contain the aspect of daily plan. Part of their curriculum is to look at the day ahead to prepare for those situations where moments of weakness might arise. The temptation to fall back into the addictive behavior is reduced if one anticipates a troublesome area. Also, by concentrating on how one will attempt to respond in those circumstances, the perils are lessened.

If this concept is effective in combating addiction, how much impact would it have on the life of a non-addict? The answer is that it can take one's life from a 'lost journey' to one that has purpose. By knowing where one is headed on a daily basis, the tendency to get lost is eliminated. We move from activity-to-activity seamlessly. Tasks that do not fit into our plan are not considered. A focused mind has a tremendous amount of power. A daily plan concentrates the mind on what is important.

Marc Victor Hansen, author of The Chicken Soup For The Soul series, claims to get up at 4:00 am each morning to set down his daily plan. He writes out his day in detail. It includes who he is going to see, what he is going to do, what he hopes to accomplish, and what he looks to give to each situation. Is it any wonder that he has sold over 100 million books? With a habit like this, nothing is left to chance. In effect, he 'lives' his day in his mind before he actually experiences. The chances that circumstances will go as he desires are increased since he already 'lived' the situation that morning. With his script for the day complete, he only need to follow it much in the same way an actor performs a scene. There is a certain amount of ad libbing involved. However, the basic essence of the scene comes off as it was written.

The time spent planning your day will be dwarfed when you see the results that it produces. One quickly realizes that a few minutes of planning saves an equal, if not greater, amount of time. Time wasters are eliminated since an itinerary for the day is set. Those unexpected surprises can be dealt with in a more powerful fashion since the overall 'essence' of the day is in place. Give yourself this wonderful gift by planning your day in advance.

Dennis Harting is the Head Coach at Your Rich Life. He is an acclaimed speaker, trainer, and best-selling author. His books include Your Easiest Million and The Ultimate Procrastination Handbook. His programs and more information can be found at


Programme Your Mindset to Success to Improve the Quality of Your Life

One of my favourite quotes is from the sci-fi series, Andromeda,

"Beneath knowing, understanding
Beneath understanding, seeing
Beneath seeing, recognising
Beneath recognising, knowing."

Vision of Faith CY 10003, Andromeda

I think it's a profound and beautiful quote that sums up the mindset of truly successful people. You see the movers and shakers of this world don't have to be told, they know that they create their destiny and they wouldn't have it any other way. This "knowing" is embedded in the core of their being. They are the director and star in their life story. They attract the people and resources they need to create their blockbuster.

Successful people accept full responsibility for their lives and, in so doing, have the 'ability to respond' to situations in their lives instead of react to them. Average folk also attract people and resources into their lives but they do so in an unconscious level. This results in them not always attracting what they want. They are inclined to blame other people and circumstances for their dilemma and end up reacting to the events in their lives instead of orchestrating them.

In fact, that very word "orchestrating" reminds me of yet another quote. You see, we tend to spend so much time doing that we forget the art of being. I believe that we are spiritual beings having a physical existence here on Earth and that; ultimately, the spirit is more powerful than the physical body. However, spirit works through us as physical beings and the best way to facilitate this is through quietening the mind, the conduit between body and spirit. For many people there is such a clamour in their minds that nothing positive can get through.

"When you quieten the mind, the symphony begins."

Yes, it is the mind which is usually the barrier to our achieving our heart's desire. This is why, in so many personal development or self improvement programmes there is great emphasis on developing the right mindset.

Imagine the mind as a tunnel between body and spirit. What does your tunnel look like? It is light, spacious and well-maintained or is it dark and dingy, narrow and in a derelict condition? What does your tunnel sound like? Can you hear soft, calming melodies or perhaps soothing sounds of nature or are the sounds disconcerting, loud and raucous? What does it feel like in your tunnel? Does it feel warm and inviting or cold and inhospitable?

So many people are looking for answers outside of themselves when the answer lies within. Yet we seem afraid to delve deep inside and it seems that we are incredulous of the magnitude of our hidden power. Indeed, it is said that our greatest fear is in the ownership of our unlimited power

I spoke to a friend recently who was very worried about the state of a company she was involved in. She was so worried that she felt everything might "go down the pan". I stopped her in her tracks right there and said.

"That's the worse thing you can think. I agree that the situation is serious but as soon as you start thinking that it's 'game over' that is exactly what will happen. We need to take a realistic look at the situation and we need to develop a game plan."

