Walt Disney, the Inspiration to Form a Better Life?

By: Jo Ball 
You, like many others, may have come to this article because you want more from life. In this sense, you and I may be alike because we're searching for greater happiness and a stronger sense of fulfillment.

If you are someone in your thirties or older, and perhaps western, then you, like me, may have read enough adventure stories or seen enough Walt Disney to have been heartened by the stories of ugly guys, like the beast in Beauty and the Beast, winning the beauty, Belle. I don't know about you, but that story gave me hope!

And maybe you relate to the heroics of Robin Hood who stood no nonsense, not even from the baddies in charge while King Richard crusaded. And Robin, in between robbing the rich and dishing it out to the poor, still had time to get his work-life balance right. In between robbing the rich and dishing it out to the poor he still had the time to party with his mates and date the fairest maiden in the land. The old rogue!

Maybe you loved the never-grow-old attitude of Pan, willed Hercules to conquer all and craved the day that you could leave school and set off through the forest of life, whistling and singing as merrily as one of the Seven Dwarfs, as you headed your way to a job that made your heart sing with joy!

And maybe, like me, now you've grown up, you realise that the world is not quite the way you imagined it in your youth: Cinderella has not pulled up outside your home in her pumpkin carriage, nor is Snow White cooking dinner for you when you get home from the office after a day working for a guy who would find himself in steaming hot water if he had a nose like Pinocchio.

Well I don't know about you, but I felt a little disgruntled and let down with the way life turned out after such a romantic, adventurous childhood heavily laden with dreams.

Disgruntled by the time I hit my mid-twenties? More like disconnected: divorce, obesity, financial troubles and abuse had all gone on in my life by then and I suppose in a way I did feel like a couple of the dwarfs – grumpy and sleepy! Maybe your experience is similar, maybe a little different, slightly better or worse, but I'm sure we can empathise with each other and maybe even share a little feeling of disillusionment with life in general.

But this word "disillusionment"… it makes me wonder… It makes me wonder how I came to be disillusioned. Because to come to a place of "disillusionment" must mean I had an "illusion" in the first place. And I guess that this illusion might have been shaped by the wonders of Disney and the hopes of romance and magic in a future and the values set by the society of the time: work hard for a living and marry for life – in other words grow up, be a hero and marry a princess.

But what are your illusions, my new friend? What did you hope to have found in life before you stumbled on my article? Who did you hope to be? Who did you hope to love? And where did it all go wrong?

But I have some other questions for you before you go: what if all that experience has come to you for your greater good? What if you could understand it? What if you could use it? What if you could rise above it? What if you could now become that hero you always dreamed you would be and reconnect with that world of romance, adventure and wonder?

What if everything in your life had a purpose? What if you have a life purpose? What if that life purpose were to set out with an illusion, find the opposite of that illusion – disillusionment – and then rediscover the original illusion so you could ultimately experience the true magic and wonder of life and live happily ever after?

Perhaps all the difficulty is worthwhile. Perhaps all our troubles have true meaning, my friend and perhaps we are now ready to experience the magic this world has to offer. I guess we must also remember that even Walt Disney himself had his challenges: I understand he slept rough in his office because he couldn't afford accommodation and even had no shoes left to wear when he finally got invited to a meeting that changed his life, and all of ours.

What will you do improve in your life?
Novelist and personal development writer, Neil Millar wants you to join his free newsletter at Unstoppable Life, get his free e-book Greater Steps to Happiness and explore the Discover your Life Purpose programme he co-authored. The programme is already helping people discover who they really are and what they want to do with their life. Check it out


Success Maker - Help Others To Be Greater Than You

By Cheryl Clausen

If you want success you will need to be a success maker to get it. You may have the initial idea that makes your success possible, but no matter what your idea you'll need others to reach success yourself. You can't become greater and more successful if you're looking to build your foundation for success on those who have less skills and knowledge than you.

