Never Give Up - Relentless Forward Motion

By George Chingarande

It has been said that to reach our destination we must sail, sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail and not lie at anchor. This is a universal truth that needs no seasoning. However, it begs a very important question. The big question is what is your desired destination; financially, professionally, materially, spiritually, physically and even politically? Do you intend to live and die a non entity in abject poverty and oblivion or do you desire a place in the glorious sunshine? Where you are today need not be your final destination.

For many centuries humanity has labored under the burden of one simple question-What is the formula for success? Study after study has been done. Successful persons, events and campaigns from very diverse sources have been dissected and thoroughly analyzed. While the proverbial jury is still out with the verdict, a compelling argument in support of four factors is on the ascendancy. These critical factors are dreams, desires, determination and action.

Winners Have Goals, but Losers Have Illusions

Winners in life have a very clear sense of purpose and direction. They have a predetermined destination they are working towards. Like Martin Luther King jnr, they believe in dreams, and dare say without equivocation what that dream is. As James Allen put it, "The greatest achievement was at first and for a time only a dream." There are three aspects of that dream that merit further attention. Firstly, the dream is held at a conscious level. It is therefore not merely a dream about a pie in the sky, but a compelling vision of the future. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, the future belongs to those that have dreams.

Secondly, there is a realization that no one has eternity to accomplish his dreams. This brings an awareness of passing time and a sense of urgency. In the most instructive of examples, the great achievers even have a hundred hour agenda, which is a catalogue of goals and tasks they aim to achieve in a hundred hour outlook period. The major difference between a winner's dream and a loser's dream is that the winner sets a specific timeline for his dream, and the loser has none. A dream with a timeline ceases to be a dream and becomes a goal, but sooner rather than later a dream without a timeline ceases to be a dream and becomes an illusion.

Winners therefore have goals but losers have illusions. Thirdly, the winner's dream is described succinctly in words and in pictures, on actual paper and also on the canvas of his mind. It is not uncommon to find a winner with a card in his pocket bearing a description of his ambitions, dreams and desires. They consciously keep their goals within their sights. The losers are totally bankrupt when it comes to goal reminder strategies. The funny thing about life is that those that have no goals will always make room for the purposeful people to pass. Observe how, when just before the bank closes the idle loitering in the way always make room for the purposeful rushing for the bank to pass.

Winners Don't Quit, and Quitters Don't Win

The winners are distinguished by their burning desire to win. They put emotion into their goals. They pursue their ambitions with passion and panache. They crave for success like deer panting after brooks of water, and not once do they allow this zeal and desire to dessert them. They have an insatiable success libido which is the source of their staying power and a zeal for their cause always consumes them. To their zeal, they add grit and determination. It is not just the content of the dream that separates the winner from the rest of the pack, but the passion and the dogged never-say-die sheer determination with which that dream is pursued is even more important. The losers only have tepid wishes and lukewarm ambitions.

All human beings are wired to succeed, and engineered to win. However, they differ markedly in the degree to which they are prepared to exert themselves in pursuit of their dreams. This is largely a matter of choice. Under trying circumstances which are, by the way, a fact of life losers trade their dreams for comfort and convenience. Winners never quit, and quitters never win. It is that simple.

Finally, the winners never lie at anchor. They are aware that vision without action is only a pipedream, and action without vision just passes time. Armed with this knowledge, the winners daily unleash a blitz of massive actions strategically linked and aligned to their dreams. They do not procrastinate but they take action in the now fully aware that tomorrow may never be. They keep knocking and prodding for opportunities. They also keep walking and motoring towards their desired destinations. Some prefer to call this a bias for action, but I elect to call it the spirit of relentless forward motion. In the history of mankind no worthwhile agenda was ever advanced by inaction.

Whatever your calling in life let me urge you to banish the lethargy and malaise that easily besets us all, and pursue your dream with relentless forward motion. Keep Walking and never lie at anchor. The world is controlled by those that show up in the field of action.

The author is a motivational speaker, management consultant, and author of the best selling book: Rebound the winning mantra.

Sea Change or Career Change - Stepping off the Hamster Wheel

You have lived the life: Adrenalin-charged meetings, exhilarating presentations and major business deals signed on the dotted line – but also senseless re-briefings, over-cautious clients and business partners, bitter managers and frustrated colleagues. And let's not even talk about the overtime.