She was focussing on the 'evidence' around her that the company was not in a healthy state. However, all this was resulting in was producing more of the same negative results. To turn the company around she needed to turn around and look at how she wanted the company to be, then devise a plan and implement it.

It sounds simplistic and I know that there are times when the best thing is to wrap up a company but I knew, from experience, that this need not be the end result in this situation. However, success depended upon the players in this particular game being able to keep their focus on the goal.

When we look at our current results, maybe the lack and limitation that exists in our lives, we are applying Newtonian Physics that which describes the visible effects. However, Newtonian Physics is just the tip of the iceberg and while most of us have never even seen an iceberg we accept that nine-tenths of an iceberg lies beneath the surface.

The unseen portion lies within the realms of Quantum Physics and is much more powerful. However, because Quantum Physics deals with the invisible cause we have much more difficulty in believing in it. Yet believe in it we must or perish. That submerged portion sank the Titanic and it will surely sink you if you do not learn how to harness its power and use it to your benefit rather than your detriment.

"We are living in a world where all we see is the tip of the iceberg. The immense tip of a quantum mechanical iceberg."
John Hagelin, Ph.D.

If you doubt any of this and are not achieving the results you want in life then why not simply give this new approach a try? What have you got to lose? In the movie Hunt for Red October the character played by Gene Hackman said something akin to he didn't trust air he couldn't see. I always found that amusing-definitely a Newtonian man! However, every moment of everyday that we draw breath we don't question whether or not the air is there. We simply breathe.

Start believing in your power to create the life you desire, let that belief come from the core your being. Know it to be true. Operate from a position of complete trust. The Universe always responds and your reward will be to see that which you believe.

"Faith is to believe what you do not yet see;
the reward for this faith is to see what you believe."

St Augustine

Nickolove Lovemore is a Life & Success Coach and Certified NLP Practitioner. Visit Success Accessories and discover the success secrets of 9 of the world's legends in personal development. Learn how these 9 individuals are applying their success mindset to achieve phenomenal results in their lives.


The Power of an Hour

A recent article in the New York Times quoted a medical expert on the life-saving difference even one hour can make between feeling the symptoms of a heart attack and making that call to 911. Yet, the physician reported, the average time it takes people to make that call is 111 minutes, a statistic that hasn't changed in 10 years, even though that first hour is critical.

Imagine the power an hour can make in other facets of our life. If we just took one hour to eat healthier, exercise, learn new skills, meditate, or just to enjoy ourselves, the benefits would be enormous versus the cost of losing one more hour to inaction.

Here are Five Ways To Find The Power in an Hour

The Power to Learn: Set aside one hour every week to learn something new for your career, to become a better parent, or to become a better child to an older parent. Check out a book at the public library. Take an on-line course or seminar. Dedicate one hour each week to master new skills and insights to power up your career and relationships!

The Power to Play: Set aside one hour each week to do something you really enjoy. Read. Play a musical instrument. Knit. Join a bowling league. Play golf. Your stress will dissipate when you officially schedule "play-time" each week!

The Power to Enjoy a Meal: Set aside one hour each week to make a meal an event, not a chore. Schedule all family members to be present, or invite good friends. Make it a simple meal* to allow your hour to be relaxing, spent sharing conversation and life stories. When you discover how delightful a shared dinner can be, you'll want to schedule an hour for a meal more than just once a week!

The Power to Exercise: It can seem daunting to schedule an entire hour each day just for exercise. But what about 20 minutes each morning, at lunch and then again in the evening to take a walk? One Harvard University study reported that walking just three hours a week, or 30 minutes a day, can reduce the risk of heart disease by as much as 40 percent. Walk up and down stairs or back and forth through hallways if you can't go outside every day. Just start walking!

The Power to Think: An hour of meditation can substantially lower your blood pressure and improve your health in countless other ways. It's also a great way to set aside time for you to rest, reflect and become more focused -- without all those outside interruptions -- on what you really want out of your career and lifestyle!

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Marketing Strategist & Productivity coach, Ruth Klein, publishes the 'Ruth Klein Report' bi-monthly with 7,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to build your brand, jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have a life, get your great tips and ideas now at

Marketing Strategist and Productivity Coach, Speaker and Author, Ruth Klein, is the owner of the award-winning boutique firm, The Marketing/Time Source.