Being a success maker means you aren't afraid to reach out to those who are greater than. As you continue on your journey toward success you'll need to find those who are more knowledgeable than you in certain areas. Yes, you could become an expert in every area you'll need to reach your success; but that is a slow and inefficient way to get there. You'll achieve success much faster and with far less bumps along the way if you get people who are experts in the areas you need to either do some of the work for you, or to act as your guide helping you to avoid the pitfalls you don't even know are there.

Success makers are comfortable in their own skin and aren't afraid to help others to become even greater. As you reach out to experts to get their help and guidance don't be afraid to help them to become even greater from the experience of having worked with you. This is the point where your confidence is really escalating, and you have the opportunity to become a force driving yourself and those around you to success. Please note, I used the word confidence not arrogance. Arrogance can kill your forward progress, and set you up for a very hard and painful fall because when your thoughts become clouded with arrogance your good judgment gets lost.

Success makers realize it's never just about you. Anytime it's just about you, you're ready to fail. Allow the greatness of those around you to help you to go farther faster. This may mean allowing those who've helped you to greatness to move in another direction where they can achieve their own greatness. When it's time for one of your experts to move on wish them well, and continue to provide the support they may now need from you. You can be gracious and supportive because you have confidence that you can continue your forward progress and find another expert to take you even further.

Success makers understand that they can't ever achieve success alone. Your success depends on your ability to provide others with more value than you take. Your success depends on your ability to find others greater than you to help you get to success faster. Your success depends on your ability to help others become greater and more valuable than they were when you first met.

Use this e-coaching tool to develop your path for success - Success Model.

Looking for success? find Success here.


Success Take Faith

At the end of the day when you are weary from all of the effort and energy you have expended from working towards accomplishing your goals, but the dream is not yet realized, the one thing that tells you to keep going; to get up tomorrow and keep at it, is your faith.

There will be people who tell you that you not capable of achieving your dream. They will fill you up with lies and tell you are not enough. My friend, you are more than enough. You are worthy, capable and destined to find whatever you are looking for in your life. Too often, this negativity is fired from people who have chosen to give-up.

These are the people who once had a dream but have now settled for something less. These are people who have been gradually worn down by life and their dreams have been reluctantly vanished for their hearts and souls. Those dreams may indeed live somewhere, but they no longer seem attainable. In short, people who tell you can't do something are hopeless themselves. These are the people who have lost their faith.

To have faith is to hold onto one single kernel of hope. When I was in college, my goal was to be a writer, a novelist. I took a lot of composition and literature courses in order to broaden my knowledge and improve my skills. One professor in particular had a tremendous impact on me. Unfortunately, it was not positive.

After submitting a paper, he called me into his office for a critique. In this meeting, he informed me that my writing was sub-par and even inferior to that of my peers. He encouraged me to re-think my future and change my career path. I was devastated and humiliated. I bought into his opinion and gave-up on my dream.

The next 20+ years I swallowed this down and moved on to other things. But deep in my gut there was that one kernel of hope that told me I wasn't doing what I really wanted to do. A few years ago I gained the courage to start again. I was able to reframe the professor's opinion and came to the understanding that it was he, perhaps, who gave up on his writing career and he was only projecting his own sense of disappointment on me.

Now, it's my faith that guides me and gets me up early every morning to post a new article. It's my faith that tells me I'm doing what I should be doing right now even though I'm not quit sure where this is going. But that doesn't matter. My job right now is only to write. The rest will happen on its own. Faith tells me this.

Have faith that you will make a difference in this world. Have faith that this world will be a better place because of your presence. Have faith that you are going to make it!

Alex Blackwell is the author of The Next 45 Years - a website dedicated to sharing and creating happiness, life balance and success for the rest of our lives. To read more inspirational stories and articles, please visit: http://www.thenext45years.blogspot.com

How To Become a Leader of Influence

Dr. John C. Maxwell stated, "The true measure of leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less." I would be remiss if I did not say, John C. Maxwell is my favorite leadership expert and role model.

Having served over 20 years in the United States Air Force (USAF) as a military officer, it is natural for me to continue learning everything I can about leadership. More important than understanding leadership is to learn leadership is influencing, nothing more, nothing less.

