Mind Power - How To Increase Your Mind Power

How can I increase mind power? Well, the answer is simple. In the previous articles, I've talked about this, but let me summarize this now in to make it easy for you. So, now you have it! You know what to do to make your lifestyle improved through these changes. Here's a quick look at the changes that you can make today that will increase your mind's power later and throughout your life.

  1. Improve your stress levels and see physical, mental and emotional benefits right away. Relieve your stress by doing something that you love. For example, I love writing, thus when I get stressed I will write some articles to release stress.
  2. Improve your social network to reduce stress and to improve your quality of life. It also helps to make it through difficult times when you have someone by your side. Don't keep your problem kept within yourself. Find friends to talk to about your problem.
  3. Improve your brain's fitness by challenging it through new adventures, continuous learning and through challenges of all types.
  4. Do things that are enjoyable to you. If you can't think of anything, learn something new. New adventures coupled with doing them with those that you love make life better and help to improve your mental fitness.
  5. Keep your self esteem positive. Working on this is hard, but feeling good about yourself is a must for overall health. Think positively! Get positive affirmation, such as "I am competent", "I can succeed", and "I will be able to do well today".

By doing these things it will significantly improve the fitness that your mind has physically and emotionally. The good news is that you can change the outcome of your day by just making the right decisions on the way to look at challenges during the day. Procrastination is a bad thing you should avoid. Make changes like these today and see results today.

Codant Wright is an author writing on Fitness and Exercise. Visit my website and get my Free Brand New 5 Part Fitness Ecourse at http://www.best-fitness.info


Loving Our Bodies

By Lynne Morrell

I was working with a client this week, whose daughter is 10 years old and is already showing signs of body image issues. 10 years old! This woman is a fantastic mom who supports her daughter to be healthy and strong. But, somehow this adorable young girl is getting messages that her body is not "thin enough."

I recently read an article about a family who allowed their teenage daughter to get a boob job because she didn't like the size of her breasts. The girl was only 16 years old! I am not making a judgment about what this family did--this is more of a discussion about how young people are when these body issues start to sneak in.

I can remember being 13 and already thinking that my body was ugly. 13 years old! I spent many years battling with this voice...never feeling beautiful in my body.

It wasn't until I was widowed at 30 years old, raising 2 young children, and having braces on my teeth...that I didn't care any more. During this period in my life, my body was of no concern! It was sort of "just there!"

I had too full a plate to be critical of myself. Plus, I was in such shock and grief that I didn't have the spare energy to be critical of my body. I was too busy wondering if there was anything I could have done to prevent my husband's death!

I lost a lot of weight during that time. Though, it wasn't because I cared about that. Food just tasted like card board. Plus, it took way to much energy to eat and clean all the food out of my braces.

Death, grief and shock (plus having braces) is a great way to loose weight!!!!! I am being facetious here. Though, this was very true for me!

It has been some years since that horrible time...I am in a completely different life! Resiliency is a wonderful thing! Though, the critical voice inside me that says: "Your body is flabby and ugly!" is resilient also.

*So, how do we raise our children to feel good and confident in their bodies?

*How can we as adults appreciate our bodies...no matter where we are physically?

*Is there a way to feel good in a culture that wants the women to look like thin waifs with big boobs? In a culture were men, need to be buff with "6 pack" abs. Whatever the hell that means!

The tricky thing about all of this body issue stuff is that people can not feel healthy in their bodies unless they love their bodies. A body can not thrive in a toxic waste dump of negative thoughts! A body can only thrive when it is fed good stuff...like appreciative thoughts, loving thoughts...gratitude!

So, I would like you to start something! I would like you to speak from a voice of appreciation for your body! Even if the voice of appreciation is a bit of a stretch for you....I want you to try it!

I will start:

I appreciate you, my body, for healing so many things (cuts, scraps, colds and flu's, etc.) without me doing anything!

I appreciate you, my body, as you support me in increasing my strength. I get out and exercise on the days that I feel well enough...and you respond so well to that!

I appreciate you, my body, for remembering how to create muscle. I am already seeing a difference in my muscles...and I am able to lift and carry bags of weeds without my bladder hurting!

I appreciate you, my body, for loving me so unconditionally...you try to send me love even while I am beating the crap out of you!

I appreciate how patient you are with me...even when I am nasty to you, when I think about how "not enough" you are...you patiently take care of me.

I appreciate you, my body, for continuing to heal, even when I tell you that you are not doing enough!

I appreciate that I can sit here and write to you and not be in pain in this moment!

I appreciate that I am becoming more and more pain free...more and more mobile...more and more flexible and more and more strong!

I appreciate you, my body, for housing my soul...my spirit. Because, without this amazing container, I could not experience this physical world...and on the whole this is a very fantastic place!

Thanks body...you rule!

Your body would love to hear some kind words!