If you liked today's issue, you'll LOVE these three new books: The Everything Guide to Being a Sales Rep; Time Management Secrets for Working Women (look for the PBS presentation for 2007); and The De-Stress Diva ™ in the Kitchen.


5 No-Fail Strategies To Stop Nail Biting

How common is nail biting? Estimates vary of course- 28 to 33 per cent of children between the ages of seven and 10; 44 per cent of adolescents; 19 to 29 per cent of young adults and five per cent of older adults are nail biters. This article will give some basic information on this habit and suggest five strategies to stop.

Nail biting is a way to relieve tension and stress and is similar to nose-picking and hair twisting as a'nervous habit'. Nail biting is not just limited to biting nails but also to biting the cuticles and the surrounding tissues around the nails. This habit is exacerbated by physical inactivity. According to Freudian theory, nail biting is a symptom of oral fixation. The clinical name for nail biting is chronic onychophagia. Like other nervous habits, it is sometimes a symptom of an emotional problem. Basically, nail biting is a rational substitution of one problem for another. In many instances it is used as a tension reliever.

Five Strategies To Stop Nail Biting

1. Buy some 'Thum' and paint your nails with it. It has a bitter taste, so much so that it will send a very clear message to your brain that it is time to stop biting your nails. A sort of negative physical response – nobody likes a bad taste.

2. Buy a stress ball- that is a great way to take your attention off your massacred nails! Sometimes, drawing, scribbling or just playing with something in your hands can be a great help.

3. Look after your nails – start now ! I know they are in a bit of a mess. You can trim them , file them and even use nail polish. From now on, you are going to show them off- not hide them!

4. Wear gloves whenever you can – easier in winter obviously. Any physical barrier helps you to stop.

5. If your child suffers from this habit you will need to explain that it may be due to stress or other problems. The child may have problems at school. Once the child knows the reason, this will help him to stop.

We have looked at some strategies to stop nail biting. You may want to consider self- hypnosis treatment which is outlined in the site below.

Robert Locke is an Internet Marketer specializing in Health, Wellness and Fitness. For Breaking News on the Wellness Front, visit his blog on :-

For more information on self-hypnosis for treating nail biting click on :-


You Never Die From A Broken Heart, You Simply Wish You Did!

Nothing is worse than the breaking of your heart when a steamy relationship is over. And then watch them go when its over, is really hard. And as we mature, the number of people breaking our hearts goes on and on, and seems to hurt even more as we try to move on with our everyday lives.

While dealing with bad relationships, the initial thing is to allow them to go completely. Keep in mind that a relationship over is absolutely inevitable and above all, inescapable. Try to develop your confidence that someone better is coming to join you someday. There is a replacement for everything. After a relationship over, if we return to that person with whom we had bad relationships; they will perceive us no more than a beaten personality whom they had defeated. Hence, we would risk embarrassment and falling into the same pattern over and over again. So let it go when its over.

A perfect way to just let go is to refuse to give in to the temptation to revisit that person and simply keep away from calling them on the cell phone, sending emails or getting in touch with them otherwise. When you have separations with someone for whom you still feel from the core of your heart, it's attractive to allow them make all the rules so as to keep them in your life. The difficulty is, if there is no hope of squaring off, you are just drawing out the suffering - and it will take even more time for your broken heart to recover.

When someone there is breaking your heart, it's all right to feel bad. Give yourself time to recover when its over. Go on a walk by yourself, or you can listen to your favorite upbeat or sad music which accurately translates your feelings. Listening to sad kind of music will help you to realize that the relationship is over and it's time to think about something new. Every feeling has its own worth, as every feeling tells us something novel about our own personalities. Just as we take pleasure in being happy, we can take pleasure in being sad for when a relationship is over; expressing that we are not going to feel the same way forever. Because the sun does not shine every morning does not mean it will continue raining forever.

Talk to someone about your relationship over. Your best buddy will let you voice all of your fury and frustration and will raise your spirits afterwards. If you keep all your depression and grief solely within the boundaries of your own heart after a breaking up, you might end up blaming yourself for bad relationships, and you could miss the boat for making deeper relations with the rest of your buddies, too.

They say time heals all wounds! Undoubtedly, this short phrase might help you in terms of a relationship being over. With the passage of time, 'today' will slip into the past, and you won't even remember the heartache at all. As we learn to grow from our experience, each experience good or bad will influence us in every way down the road. So do not look at this as wasted time but as a growing experience in our own lives. Live and learn is what is boils down to and we of course hope to avoid the same issue the next time we decide to open our hearts to another person.