If you think you have learned everything there is to learn about leadership, wait until you finish reading this article. The reason why it is important to learn leadership is inlfuencing is because you will position yourself to become a more effective leader professionally and personally.

Before learning why leadership is influencing, it is important to understand what leadership and influence is. Leadership is defined as the capacity to lead, likewise influence is defined as the ability to get people to do something without force or exertion.

The three (3) key points I will cover is:

1.) There are no born leaders.

2) Distinguish the difference between a positional leader and a true leader.

3.) Developing other leaders

First and foremost, leadership expert Walter Bennis states, "The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born, that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have charisma or they do not. That is nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born."

Walter Bennis is correct, leaders are developed rather than born. For example, people assume a corporate president or star athlete is a born leader, the fact of the matter these people have developed their leadership skills over the years.

So how do you become a leader of influence? You can become a leader of influence by becoming a lifelong learner. One can develop themselves as a leader by reading about, then modeling other leaders.

Attending seminars, viewing and listening to dvd's and proactively participating in leadership conferences will develop you into a thought leader. Remember this statement, if it is to be, it is up to me when it comes to living out loud as a leader.

In order to be able to distinguish yourself as a leader of influence, it is important to be able to distinguish the difference between a positional leader and a true leader. Why is this important?

Once you can distinguish the difference between a positional leader and a true leader, you will be able to recognize who is leading the people. An example consists of a CEO who has the title (positional), however his sphere of influence is limited to other positional leaders.

On the other hand, the human resources manager is an action officer. In other words, the human resources manager must work with internal and external organizations and the people that can help improve their organization's bottom line. The human resources manager is the true leader because he or she has influence throughout the organization and has the questions and answers the CEO needs to be effective in his position.

The next time you are in a meeting, distinguish between the positional leader and true leader. If you can clearly distinguish between the positional leader and the true leader, you should seek to become a true leader.

Last but certainly not least, the first priority leaders have is developing other leaders. Why?

Leaders who develop other leaders experience an incredible multiplication effect in their organization that can be achieved in no other way, not by increasing resources, reducing costs, increasing profit margins, analyzing systems, or implementing quality managerial systems or doing anything else.

A good example of leaders developing other leaders is Earl Woods, father of Tiger Woods. Earl Woods was a great father, husband, coach, mentor and role model for his son Tiger.

Earl Woods was more concerned about Tiger being a good son and human being more so than him being a great professional golfer. Prior to his death, Earl Woods was a retired military officer who loved the game of golf.

It was not unusual for Earl to take Tiger to play golf at military post and bases. By exposing Tiger to the military, Earl Woods was helping Tiger to understand the commitment soldiers were making to their country.

In July 2007, Tiger hosted his first golf tournament, the AT & T National in Bethesda, Maryland and dedicated the tournament to military personnel and their family. An interviewer asked Tiger why he dedicated the tournament to the military, Tiger responded by saying, "His tournament was a small thank you for the sacrifices our military makes in support of our country. He said if he had not become a professional golfer he would have joined the military."

Developing other leaders is crucial to improving your organization's bottom line, take it from Earl Woods, developing other leaders should be a priority for you.

Become a leader of influence and I guarantee you will lead the organization you work for and maximize your human potential. What are you waiting on, get started today. If you have questions about this article, please contact me, I will be glad to discuss it further.

Paul Lawrence Vann is a motivationall speaker and author of the book, Living on Higher Ground. He leads Fortune 500 companies, associations, government agencies, and eudcational institutions to achieve higher levels of excellence through his leadership and diversity strategies. Hos clients include MasterCard International, United States Air Force Academy, USEPA, National Military Family Association, Toastmasters International, John Hopkins University, and numerous other organizations. http://www.paullawrencevann.com, http://www.livingonhigherground.com, http://pvann.blogspot.com, (800) 476-8976.


How Can You Develop and Maintain a Success Mindset?

As you read this article you will discover a simple, yet profound, question that will help you instantly develop and maintain a success mindset.

