The two letters Hebrew Mark (את) of JESUS (Y’SHUA) is written over 9,500 times into the Old Testament that remains untranslated/mistranslated in most, especially in all English translations.

I am the Aleph(א, Alpha=A) and the Tav(ת, Omega=Ω) ~ Chizayon (Rev) 1:8a, 21:6a, 22:13a.
…And when I see את (Aleph-Tav, JESUS) the BLOOD, I will pass over you... ~ Ex 12:13b
Abraham went and took -אֶת (Aleph-Tav=JESUS) THE RAM, and offered HIM up for a BURNT OFFERING in the stead of his son. ~ Gen 22:13
Bring YOU את (Aleph-Tav, JESUS) ALL THE TITHES into the store-house ~ Mal 3:10a

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...