Claude Cote is the creator of a site that helps out individuals with insightful articles, and options in ending that bad relationship or making sure your spouse is indeed being true and faithfull to you. This was created with the broken heated in mind to help solidify your relationship or to clense yourself of bad relationship. Either way you will have the satisfaction of knowing where you stand.

When God Created, There Was No Struggle, Disease, Violence or Death - Not Until Sin Entered

Although we live in this world for a time, this world is not our home, and man knows this. We are created for Communion with the Creator. That is why man has this desire to pray. There is a series of articles on Creation and this is related.

Man can rise far above the animals, and man can also sink far below the animals.

Man can experience so many things which animals cannot - in language - culture - in asking questions - in thinking - in prayer - in his mental and emotional life.

An animal never prays, but man has this inborn desire to commune with the Creator GOD. That is why God opened a door for us, and God says to us, "You can come to ME through MY SON Jesus Christ - but that is the only way".

Man can also sink much lower than the animals, in perversion and violence. It was man who designed Belsen and Auschwitz. That is how low man can sink.

It is interesting to note in passing that this was a direct consequence of the teaching of a belief in evolution - that man is only an animal - and therefore we should annihilate those whom we think are weak and peculiar and retarded and different! Produce a super race!

There is no evidence that the hairy apes behave as badly as those Desmond Morris calls "The Naked Ape".

Man is the final creative act. There is no higher being upon the earth. He is the climax, and God holds a Conference and says, LET US MAKE. WE are going to create man.

What a risk GOD is taking. He is creating a being capable of being a companion, or capable of being rebellious.

The word CREATED is used for the third time, and it is used three times.

That man descended from animals is contrary to the Word of God. We need to know this. It is vital. God breaks into what we would call poetry as the heart of God is moved. Man will be in our image - in our likeness.

The things I can do with my body - God can do without a body - I can see - hear - touch - walk - think - I can be moved - I can appreciate - I can love. We get this from God, and we can have the Spirit of God living within us - and anointing us.

What God says to man, He says to no other creature. You are in charge - you will control - you will rule! And - God's blessing is upon man. When God made man he said it was VERY GOOD.

Our children and grandchildren are being taught "evolution" - as if it were true - as if it had been proved - as if evolutionary theories were FACT!

Up to this point in the biblical record of Creation, there is no struggle. God saw that it was good, and after HE created man God saw that it was very good - or exceedingly good.

There is no struggle - no disease - no death - no pollution - no life has been lost. Man is on earth. As yet, there can be no fossils, because fossils necessarily imply death, and fossils are formed suddenly as a consequence of something violent and catastrophic in nature - like The Flood.

Death came, only when SIN entered the world.

Genesis Chapter 1 is either a fraud or a miracle. It is written as if by an eye-witness - by Someone Who was present and saw it all happen. It is either human invention - or Divine Inspiration. It is either total guess work - and speculation - or truth. There is no middle ground. It is either human imagination, or Divine Inspiration.

How could all this be known? Turn to Psalm 103 verse 7. God made His ways known to Moses. We know that God talked with Moses as a man talks face to face with his friend. Moses could not have received this from man - but only from GOD.

This book is totally reliable and trustworthy. When we hold on to Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord, and HIS WORD, we need never feel ashamed or embarrassed or intellectually inferior.

We can praise GOD - and remember His Goodness - and receive the forgiveness we need - and healing for all our diseases and pains which we shall see are the results of SIN. We can look to HIM to crown us with His Love - and satisfy our desires - and renew us.

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.

His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.

Sandy Shaw



Cancer: Healing the Mind and Soul Besides Going After the Tumor

Cancer: The Monster That Kills?

For most people, a cancer diagnosis means death. Unfortunately, the world is primed to the idea that cancer always kills. It is not necessarily so. I have often told cancer patients: You don't have to die of cancer. I do not have cancer but I may die earlier than you. So take it easy and don't worry so much. It is not good for your healing. I do not say this just to please them. I have seen so many miraculous healings of cancer cases that I remain in awe, preferring to experience them, rather than to reason.

Karl Menniger (in The Vital Balance) wrote: "Cancer is said to kill some patients who would otherwise not have died so quickly from it". Abraham Khazam (in You Don't Have to Die From Cancer) said: "You don't have to die from cancer and many people die unnecessarily and prematurely from this wrong word, which is a wrong belief that produces a wrong mental set."