It was great while it lasted (most of the time, anyway), but now the spark is gone. You know it is time for YOU to finally hop off the hamster wheel and start something new!

Deciding to make a major change in your career in seldom easy. In these economically instable times most people are consciously putting their life's dreams on the back burner in exchange for the steady income they receive at the end of each pay period.

Some people, however, still reach that point in their career where they simply know they need to do something different. Although this realization can be extremely liberating, it seldom comes without some sense of apprehension, confusion and uncertainty.

If you are in the midst of this crucial decision-making process, here are some of the essential questions you should ask yourself as you begin to map out what YOU want your new career to look like:

  1. Passion: What are you passionate about? Ask yourself what specific career move would enable you to apply your talents, skills, and abilities in a way that would not only positively challenge you, but also allow you to add maximum value to whatever professional situation you are in.
  2. Sea change or career change: How deep does your dissatisfaction run? Do you really need to change your entire career - or just your job? Ask yourself whether you can possibly re-invent yourself within your current company or if you need a whole new backdrop for the next stage in your career.
  3. What is your measuring stick for success: Forgot about what others expect of you! What do YOU need to feel your work is both meaningful and rewarding? Ask yourself what symbolizes success for you - and what it will take in your new career to make you feel as though you have achieved those goals.
  4. How much time do you have to succeed: What is a reasonable amount of time to allow yourself to reach that milestone that let's you know you've made it? Develop a timeline, so you know how long you have to prove yourself. To yourself.
  5. Bankroll: How are you going to continue paying the bills? Ask yourself if you will need an additional source of income during your transition period. If so, where will is come from? Don't forget: Plan B.
  6. Kith & Kin: Will your friends and family rally around and cheer you on as you work towards your new goals? Or will they be doubtful, maybe even try to dissuade you from doing anything (they feel is) too radical? Ask yourself how much support you can realistically expect from the people around you - and how that may influence your perserverance.
  7. Contacts? Contacts! Who do you know who has been in a similar position? Who do you know who has knowledge about the field you would like to enter? Who do you know who can refer you to a prospective employer - or future client? Ask yourself what resources you have on your personal and professional contact list.
  8. Stepping out on faith: Whether at the end of your decision-making process you decide to apply for a new job or begin an entirely new career, there are no guarantees. Ask yourself how firm you are in your conviction to stay the course - then go for it!
Whether you decide to take on this major transition in your life with the help of family or friends, or with the support of an experienced career coach, there is nothing more exhilarating than that first deep breath you take once you have made your decision, acted upon it - and begin to see how the new life you have created for yourself proceeds to unfold.

Trina E. Roach

Trina is founder of Creating Tomorrow: The Leadership Consultancy, which specializes in executive + career coaching, as well as leadership and communication skills training. Based in Germay, Trina was conducted successful sessions from Tallinn (Estonia) to Sofia (Bulgaria) and from Moscow (Russia) to Amsterdam (Netherlands). With clients throughout Europe, as well as in the Greater Philadelphia area, Trina conducts her coaching and training sessions in either English or German.

The Mind is a Powerful Thing to Waste

There is a 27-year-old girl that doctors have diagnosed as mildly retarded, who happens to be my niece. She is so very sweet and trusting of everyone she meets. She can hold a good conversation and you can also send her to the store to buy anything as long as it is no more than two items or a list that she can give to someone.

She was given one of those toys that parents purchase for their 3-year-olds to learn the alphabets. This toy talks back to you. Whatever letter you put in the slots to spell a word, the toy was made to spell the word as well as call out the letters in the word to tell you what the word really is.

In less that two weeks, this 27-year-old mildly retarded young woman was able to master the capabilities of this toy and spell words that she was not able to spell before. This experiment proves how powerful the mind is when it is nurtured. Had she not being able to utilize this toy to her advantage, the new words she learned would have evaded her mind and gone to waste. In our own normal minds, we also fail to nurture the inner recesses of such a powerful attribute that can enlighten and liberate us.

Our mind is attracted to the laws of the universe when it is in an active state. If our mind remains in a dormant state, we become powerless to change our circumstances and have no effect on our community or people. The mind when used effectively to promote growth will attract more of what it needs to create prosperity and self-improvement.