Lynne has spent years gathering tools to assist others to tap into their inner wisdom. Her work is about ways to accept, love, and honor Self, and to take the great leap of faith into being authentically you! Learn more at her website and her blog

Healing Power of the Mind - How You Can Harness Your Healing Power of the Mind to Cure the Body

By Haans Ahron

Are you aware that your mind possesses the amazing power to heal and create happiness? Do you also know that when you use the extraordinary healing power of the mind together with a proper lifestyle, a positive attitude and consistent meditations; you can cure your mental, emotional and even physical problems?

How does your mind and body connect together?

When you have an emotion, it generates into a feeling that converts into a physical sensation. For instance, when you are watching a scary movie, you feel terrified and get a chill racing up your spine.

The example above shows that you were getting a negative suggestion through your eyes and ears, which produced the emotion of fear and converted into the physical sensation of the chills. On the same note, you can use visualization techniques that make use of positive images to create positive emotions. These positive feelings will then trigger a positive physical sensation in your body.

Can what you think actually produce an effect on your body?

Your body reacts to the thoughts that you create. Your psychological and emotional state will affect the endocrine system. For instance, the feeling of fear is closely related to adrenaline. If you do not feel fear, then there will not be adrenaline and vice versa. Wherever your thought goes, there will always be a body chemical reaction.

Positive thinking is necessary to produce positive gains and boost your immune system. On the other side of the scale, negative thoughts and emotions will lower the immune system.

Every one of us has the healing power of the mind and is able to cure ourselves. You can easily ignite this healing ability with positive thinking, inspiring images and sounds, positive perceptions and the realization of openness. There are a lot of books and guides that can point you to awaken the healing power of your mind and you should be aware of the simple techniques involved to harness this natural ability.

Would you like to learn powerful mind control techniques that can help you to attain your deepest desires, achieve a euphoric state of being, attract abundant wealth and empower your lives forever? Sign up for a FREE 5-part self empowering lessons here at Quantum Mind Power Secrets!

Check out our Quantum Mind Power blog at http://quantum-mind-power.info for more resourceful information.


Master Success - Are You Willing to Burn Your Bridges?

By Cheryl Clausen

You've been told not to burn your bridges your whole life, but maybe that's what's keeping you from mastering success. Do you like to play it safe and keep your options open? When you play it safe you're really giving yourself permission to fail. You're giving yourself permission to quit if the going gets rough, and return to your current state.

What if you refused to give yourself permission to quit? What if you had to make it work one way or another because turning back wasn't an option? What would happen to your commitment? How about your persistence? Would you be more focused on finding a way to make things work rather than contemplating if you should just give up and accept defeat?

What does it really take to master success? You have to clearly know what you want. You have to have a strong desire to get it. Plus you need to believe that you can achieve it. When you leave your options open you're really expressing self-doubt. What you're telling yourself is that you better have a back-up plan, so that if this doesn't work out you have an escape. But your brain is really processing it as "when" your plan doesn't work out, not "if" your plan doesn't work out.

Do you think you could master success if you combined your passion with your undeterred belief? Some of the greatest lessons to be learned in life come from your children. When my youngest son was in the sixth grade he came home from school the afternoon before the last day at school, and told me what he was going to do the next day. Each year the last day of school the elementary students have a track meet. That afternoon my son told me that at the track meet the next day he was going to win every race. As he made that statement there was a look of determination and unwavering faith on his young face. Now as his mother I worried that he might be setting himself up for failure rather than success, and not wanting him to have hurt feelings I looked at him and asked, "every race"? He looked back at me with that same expression of determination and faith and said, "every race". The next afternoon after school I cautiously waited worried that perhaps his plans were dashed. Instead he raced in the house with a fist full of little ribbons, a big smile on his face, and eyes gleaming to show me his victory ribbons. So I asked, "did you really win every race…no one else won even one"? His innocent reply was, "I told you I'd win every race Mom and I did".

Do you have the faith in yourself to master success? Sometimes you'll be motivated by fear and fear alone will drive you forward. Sometimes you're motivated by setting targets and reaching those targets before confidently taking the next step. And sometimes you have to burn your bridges and obtain your faith from the lack of alternative options.

Want to develop your path for success? Success Model.

Success happens one goal at a time. start here.

Why You Should Use The Power Of Your Dreams

You really should take your dreams seriously! They are the expression of the fears, anxieties, hopes and emotions contained in your subconscious mind. They are the symbolic representation of the information that is stored and organized by your subconscious. They are the key to unlocking your future.

You don't always remember your dreams but in fact you dream virtually every night and usually between five and seven times. Over a typical lifetime that adds up to something like six years of dreaming. So doesn't it make sense to be able to grab hold of all their power to help you to achieve your goals?