Mindset of Cancer Patients

Cancer patients are not ordinary people. They may show the following characteristics:

1) Cancer patients are very frightened people even though some of them do not show their fear. They may put up a false front.

2) Cancer patients are people in distress. At the back of their mind they only think that they are going to die soon. The future can never be certain anymore.

3) Cancer patients are intensely anxious people. They may be in a hypnotic-like state. As such, they are highly gullible and are highly receptive to any suggestion. They would grab at any straw that promises a cure.

4) Cancer patients are emotional people. They are not capable of rational thinking. Reasoning and logic do not apply to the emotional mind.

5) Cancer patients are highly sensitive persons. They will find reference to their problems just about everywhere. Every word and action of people surrounding them appeared to be directed at them.

6) Cancer patients are demoralised people. They feel hopeless, helpless and are in great despair. They feel powerless and frustrated. They feel that there is nothing that they can do to help themselves and there is nothing that others can do to help them. They suffer from the inside and the world does not seem to care or be able to help.

One Person, Two Diseases

When you are told by the doctor that you have cancer, what does he really mean? This is an odd question to ask, is it not? Many of us, doctors included, see only the biological cancer in you; that is to say, all of us think of cancer as the presence of malignant tumors in the body. We have been trained to think in terms of the visible and measurable aspects of the body.

Let me tell you that there is more to having cancer than the mere presence of the biological disease. Medicine tends to ignore or neglect the fact that a person with cancer also suffers from emotional or psychological cancer. This type of cancer does not show up in the X-ray film or blood test results. Emotional cancer is equally serious if not more serious than the biological cancer. Emotional cancer leads to psychogenic death. Such death comes after patients are being diagnosed with cancer. They die unnecessarily so, long before the biological cancer may even have the chance to kill them. Such a death is a result of self-destruction arising from a wrong conviction that one must die when one gets cancer. In short, this is like the voodoo or bone-pointing death curse. Unfortunately, this death goes unrecognised and unrecorded because it is presumed that deaths of cancer patients is caused by biological cancer.

Today, cancer patients could be under a modern day voodoo curse. They are told that they have contracted cancer and with it too come the doctor's prognosis – only three to six months to live, etc. There is no more chance. Death is inevitable. Prepare yourself. This curse is made real in the emotional mind of cancer patients in two ways:

1) The wrong mindset of the patients themselves. They fully believe in their doctors and what they say. As patients they feel hopeless and helpless. They believe they will die of cancer!

2) The social pressure brought about by the wrong mindset of family members, relatives, friends, doctors, nursing staff and many others. While these people may have good intentions, they may unfortunately have the wrong mindset.

I am reminded of Madam Kiew, a breast cancer patient who came to see me many years ago. She was warded in a private hospital after having her cancerous breast removed. A nurse came to her ward one day and said: "You must realise that you are suffering from cancer. This is a serious disease. You have no chance at all. You will die soon." Madam Kiew was devastated and confused. She came to my house crying and pleading with us to help her. She said she was not ready to die yet -- her only daughter was still small. We understood her distress. Of course the nurse did not realise that what she did and said was very destructive. It amounted to pushing Madam Kiew to her death -- to follow the usual, expected path. Many well-meaning friends, relatives and even doctors commit similar deadly mistakes.

Treatment of Cancer

Having understood the above, perhaps it would be easier now for us to understand that there is more to cancer treatment than the surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and drugs that the doctors ask you to undergo or take. Medical science only addresses the physical aspect of the biological cancer, leaving a big hollow or void with regards to the emotions. This is inadequate and unsatisfactory. What the world needs is to recognise and address the emotional or psychological cancers that exist in the patients. These are equally destructive forces that eat up the patients from within. Psychology is still often viewed with suspicion. Perhaps the study about the problems of the head is only relevant in cases of mad men? I have a strong feeling that it may take too long for modern medicine to come to terms with the new truth that man is not only a physical body but consists of the mind and soul. Healing must address all these three.

Chris Teo, Ph.D. For more details visit:,


Funny Things We Dream

I often wonder why I wake up so happy, ready to start the day. When I was younger I'd whack the alarm clock, for the fourth time, grumble out of bed and stomp around with a major sour puss. Now I'm up before the alarm clock most mornings, and I don't grumble, not as often as I used to anyway. I'm often anxious to see what the day will bring.