This question will point your attitude and your actions in the most effective direction so that you will be able to accelerate your success and reach your goals faster than you ever imagined before.

One day I was watching a video by Jim Cathcart, a professional speaker and business author. He was sharing some secrets and principles to help sales people maintain the right attitude.

During his speech, Jim shared a very powerful question that created a true mind shift for me.

This question is...

"How would the person you want to be do the things you are about to do?"

Amazing, right?

That question puts you in a position in the future where you are the ideal person you would like to be, and helps you act from that perspective in your present life.

That simple question activates the power of the "Act as if" principle.

You act as if you have already reached your goals and have become the person you always wanted to be. "Acting as if" will focus your mind and shape your thoughts around your ultimate dream.

Acting as if you've reached your goals will also shape your character in the best and fastest way possible. You will immediately start "modeling" your ideal self, which will help you develop a success mindset and maintain that mindset – and a positive attitude – every moment of your life.

If you are not already acting as if you have succeeded, and using the qualities that are required to reach your goal, you will hinder your chances to succeed.

Thinking about how the person you would like to be would act in a certain situation helps you take the most powerful actions that will get you to where you want to be in less time.

From now on, before taking any action, ask yourself this question…

*** How would the person I want to be do the things I am about to do?

Unleash the power of the "Act as if" principle. Act as if you've reached your goals and you will get there faster than you ever thought possible.

You're only living in this moment – why not act as if you've already realized your dreams?

Live your purpose right NOW, in this moment.

Mohamed Tohami (The Success 'Pharaoh') is the author and creator of "The Life Purpose Discovery System: Your Ultimate Guide To A Meaningful Life". http://www.LifePurposeDiscoverySystem.com

Click Here Only If You Want to Stop Wandering Aimlessly Through Life, Lacking a Real Purpose


Daily Weight Loss Motivation

When you are faced with the daily challenge of trying to lose weight, you will need to find ways to stay motivated every day. The factors that keep weight loss motivation high include your specific goals, your ability to envision what you want to achieve, and the degree of success you have in the beginning.

Daily motivation requires a special, concerted effort, and it is not always easy. One great way to keep weight loss motivation high is to find an Internet support group to check in with every day. There are many such chat groups and forums on the web.

Another idea is to keep a daily journal of your progress, struggles and success. You can keep a record of your daily diet or write in your journal about the journey and challenge of losing weight and the emotions connected to it.

Weight loss motivation will stay fresh with something tangible that you can look at to remind you of your goals. For example, you can tape a picture of yourself when you were at a more ideal weight to your refrigerator door. You can buy an outfit in your ideal size and hang it in your closet where you will see it every day. There are many books filled with affirmations and inspiration for dieters. Buy one, and read a bit of it every day.

The motivation to lose weight may not come from the same place every day. If you can develop some strategies for keeping your daily motivation high, you are much more likely to be successful and bounce back quickly if you have any setbacks. Whatever you ultimately see as your motivation for losing weight, you do not have to face the challenge alone.

There are resources and people available for anyone who takes the time to seek them. Make a daily commitment to do at least one thing in support of your goal, and you may soon find that the behaviors that support weight loss have become second nature to you!

About the Author:

Ben Sather is the publisher of http://www.a2-weight-loss.com. You can publish this article if the author's byline is included and all links are hyperlinked.

Seven Steps To A Terrific Life


It is very possible for you to have a terrific day every day. To have a terrific day is to choose positive emotions of joy, gladness and peace as your frequent mode of emotional expressions.

Seven steps to a terrific life introduces you to seven simple and practical, yet powerful principles that can bring about positive change in your life as you make application.

We live in a world that is bombarded with all kinds of negative factors that constantly make appeals to our attention. The sad news is, that the majority of individuals are constantly bowing down and idolizing these negative options. The great news is, you can change the way you are thinking about yourself if you are not satisfied with the kind of person you are by changing the way you are thinking about yourself right now.