The notion of one mind does not equate to self only. If we improve our minds, then we will consequently make an impact on other minds and thus contribute to a world of change in the universe that we live in. Each individual mind when activated creates many different things that are allocated to the whole.

What does this 27 year old woman have to give back to society when she has been discarded by some diagnosis that is destined to paralyze her mind if someone does not take action on her behalf? She absolutely brings joy to those she loves and laughter to her when she spells the word, "dog" and finds out that she is right. If a 27-year-old can use her mind to learn how to spell a difficult word for her and a word that we take for granted, then why aren't we using our minds to possibly find a way to help this mildly retarded woman to explore greater challenges?

This has become a personal question and the fact that we have a normal mind gives us no excuses, but to take action now to do something to change the world around us. There are many 27 years old men and women like that all around us who need our help. Don't let your mind go to waste.

Cheryline Lawson is the owner of and writes articles and books on the subject.

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Getting Rid Of Fear

This can be a difficult task. When you suffer from phobias, particularly phobias that you encounter frequently, life can be hell. Suffering from panic anxiety attacks and agoraphobia can be terribly frightening and depressing. Agoraphobia is arguably one of the worst phobias to have, since it is virtually a fear of everyday life.

So How Do You Vanquish Fears And Phobias?

Can it be done? Of course! It's not something you can generally do on your own with absolutely no form of help or guidance. There are tools available to hasten the process. One of the best programs is offered by Change That's Right Now's Phobia Clinic. They have a very high success rate and have helped thousands of people overcome their fears.

U.S. Presidents, one-time world number one golfing legend Greg Norman and tennis player Andre Agassi have all used their programs.

Many users of the programs have had dramatic results. Incredibly, most of the work that they provide you is done over the phone. This has advantages, since it offers privacy and flexibility. These high-quality and effective programs are available in over 190 countries.

Adapting To A Changing World

The world is constantly changing. We need to be able to adapt to this. Other forms of treatment are now available. We have choices, but we must be made aware of these choices. There's no doubt that for certain problems that may require an operation, you'll still need to see a surgeon. However, for some health-related issues, we do not have to depend on drugs. It's always a good idea to see a doctor, but there are other doctors in other fields that may not be recognized at present by the 'scientific world'. Holistic and homeopathic medicine are 2 examples.

For more help on getting rid of fear, overcoming anxiety and dealing with your phobia or phobias, check out the provided resource. It just could be the answer you've been looking for.


The Five Year Plan And The Five Second Plan

With intent one steps forward. With awareness one modifies their step so as to avoid a pothole. This leads one in a slightly different direction. The intent may still be similar, though now the environment has changed. And so it goes.

The steps of one's life are executed constantly often taking one to a point never imagined. As John Lennon sang "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".

Even if the five year plan is on target, the reality of the arrival rarely meets expectations. What the original you ( five years less life- experienced) envisioned, is now felt within the skin of a modified you with five more years of life experience. This is why the arrival is rarely what was pictured.

With acute awareness, one is less likely to experience a sense of 'How did I get here?' because when choosing in the moment the appropriate response, all is experienced as process. All is becoming. In every moment there is arrival. In every moment the goal is met.

The five year plan happens as it should with present moment awareness being the driver. Obstacles are faced directly and overcome. Creative solutions are found as one can only react to an action. As much as one's intellect may want to anticipate and plan; something called life interferes.

Twists and turns. Chance and fate. Destiny and plot changes. Responding and growing. Learning and growing. Erring and repeating the error. Erring and correcting.

Take a moment and think back to five years ago. As close to the day as possible. Where were you? Who had not yet entered your life? Who had not yet left your life? What were your dreams and desires? Have they been fulfilled? What didn't happen ? What did instead?

Isn't it remarkable? So much you could not have imagined. Even today may bring a change like no other. Be ready. Be open. Be real.

At this moment you are choosing a direction. Even doing nothing is a choice. At this moment you have arrived. Dissatisfaction compels us to move towards satisfaction. What do you seek? Where are you headed? A multitude of choices present themselves daily, whether there is awareness or not. The point between the now and the then will always involve a choice; conscious or otherwise.

Grasp the immensity of this. To the degree you are able to stay within the here and now, to that degree you are able to respond with clarity to the world passing by. It is that simple and that difficult. It can take a lifetime or a moment to understand. Don't force; let it wash over you.