I think I've stumbled upon the reason for my early rise and my cheery outlook. My wife. Yes, she brightens up my days and has given me tremendous motivation, though she still sleeps later than I do, and she tends to grumble, though not too badly.

There's another reason, and this also involves my wife. I believe that laughter is the best medicine, and she makes me laugh. More so, I think a happy attitude is contagious, and the reason I wake up happy might be this: my wife laughs in her sleep.

I kid you not. She laughs out loud. So loud that I'm frequently awakened by her nocturnal guffaws. Sometimes it begins as a chuckle, but many times the laughter just erupts, like she just saw the funniest thing in the world. How can I help but be amused and feel happy myself when I'm treated to this many nights out of a week.

There's more... while still asleep, she tells me what she was laughing about. Here's are the most recent accounts...

One night she rolls over and begins her laughing. I wake up, and wait for her to settle down. Then I ask "What's so funny?"

I wasn't expecting a response, but to my surprise she answered me while still sound asleep. She said "Mrs. Juniper said the juniper wouldn't grow much taller than two feet, but she planted it and the damn thing took off, and it's still growing! Ha ha ha ha...." Then she began to snore again.

I shook my head, rolled over and settled in for the remainder of the night, knowing that we'd both get a kick out the story when I recalled it the following day. We did.

The most recent episode was even better, stranger. This time it seemed like I was already awake before she started laughing, maybe she had been chuckling first and that roused me. Either way, when she stopped her laughter I decided to see if she would talk again.

I asked "Okay, what's so funny this time?"

Her reply was classic. A truly original rambling by a sleeping brain. She said "Orville Redenbacher's plane wouldn't fly so they were trying to hang Orville Redenbacher's plane over the bed by a string. Ha ha ha ha...." Then she conked out.

Again I shook my head, rolled over and anticipated the break of day, when I would share the tale from her sleeping brain with her alert brain. I couldn't wait to see her reaction.

I ask you, being a natural marvel, capable of great intellect, doesn't the human brain have better things to think about? The mechanics of slumbering gray matter perplex me.

Why she laughs in her sleep I don't know, but I'm glad she does. I'm happily married, and I assure you, that will never change!

I'm looking forward to more of her one liners from la-la-land. Can there be more? I'll keep you posted. Heck, if I collect enough maybe I'll write a book!

That's all for now. From my funny little spot in the universe, I bid you well.

Over and out.

About the Author:

Drew Vics is an artist, writer and musician living in New Jersey. Aside from writing, which for now is a hobby, Drew enjoys playing guitar, writing and recording music, painting, and brewing his own beer.


Rewrite Your History - How To Change Your Past So You Can Live Fully In The Present

As I fumbled through some old files this evening, cleaning up my home office, I ran across a journal of quotes I'd started in 1994. (Ok, yes, I had quite a stack of books and papers I was going through.) I opened the journal, and right there on the first page was a quote that caught my eye and I knew I had to share it with you. It says:

"Immaturity is allowing someone else to author your history. Maturity is accepting the authorship of your history. You cannot change history, but you can write history." This was a statement made by a professor in my Fall semester of college in 1994 – I was a Junior. I specifically remember this course and especially this professor, Dr. Anderson. As I read the quote, now 13 years later, I'm nostalgic, and am glad I ran across the quote.

So, I ran right into the kitchen where my husband was preparing dinner and was eager to read him this nugget of information – a blast from my past that is just as relevant today as it was then. He was confused. You might be, too. Let me give you my perspective…

What It All Means

Maturity, by definition, means being fully developed in body or mind; we all strive to become mature in our growth. We want to be grounded and centered in our thoughts and in our emotions; we want to feel as if we are somebody and that we've accomplished great things. We envision this coming from a place of maturity… "a time when."

The problem with living in "a time when" is that we fall victim to the stories of our past and the inability to accept what is happening right now. The stories of our past… you grew up in a divorced home, you weren't given the same opportunities as others, or you are the child of an alcoholic. Those are the stories we hold onto. We use them as excuses for who we are, what we're doing, and how we feel. But, that is an immature process.