Here are seven simple, yet powerful steps to help transform the way you are thinking about yourself right now and subsequently have a terrific day every day. Clephane W. "Terrific" Roberts

O God
Above the heavens.
Your glory be
Seen throughout
The earth!
Yes. Yes. Yes.

STEP 1: Know Yourself
Before leaving home every day, if and when you do, remind your self of who you are. You are a child of God – A child created in the image of Infinite Intelligence. You are an expression of Divine thinking. Before you were conceived and before you breathe one breath of air, you were wrapped and cuddled in Divine Imagination.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made – in spirit, soul and body. You are awesome! You are an individual of purpose and destiny. You are created for a magnificent function in this life. According to world renoun motivator, Zig Ziglar, "You were born for accomplishments; you are engineered for success and you are endowed with seeds of greatness." You are somebody special, gifted and intelligent, powerful, important, unprecedented, inherently wise and awesome. A natural champion. Extraordinary. That's the real you. Encourage no doubt about this reality.

STEP II: Believe In Yourself
To believe in yourself is to have faith in the person you are. To believe in yourself is to live and respect yourself for whom you are. Believing in yourself is to have faith in the fact that you have what it takes to touch the world in a positive way. Believing in yourself ties closely with knowing yourself and believing firmly in the facts about you. Believe firmly that you are extraordinarily the best, not in comparison but by design and nature. Believing that you are the best places you in a position to serve and build up and never exploit and pull down. To believe in yourself is to believe in your special gifts and abilities, your inborn and cultivated attributes. Believing in yourself will bring you to the sound belief and understanding that your unique human performances equal to your inborn attributes, plus your acquired attributes times your attitude, in keeping with the Brian Tracey philosophy in his book, Maximum Achievement.

STEP III: Expect The Best
When you wake up in the morning, think: Today is the best day of my life and the best is coming to me; then speak the same words quietly to yourself several times. Today is the best day of my life and the best is coming to me in currents. When you do this, you create a psychological environment of positive expectancy: and guess what, what you expect is what you are likely to get. You are actually activating a natural mental law – the law of expectation. If you sow thoughts of successful expectations, you are likely to reap a harvest of bountiful prosperity. If you sow thoughts of limited and lacking expectations, you are likely to reap a harvest of parallel limitation and lack. If you expect terrible results, you are likely to get them; if you expect the best, you are likely to get the best. As of today, expect of and for yourself nothing less than the best, and it is likely to manifest in your world – wherever that is.

Step IV: Develop A Positive Mindset
Napoleon Hill and coauthor W. Clement Stone in their Success Classic, "Success through a Positive Mental Attitude" suggests that a positive mental attitude is the foundation to a successful life. Acting with joy and gladness is dependent upon thinking thoughts of joy and gladness. The psychosomatic (mind and body) relationship is very real, relevant and crucial. The way you think affects the way you act and feel and the way you act and feel triggers your thinking. When you get up in the morning and you are not feeling and behaving right, examine your thinking and choose to think right thoughts instead. Your acts will soon match your thoughts. Consider this carefully and understand how important it is for you to develop a positive mindset everyday – how important it is for you to make it a habit of thinking positive, glad thoughts daily.

Your habitual mindset produces a certain kind of feeling, which produces certain kinds of actions, behaviours and performances; these in turn produce certain kinds of results in your life.

Step V: Use Positive Glad Words To Express Yourself
Every language is gifted with words that are positively or negatively charged. It will be of much benefit to you if you avoid the negatively charged words and make it a habit to use positively charged words to express yourself on a regular and daily basis.

Words are seeds which germinate in the mind and create a harvest of emotional edification or emotional destruction or pull-down. I think this is one of the most practical steps I use to have a terrific day every day. Consider this – when someone asks you "How are you?" What is your response? "Fine thanks!" I consider this to be an emotional expression of verbal mediocrity. You have used this expression for years. It is time to replace this with some other highly emotionally charged verbal alternatives. I'll introduce you to seven positive, glad words – one for each day of the week. On Mondays when asked how are you today, try from next Monday to say MARVELOUS! instead of fine. Observe the response of the one who greeted you.
It's Tuesday –How are you?