We find ourselves in five year or five second increments together underneath the sheltering sky. Let us help and support one another in our quest to find truth in our lives. Every five seconds. Every five years.

Although founded in 2000, OptimumSelf has literally been over twenty years in the making. The advent of the internet now presents the perfect vehicle to communicate what optimumself is all about.

We intend to enable individuals to dramatically change their lives through the information we provide. Our unique eBook and newsletters are the keys to discovering peace, happiness and contentment.

Vincent Quattrin, the author of OptimumSelf, welcomes your comments.

Crisis or Opportunity?

What now? You may be faced with a crisis of some sort. Perhaps a major lifestyle change or personal loss. There will be a tendency to question why this is occurring at this time and place. There are seldom suitable answers to these questions and that process alone is energy draining. You may feel unprepared to face a certain change. It can be overwhelming and anxiety causing.

It is vitally important at these times to remain quiet and depend on your inner resources. They may not have been tested to this degree before. This may be an opportunity in disguise. Our ability to respond appropriately at such times may later be viewed as crucial turning points. Whether they be deemed positive or negative depends upon our ability to remain centered.

Remaining centered, while easier said than done, is absolutely within your power. Beginning your day with a morning meditation will prepare you to respond calmly but decisively in any crisis you may face. It is imperative to center yourself before the crisis hits, rather than reacting emotionally and trying to find your center afterwards. Scrambling back to find your calm center from that emotional state is very difficult indeed.

If you are centered when the metaphorical door closes shut, you will have the awareness to locate another opening that perhaps you had never noticed. Anger, panic and resentment effectively narrow your field of vision, while the absence of these creates a wide angle view and even allows for peripheral vision.

The world around you and the circumstances of your life will necessarily be ever-changing. Change is evidence of growth. What happens around you is often beyond your control however how you react to these inevitable changes is your choice.

Rest assured that the essence of who you are is changeless and timeless. Find this inner self daily and welcome change outside yourself and the accompanying new opportunities. Calmly see a new door open.

Although founded in 2000, OptimumSelf has literally been over twenty years in the making. The advent of the internet now presents the perfect vehicle to communicate what optimumself is all about.

We intend to enable individuals to dramatically change their lives through the information we provide. Our unique eBook and newsletters are the keys to discovering peace, happiness and contentment.

Vincent Quattrin, the author of OptimumSelf, welcomes your comments.


Success - Can You Commit and Still Fail?

Success and Personal Development books often describe how important it is to commit to a goal once chosen. Perhaps you have done that - and then failed to achieve the desired outcome. How to deal with the reality of failure is the subject of this article.

When I was at coaching school I recall one of my teleclass leaders asking a question along the lines of: "Is it possible to commit to something and still fail?"

My life experience so far suggest that it is not only possible but highly likely!

Maybe even desirable!

For example, many years ago I was committed to getting on a European Union sponsored 18 month language study program in Japan.

I did a lot of research and called in a lot of favours to get my company to sponsor me, and in fact got to the final selection interviews in Brussels.

I was ecstatic!

Then 4 weeks later I crashed and burned after learning I hadn't been selected.

I was sure that I was 100% committed to this goal!
So what went wrong?

Perhaps "something went right" is the appropriate response because, with persistence and patience, another path opened up.

And less than 2 years later I had negotiated a transfer to Japan in a full-time role with the same company - thus beginning my sojourn in this amazing country that has become my adopted home these past 13 years.

There are other similar examples in my life and what they have collectively taught me is that committing to a stretch goal can be a creative, stimulating roller coaster ride but with no guarantee of success - in fact, failure is very possible.

But fail forward!! Fail forward!

We just don't consciously know in advance how our major commitments and goals may work out for sure.

If I had direct knowledge back then of the self-coaching tools I know now - back when my happiness was so hung up on achieving specific goals, I would have used all of the following at some point:

1- Known that I was committed to going to Japan but not sure how.

2- Taken responsibility for the bits in my control and let the other chips fall where they may.

3- Trusted more and doubted less. ("this too will pass...")

4- Responded to failure with a "what's the lesson here?" approach.

5- Respected myself more for launching the dream rather than invalidating my efforts as "just not good enough".

6- Known that I acted in the truth of what I believed was best for my Family and myself.