Create a New Label for Yourself

Maturity means accepting – and I mean really accepting – that your past is yours, and everything in it you created. Yes, you read that right – you created it. And I know this is a hard thing to hear, "What do you mean I CREATED the alcoholic parents I had?" Or, "There is no way I CREATED a childhood like that." Well, no, you didn't create the circumstances of your life (or maybe you did, but that's for another article). But you DID create an emotion and a belief based on that circumstance. From birth through about the age of 18, you were a follower (well, except through the teenage years when most of us rebelled like crazy). But now that you're an adult, you can no longer hang on to the stories of your past, if you want to change your emotions of now.

You see, you can choose to rewrite the stories of your past – your perceptions become your reality. (Instead of, "I'm an adult child of an alcoholic", how about, "I'm an adult child of a loving, caring Mother?" I mean, the reality for all of us is, there ARE positive times that you can draw from in your past – choose to dwell on THOSE and make a new label for yourself.) And when you CHOOSE to see what good came of the situations in your life, then you can move past the emotional upset you have today. It's not the THINGS you're holding on to, it's the emotion. Unfortunately, it's that emotion that is keeping you stuck where you don't want to be – overweight, unsuccessful, broke, sad, irritable, etc.

Immaturity or Maturity?

The choice is yours. Immaturity or maturity? From this day forward, you must decide how you want to live your life – as one who has no control or one who has absolute control over your history, and your future, which will become your new history. If you truly want to move forward, you have to let go of the stories. Letting go is difficult, but it must be done, there is no other way.

I was talking to a colleague today who said he uses the Marine creed with his clients: Improvise, adapt, and then overcome. That is exactly what you must do, but first make the decision. When you are ready to move forward, you will. If you choose to remain stuck, you will. The choice is yours.

Thanks to Dr. Anderson, I learned an important reality on that hot Fall day in 1994, "Immaturity is allowing someone else to author your history. Maturity is accepting the authorship of your history. You cannot change history, but you can write history." Will you choose to write yours?

Copyright © 2007 I Choose Change

Jennifer Ryan, M.Ed.
Life and Business Coach

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The Power of a Healthy Mindset

Do you have a healthy mindset? What IS a healthy mindset, you're asking? Well, I like to describe it this way.

As an example, let's say you get a bad cold every winter. What do you say to yourself when the flu shot commercials tell you that there's no escape. Rush to get the "shot" or else. Even while watching these "warnings" on t.v. you see yourself sick and can almost feel flu symptoms manifesting.

Unless you turn your thoughts to happy, healthy things, the suggestive influence of the media's concern for your health will have the power over you. Why do I say that? Well, let's have a look at why you may be apt to take other people's advice, including that of your doctor.

Are you eating right? Are you willing to invest some time and money in products and supplements that will give you optimum health - naturally? Or are you the type who thinks you're too busy and want to eat only those things that taste good?

It's so simple and easy to just go for the "shot" and forget all the rest. After all, there are so many conflicting arguments for and against nutrients, supplements and health risks, aren't there?

Consider this. Instead of listening to all those voices out there, who do not know a thing about you, how about talking to yourself?

Do you realize that what you say is super important? Those words out there in cyberspace are taken all too often as the truth. Why? Someone may be speaking the fact that some sort of research has been done and you subsequently tell yourself that must be authentic. That is... until another news item announces that this year's flu strain is not what the experts had anticipated, and the wrong serum caused more severe symptoms and many more deaths than other years.

Take your power back! You are much more in control of your own health than you may realize! Train your mind to look at all the positive sides of life. You do not HAVE to get the flu every year - even if you did so all the previous years, like clockwork. You can just as easily say to yourself: "this year I'm going to empower my immune system with lots of great, healthy nutrition. I am going to exercise more and look at the bright side of life."

Seems very simplistic, doesn't it? But, really it is very simple. A mindset is really another word for attitude. An attitude is basically nothing but a conversation with yourself. You can be saying: "I don't feel like trying something new, or getting another opinion." On the other hand, you could love yourself enough to say: "Hey, I want to be healthy and feel good. Let's see how I can boost my immunity."

You can choose to feel better and happier by optimizing your nutrition. Consider that the options of medicine very often are the consequences of an unhealthy mindset.

Your power lies in the amount of control you give yourself over what you choose to believe. A healthy mindset produces a healthy appetite for what is good for you. After all, the Bible says that God:

"satisfieth thy mouth with good things, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." (Ps. 103: 5)

Ann Stewart is author of inspirational book and articles. Her latest newsletter, Youth Makeover, provides weekly Health Tips.

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