TERRIFIC ! That's my borrowed word
It's Wednesday – How are you?
It's Thursday – How are you?
It's Friday – How are you?
It's Saturday – How are you?
It's Sunday –How are you?

These are just seven of the many positive words in the English Language - words we can use to express our emotions deliberately.

Promise me this. Borrow a positive, glad word from your Native Language; then use it to express your feelings for one month and see what happens.

Exercise: Choose your word right now. What's it? _____________________. Choose it now. Don't put it off. Unleash your greatness, according to international motivator and best-selling author Mike Litman, by defeating the thief of procrastination today – right now!

Step VI: Surround Yourself With The Positives
Your surroundings - your environment is a powerful factor in determining whether you have a terrific day every day or not. Don't underestimate the power of your atmosphere. Check the following formula to illustrate the power of your atmosphere.

Atmosphere + Attitude  Actions

Your atmosphere is actively triggering your consistent thought patterns which in turn are creating your actions. Your actions in turn are defining your behaviour and daily performances which are producing your daily results. And that's powerful!

From today therefore, be cautiously selective concerning the following atmospheric/environmental factors
(a) the books you read
(b) the magazines you leaf through
(c) the songs you sing and listen to
(d) the television programmes you view
(e) the games you take part in
(f) the places you visit
(g) the things you eat and drink
(h) the persons you hang with
(i) the chat rooms and web sites you visit on line etc.

The ancient sayings still make a lot of sense today. Ponder carefully
"Birds of a feather flock together"
"You lie with dogs you get up with flee"
"If you want to be wise keep company with the wise."
Consider and understand this: To surround yourself by and with successful people is likely to influence positively your success; but to surround yourself with and by failures will definitely influence you to fail. The ball is in your court today. Play it well.

Step VII: Live Each Day As If It Is Your Last
If you know for sure that tomorrow will be your last day, how would you live today? I would live it to the fullest. I would be myself and be my very best.

Yes my friend, to live each day as it is your last day is to be your best. Real living boils down to being your best; and to be your best is to live a principle-centred lifestyle. This is the only kind of life that truly satisfies. Live each day as if it is your last by greeting each day with love in you heart as taught by Og Mandino in his motivational classic – The Greatest Secret In The World.

When you greet each day with love in your heart you live a life of gratitude. You wake up and give thanks in every situation and in everything according to biblical teaching by Paul, one of the greatest biblical philosophers and motivational speakers.

When you greet each day with love in your heart, you live a life of optimism. You focus on the bright and productive side of life. You don't worry about anything. You live with confidence and wonderful expectations.

When you greet each day with love in your heart, you live a life of joy and gladness. You think thoughts of creativity and speak words of life to every creature you meet. You "reach for excellence" and "make a positive difference" in your world in keeping with the aim and motto respectively of Success Concepts International (SCI) – Antigua.

When you greet each day with love in your heart you live a life of thoughtfulness and unselfishness. You think of the well-being of others before you conclude them. You are sensitive to the needs and feelings of your fellow beings. You come to understand that your life is about service - service to God and friendship to mankind.

When you greet each day with love in your heart, you live a life of generosity. You are sharing and caring. You give without an eye of reciprocity from the one to whom you give or with whom you share, but not without an understanding of that law of reciprocity – that when you give you activate a universal principle which flows back to you.

Finally, when you greet each day with love in your heart you live a life committed to intimacy – "a life committed to righteousness, faithfulness, victory and excellence" according to my soon to be published book, 90 Days To Spiritual Intimacy: A Devotional Pattern For The Facilitation of Spiritual and Personal Transformation. On a daily basis, you connect with the Divine – Spirit with spirit- the Infinite with the finite and watch the effects in your body, soul and spirit, relationships and finances transcend estimation.

Yes my friend, adopt these seven steps in your daily walk; then begin to run and eventually soar with excellence. You can have a terrific day everyday if you resolve to have a terrific day every day. It's an attitude and you can choose your attitude which determines your success altitude.

