JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Anointing Oil

וְלָקַחְתָּ(and you take) אֶת(Aleph Tav, JESUS)-שֶׁמֶן(oil of) הַמִּשְׁחָה (the anointing) ~ Exodus 29:7a NKJV

וְאֵת (=את Aleph Tav, JESUS)  שֶׁמֶן (oil of) הַמִּשְׁחָה (the anointing) ~ Exodus 31:11a NKJV

Saved From the Trash Explosion

By Yen Yen

In Nov 2020, about 6.30AM, as usual I was praying in tongue and Psalm 91 while walking exercise around inside of our complex. 

From the distance about 21 m, I saw a woman came out from the alley entrance of the kampong, which was at the back of our complex. Then, she put her trash down, closed to the side wall of my next door neighbor’s shophouse, and started to burn them. 

No longer after she entered the kampong, the trash exploded and the splinters of the explosion fell only about 1 m from where I alone was standing around there. PRAISE JESUS! 

I didn’t know what the splinter was but I could feel its vibration when it fell to the ground. Then, I walked about 1 m away from where I was standing. Suddenly, the second explosion was heard. THANKS JESUS, none was hurt.

The kampong people often burned their trash around there but never exploded. Sometimes, I was walking closer, even standing where the splinters fell. 

That day, I also didn’t think it could explode. But, JESUS knew it and HE had put me at the right place and right time, as HE Promised in Psalm 91:10-11.

Saved from the Bike Accident

By Yen Yen

That late afternoon, I (around 8yo at that time) was learning to ride my friend's big bike on the street of our housing complex. Not like a smaller bike, I couldn't control this big one.

While my bike was moving forward with the handlebars, which kept turning left and right, about a meter in front of me, there was a bad guy talking to his girlfriend. I didn't know how to stop the bike, the handbrakes and the pedals were difficult to reach.

THANKS JESUS, YOU made my right hand able to grip the brake at the right place, right time and the bike stopped exactly behind him. He just looked back at the bike for a second, then continued his conversation with her.

No longer then, one afternoon, I was accidentally overheard a conversation of the noodles pushcart hawker with someone next to my house:

 “The hawker said that the bad guy didn’t want to pay for his order and threatened the hawker with violence. The hawker’s brother couldn’t stand seeing it, then challenged the bad guy to a fight in another place.”

In the late afternoon, I saw the hawker’s brother’s clothes had blood stains and THANKS JESUS, he managed to take the bad guy to the police station.


The voice/sound I hear/my music is JESUS

My word/salvation/righteousness/holiness/obedience is JESUS

My lifestyle/fashion/culture/tradition is JESUS

My age/youth is JESUS

My strength/joy/power/peace is JESUS

Every day/month/year is JESUS’ day/month/year

...The life I am now living in the flesh, I live by faith in the SON of GOD, who loved me and gave HIMSELF for me. ~ Gal 2:20 EHV

Saved by the Attack of the Cat

By Yen Yen

Since March 2023, a cat from the kampong at the back of our complex, came to our house for breakfast almost every morning at the same time more or less. Then, it would accompany me for morning walk and exercises a while before it left or it would be back to the kampong.

In the afternoon of July, 2023, the cat came to our house (usually it came only in the morning). While I was walking beside it to show its leftover breakfast fish in the front end of our house, I saw it suddenly attacked my right leg. THANKS JESUS! its sharp claws did not hit me. Then, it wanted to jump on my body to have another attack, but it was hindered by the broom in my hand. So, it just sat looking at me from the floor.

Finally, with the broom in my hand, I could force it to leave our house.

I have kept cats since my childhood, but I never saw the sudden anger of the cat like that. I ever heard, one cat owner was attacked while she wanted to separate her fighting cats and the claw marks on her arm has to be stitched up in the hospital.

Then, I realized during this time while with the cat, I did not always bring a broom. THANKS A LOT JESUS, YOU have protected me from its attack by putting me in the right place right time.

“For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you ~ Acts 18:10a NIV”.

Keep Protected from the Pandemic and the Chicken Pox Epidemics

In Feb 2020, when the pandemic started to happen in my country, I was concerned as an online student of mine, who lives in another city, said a bad thing (that turned out to be a lie) about my city.

The next day in the afternoon, the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) reminded me (I could clearly see in my mind) how HE has protected me and kept me safe during the chickenpox epidemic from my 5th elem. grade class until now:

[In my 5th grade class, many got a chicken pox, including the one sitting in front of me, behind me, across to my right (each student sat alone – on my left was the wall) and two chairs behind me. But I didn’t.

In my 1st grade in JHS, many got it. My friend sitting behind me came to the school when the vesicles were just broken and leaked as he was afraid of missing lessons/exams. Then, it caused his seatmate, my seatmate, the one sitting behind him on the right and two chairs behind him to get a chicken pox. But I didn’t.

In my 1st grade in SHS, quite a lot got it, including the one sitting in front of me and behind me (across to my right). But I didn’t.

In my 4-5 semesters in the Univ., quite a lot got it, especially they who lived in the same boarding house. But I didn’t.

In 2006, when I was teaching a private child with a fever in my house. The parents didn’t know it was a chicken pox and the next day, the vesicles appeared on her skin. But I kept safe.

In 2008, a private student, who hasn’t completely healed yet, came to my house for the lesson. But I kept safe, and so on...]

Then HE said, “Sebagaimana AKU melindungimu dari wabah cacar air, AKU juga akan melindungimu dalam pandemi ini (As I protected you from the chickenpox epidemics, I will also protect you in this pandemic)”. And HE did, does and I believe HE will keep us safe and protected. THANKS JESUS, I will keep YOUR Promises.

So far, none died cause of the pandemic in my complex housing. Five of my neighbors’ workers got sick but all of them got healed. PRAISE JESUS!

For as many as are the promises of GOD, in CHRIST they are [all answered] “YES.” So through HIM we say our “AMEN” to the glory of God. ~ 2 COR 1:20 AMP

For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in HIM will not be put to shame.” ~ Rom 10:11 NASB

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...