7- Invented a Game for the number of people I had to speak to who could help me achieve my Japan-bound goal.

8- Taken action, however small, EVERY day on my dream, rather than in fits and starts, every few weeks or so!

May your commitments fail forward as successfully too!

Commit right now to creating incredible yet reachable goals in your life - my FREE 14-page report shows you how: Goal Setting Tools

M. McClure is a Japan-based e-coach and freedom business owner.


Millionaire Mindset - Discover the True Secrets

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Becoming rich is not just about doing the right thing rather it's mostly about your mindset. You can become a future millionaire just by changing the thoughts in your mind. Thoughts always precede action and in order to get what you truly desire you need to replace your old mind set with a new one which would guarantee your success. So what sort of mindset is required to make those millions?

Quit your job- You might be thinking this is a totally sense less comment. But in order to become a millionaire you need to quit your job for simple reasons that at present you are working for someone else at a weekly or monthly fixed salary and there is not much room for improvement there. Additionally the person you are working for is harnessing your services to make him more money and he only pays you a very tiny part of that massive income he derives from your services. Therefore the very first lesson you need to learn is to work for yourself and not for someone else. Most people in the world spend most part of their life working for someone else and making that person rich.

The common fact- When all millionaires across the world were studied there wasn't anything much common in all of them but one thing. All of them held very large share in real estate and properties. If you were to ask any millionaire what is the best investment he would always suggest invest in real estate as it always goes up with time. Some people have indeed become millionaire just by merely investing in property and real estate.

Make your money work- Most people work for money but people with millionaire mindset make money work for them. Now you might think how can money work for me? Well the answer is simple people tend to spend most part of their earnings living hand to mouth each month. The best way to make your money work for you is by investing twenty five percent of whatever you make a month. There are several ways by which you can make twenty percent profit per annum on your investment if you do it wisely.

Listen to the best- If you think millionaires do not need advisors or guidance than you are strongly mistaken. Most millionaires have agents or brokers who advice them all the way regarding the market condition may it be in real estate, shares or any other business or trade. They take advice from the best to make proper decisions and strategies. Therefore it's very important to have connections with the right people who can help you earn millions.

But there is much more to it. There is a secret which would help you attain tremendous success with money and you would be able to attract almost anything into your life. This is one of the most shocking truths ever made public. You are one of the few people who are being introduced to this great secret. Read on to discover - The Great Secret

How to Jump Start Your Memory and Keep it Going!

Did you know that you could actually jump start your memory with 5 easy steps? First, you need to know that at its simplest, memory is a mental activity for recalling information that has either been learned or experienced.

The best way to think about it is, the way your brain receives information will determine where you retain it and if you will be able to retrieve it, when needed. Voila this is memory!!!

For example when I want to remember something I sing and dance to the information. This gives me happy associations and makes it easy for me to remember things. Recently, when I was getting my yoga certification, one of the things I had to do was remember all these poses in Sanskrit! Yikes!!!

So here is what I did. As I got into a pose, I would say, "How can I remember this?" Then if I was hanging upside down like in the pose of Prasarita Pascimatonasana, I thought, "Hey ---PRASARITA likes to hang upside down and she lands on a Pascimatonasana" which I pictured as a big mountain with a funny name.

I was having fun remembering all those poses!!! I was in my happy place. So here are 5 tips to help you remember and find your happy place:

1. Be fully aware of what you want to remember-focus
2. Tell yourself consciously that you will remember
3. Begin to make associations with fun or familiar things
4. Bring pictures of positive things into your mind
5. Sing, say or talk out loud as you are in the process

Most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!

Now you see that by playing games, you can have fun and bring good emotional responses to information. Positive feelings put to information that you need to remember will help you draw upon good memories and store it in a place within your brain that will make it easy to retrieve.

These are five easy ways to jump-start your memory and keep it going. Use them daily and begin to see the improvement of your mind.

Marti Angel, MA
"America's Health and Expert Lifestyle Coach"

Marti is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Professor, RYT, Reiki Master level 2, Certified WATSU water therapist, Certified Meditation Instructor, Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor (Health Excel, Inc), Certified Nutraceutical Consultant, Certified Health/Lifestyle Coach, Motivational Speaker and founder of the number one alternative therapies site on the web, --- Her blog-- "The OM DIVA"


Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...