Practise these simple yet profound habits and experience for yourself a terrific life – a life marked by gladness, joy, peace, success and fulfillment.

Thanks for reading and have a terrific day everyday; for everyday above the ground is a T-E-R-R-R-R-R-I-F-I-C DAY!!!

Clephane W. "Terrific" Roberts

C.W. "Terrific" Roberts or Champion Roberts as is popularly and affectionately known, is a proud son of Caribbean soil and a confident child and expression of the Creator and King of the Universe. He is committed to a life of Spiritual intimacy - a life committed to excellence, righteousness, faithfulness, Humility and victory in Jesus.

Roberts has had academic influence from Southern Caribbean University in Trinidad, Atlantic Union College in South Lancaster and University of the West Indies where he completed Teacher Training.

Roberts has touched and influenced literally thousands of lives nationally, regionally and internationally as an educator of twenty five years, through some soul-stirring and life-changing, inspirational and motivational messages via the pulpit, tent meetings, the classroom, radio and television programmes, literature evangelism, youth camps, motivational workshops and seminars.

C.W. Terrific Roberts is the well-loved moderator for the popular children's education programme Spell Bound in Antigua in the Caribbean.

How to Succeed in Whatever Field You Choose

Success is a goal you undeniably want to strive for in life. As with everyone else, you would like a piece of the good life. You would want to rise above your capacities and drive yourself to the best you can possibly reach.

In life, there are so many ways to get to your dreams. You may want to consult Feng Shui experts. You may want to consult astrological charts. You may turn to God. You may turn to creative imagery to get what you want. However you would like to build your personal pillar of success, I believe that there are constants and absolutes. A good, solid foundation is a constant in building any sturdy edifice. Thus, it is essential that there be a strong foundation in the construction of your personal pillar of success.

Integrity, no matter what your religious beliefs are, is the bedrock of all transactions.

Why would you want to deal with things with integrity? Well, forming relationships is a must if you are in pursuit of success; and of course you would like to take good care of these relationships. Integrity builds trust, which is an essential relationship lubricant. One does not need studies to confirm that clients would go back to someone with whom they were able to deal with smoothly and stuck to his end of the deal. The currency of life is "Quid Pro Quo", or "give me as I would give you". So many business relationships have been severed because a party did not meet the end of the deal, or cheated the other of what was his due. As you sever more and more relationships through the lack of integrity, you will encourage the crumbling of your pillar of success.

It helps when you would go through life with a clear conscience and the knowledge that you have given your best to your client, or with whomever you have an interpersonal relationship. The lack of moral and emotional baggage frees you to be more productive, thus allowing you to build your pillar of success faster.

To cultivate integrity, start with the little things. Tell the truth in the most trivial of situations. Catch yourself when you are about to tell a white lie. Be transparent in all your transactions. Give change to your customers to the very last cent. As an adage says, "If you are faithful in little, you will be faithful in much." Such is true in cultivating everything, even integrity.

Quid Pro Quo. That is the currency of human relationships. Take care of your relationships. Fortify it with Integrity. You can never go wrong with being very honest towards everyone.

Matthew Roberts (the author of this article) has set you up with a special gift on his website.

In an exclusive personal interview he uncovered the secret success strategies of multi-millionaire John Di Lemme. For your FREE 18 minute extract of this interview, head on over to http://www.InspirationToAchieve.com


Change Your Way of Thinking - It Will Change Your Life!

By Teresa Tackett

Do you allow your internal negativity to inhibit your dreams? You know that you can sabotage your dreams of working at home without even realizing that you are doing it.

You dream of working from your home and earning a huge income. Over time, you search for every e-book, training manual and any other information you can possibly find or purchase to help build yourself a profitable and successful business that allows you to work from your home and earn a great income.

You converse with your sponsor, spend hour upon hour studying your training materials and e-books learning the best ways to promote your business, place some ads occasionally, and try to improve the search engine optimization of your website.