You simply must learn to set clearly defined goals if you want to carve out a path towards the realisation of your life's ambitions. But equally importantly you must have a plan of how you are going to achieve them. Your path to fulfilling your goals needs a map to sit upon.

You will find many ways of defining your plan but one sure-fire route that is often overlooked is that of using the power of your dreams.

Contained within your subconscious mind are mountains of information that is not readily available to you when you are awake. But your dreaming mind will reveal this hidden source of data. It could be in the form of secret desires or longings. Or maybe unknown inner fears will be discovered which, through the process of dream analysis, you can learn to overcome.

You see, your dreams are an extension of how you really feel about yourself. Once you are able to recall and understand their content you will develop the power to increase your self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-belief.

You will confront and express your inner feelings in your dream state and by learning how to recall them, analyse them and understand them, you will gain a more positive approach and develop your personal skills and qualities.

Your subconscious mind is full of your inner fears and anxieties. It contains many of the reasons why you may worry and have doubts. By recalling and then understanding your dreams you will be better equipped to deal with the more stressful aspects of your life.

You are faced with many decisions each day. Some are simple, like what to eat or what to wear, but there will be many more important decisions to make regarding areas of your life like relationships or your career. Remembering your dreams and analyzing their meaning will reveal the wisdom that will help you to make those life-changing decisions.

Learning to interpret the dreams you have each night can truly open up a route to achieving your goals. But there is more you can do. You can actually learn to influence what you dream about and so be able to focus on the important areas of your life. By concentrating on the goals you have set you can ensure that they are reflected in the content of your dreams. You simply have to make sure that your subconscious mind is loaded with information on the subject concerned.

So during your waking hours find as much time as you can to read about your topic. Watch films and DVDs about the subject and research it on the Internet. Depending on what it is, you may also be able to view maps, photographs or works of art. This will all help to prepare your mind to have dreams relating to your goals.

You can also try visualization. Use it to see yourself as you will be having achieved your ambitions. Look how you feel and examine the benefits you have gained. Try to clearly picture the things around you, especially those material things like cars or houses that may feature in your goals. You will increase the chances of influencing what you dream about by especially using this technique at bed time just before you go off to sleep.

You can also feed your subconscious mind with the right sort of facts and images through the use of positive affirmation. Use short concise statements set in the present tense to reinforce your objectives and repeat them to yourself during the day whenever you can. You should also write them down and leave them in a prominent position so that you can see and read them often. Take one statement relating to one goal at a time and repeat it to yourself as you drift off to sleep each night.

Combine each of these methods and you will soon gain a fuller understanding of your dreams and how you can influence them to help you to achieve your goals. Very soon you will see the benefits as achieving your life goals becomes reality.

So set yourself a new goal today to start using the power of your dreams to help you to achieve your goals.

Tony Hall is the owner of T H I Marketing, publishers and marketers of self-improvement products. He has vast experience in business development and personal coaching. His latest work, "Dream Secrets Uncovered" deals with the subject of Dream Interpretation and how dreams can influence your life. To learn more visit the website at: http://www.dreamsecretsuncovered.com


The Waiting Periods of Life

Life has moments where seconds feel like eternity. You're ready to move forward or even backwards to avoid waiting. Waiting can try the nerves and fry the patience. In fact, the waiting periods of life can be the greatest growth periods.

While seemingly trapped in the waiting periods take each moment and value its existence. These moments are stepping-stones, which move you closer to your dream. The small steps are necessary and essential in paving the path.

The bible tells us to wait on the Lord. Many times in the effort to accomplish our dreams, today you can fail to realize the dream you are looking for is in this moment. Value the steps as much as the perceived destination.

Renewal of the strength is a promise by God if you wait on the Lord. Waiting on the Lord doesn't mean sitting still. Yes, there are times to sit still but waiting is different than standing still. Standing still is a time where your awareness of God will grow. Waiting is a time of renewal in physical, emotional and spiritual power. However, while in the period of waiting continue to do what is in front of you to do. There are many opportunities in front of you to accomplish while you wait on the Lord to accomplish your dream.

The dreams of life are accomplished one-step at a time. If you want to move, mountains bring a shovel. A mountain can be moved one shovel full at a time. In the waiting period bring a shovel and shovel what is in front of you. Each time you fill your shovel with what's in front of you the waiting period or mountain gets a little smaller.

The key to enduring waiting periods is a refined trust in God. God is the author of the waiting periods of life as well as the mountain top experiences in life. Therefore, wait on the lord, the bible says, and you will fly like an eagle and you will walk and never faint, run and not get weary, so wait on the Lord.

Dr Bob Wilkerson is founder of Challenger Christian Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping others recover from life altering circumstances. Dr. Bob is a motivational speaker with true life story of God's power to change any individuals life. If your Church or organization is looking for a dynamic speaker please email him today. challenger7777@gmail.com


Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...