You still wonder, "Why is this not working? What am I not doing, or doing wrong?"

You see thousands of opportunities on the web every day, and hop from one opportunity to the next, thinking one of them must be the magic money-maker. You lose more money, and you are getting desperate.

Your internal negativity is in control, causing you to believe that you cannot succeed in your home business. It is ruining your confidence in yourself, your ability to have a successful business, and as a result, you don't make much money. You are making yourself believe that you cannot be successful.

If you let your negativity take control, others on your team, your sponsor, your downline, can all sense this. You cannot come across as a leader and a success if you don't let go of your negative attitude. If you don't take control of it, it will destroy your dreams and visions of being a successful work at home entrepreneur!

You must have faith and confidence in yourself to be successful at anything in life, whether it is parenting, your job, your talents, etc. If you let your negative inner instincts take over, you will be a failure in whatever you attempt to accomplish.

Try to think about your negative thoughts and actions, and overcome them. Don't let those negative thoughts take over! Be aware of what is going on, and change your way of thinking to "I CAN do this!". You won't believe the difference in all areas of your life, including your success in a work at home business, if you change your way of thinking into positive actions. Believe in yourself, think positive thoughts and others will see it too. This will have a great impact on the success in your life!

Put positive thoughts and energy into your work and your life. You will reap many rewards!

Tess Tackett
Work at Home Entrepreneur - Atkins AR
Entertainment, skin care and gift products, work at home resources
Make Money at Home


Bigger Thinking Leads To A Bigger Life

"Small" thinking creates more dissatisfaction in life than any other single factor. People, by the nature, want to be successful. The human spirit yearns to attain great things. Unfortunately, the general population settles for less than they are capable of. Thoreau summed it up when he said that most people live a life of quiet desperation. The inner desire for all that life offers is typically in conflict with the outer results being achieved.

What is your true greatness? Determining this begins with thinking much bigger than you are presently conditioned. In spite of what society teaches, you can have it all. People tend to think in terms of surviving rather than thriving. Focus on your survival and that is what you get. Shift your thinking to thriving in each area of your life and it will be instantly take on new meaning.

Are you trying to leap over the Grand Canyon or a small ravine? Both are wrought with challenges that could lead to "failure". So why not go for the gusto? If you do not succeed at a particular action, you received a valuable lesson. The bigger the undertaking, the more valuable the lesson.

Small thinking leads to small results. Choose any area of life and begin to think of bigger results. Immediately things change in a way previously unimagined. Instead of trying to figure ways to earn some extra money, concentrate doubling or tripling your income. Go after that goal with all the vigor you can muster. Also, have terms such as best, highest, and greatest in your regular thought process.

All great achievement is preceded by big thinking. It begins with the thought, followed by the action, and then the result. However, most people cannot begin to implement this mindset because of self-worth issues. Poor self esteem tells us that we are crazy to think about these things. It questions our intelligence, work ethic, and abilities. The conclusion is that we cannot do it so we need to settle for what we can get. Of course, the spirit within us cries out against this but fear wins out in the end.

The conditioning of our mind was influenced by the people around us growing up. Although they loved us dearly, their insecurities and feelings of inferiority were transferred over to us. Undo this be realizing that you are worthy of all the greatness that life has to offer. Think on the grandest scale to create a grand life.

Many have tried to change their lives by changing their actions. While actions are important for success, they will not induce meaningful change. If the mind limits the ability to create a fantastic life, all the action in the world will go to waste. All of our success is first determined by our thinking. The more room that we allow for our imagination to explore, the greater the potential.

Your life will begin to take on new meaning as your thinking expands. Seek out the different areas where you can begin this process today. Believe that you are capable of creating the magical life that so many crave. Remove the self imposed limits to accelerate your growth.

Dennis Harting is the Head Coach at Your Rich Life. He is an acclaimed speaker, trainer, and best-selling author. His books include Your Easiest Million and The Ultimate Procrastination Handbook. His programs and more information can be found at http://www.yourrichlifeinc.com


Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...