The Statement by Brian Moore

The Statement by Brian Moore is a little more than a pursuit thriller. I stress a little more because it genuinely transcends the "who's going to do it" genre, though overall it misses an opportunity to address some important and potentially fascinating ideas.

Pierre Brossard is the original, but not the only name of a politically right-wing Frenchman who worked with a wartime fascist militia in Vichy France. As part of his duties he was responsible for assisting the transport of Jews to Nazi concentration camps and at least once he organised killings, in particular a massacre of fourteen individuals. He was later tried and convicted, though years later a Presidential pardon meant that he was no longer a wanted man. Still one the run, however, he was convicted of a crime against humanity via a judgment and indeed a jurisdiction that not everyone in France either respected or recognised.

Pierre Brossard's rediscovery of his Roman Catholic faith provided him with something more than solace. Through confession he could secure effective pardon, both within his own and also his sympathisers' minds, where forgiveness was not needed. But also he secured effective support within the minds of sincere devotees of the faith, who often declared themselves more interested in a believer's soul than any debt to history or even the human race.

So, on the run for years, Brossard found haven in a series of religious houses where, in effect, he could come and go incognito, almost as he wished. Meanwhile cheques supplying his financial needs arrived regularly from both known and unknown donors, some connected to societies within the Church, societies that also sympathise with a more traditional form of the faith than that emanating from Rome. Brossard is pursued by the law, a faction of which wants to bring him to justice, whilst another wants to protect him. He is also hunted by an untraceable Jewish group that hires contract killers to do away with him. Paradoxically, the faction of the police that wants to bring him to justice also wants to arrest him to protect him from the assassins. And all this in just over two hundred pages.

And that, perhaps, is the problem. Though the book is well written, well set and constructed, the characters, including Brossard, never attain much more than cameo status. Several of the protagonists express strong opinions about race, culture and faith, but we are never presented with a probing analysis of their motives or identities. The role of the Church in supporting, or at least turning a blind eye towards fascism is mentioned, but not worked through. The schism represented by the Lefevre faction in 1980s France is mentioned, but its ideological foundation is glossed over. The existence of Masonic-type societies within the Church is mentioned, but quite who they are, what they want to achieve and how they operate is largely ignored. Even Brossard's own identity is effectively taken for granted, once we have been introduced to his racism, his anti-Semitism and his ruthlessness.

The Statement of the title refers to a typed sheet carried by Brossard's would-be assassins. It is their intention to pin it to their victim's corpse, thus claiming closure of the case of the wartime massacre of Jews in the village of Dombey.

The plot, as ever in a "who does what", eventually works its way out. I will, of course, not reveal the detail, because with The Statement that would remove the prime reason for reading the book. If some of the other themes the book touches upon had been worked through - even just a little - the book would have provided a more substantial, subtle and sophisticated experience and it would be an interesting read even if the reader knew all the plot. As it is, it fills a couple of hours in an enjoyable, mildly informative and mildly stimulating way.

Philip Spires
Author of Mission, an African novel set in Kenya

5 Ways To Manufacture Good News!

I found myself looking in the mirror this morning, monitoring my energy and creative juices, and I felt light, suddenly.

"I'm going to hear some good news about my book proposal!" I heard myself saying to myself.

And with that, I found there was bounce in my step, and I observed the morning sun, streaming as it was through the kitchen and dining windows, and it was beautifully yellow, and piercing.

In fact, all of my senses were suddenly sharpened, and the feeling of the gas heat rising like a cozy blanket from the floor grates, was very soothing and welcoming.

"What a nice morning!" I thought.

This is the power of good news to change our attitudes, to rouse us from that netherworld of miscellaneous, unnamed aches and pains, and half-emotions.

Good news can bring us back from the undead.

However, there's only one small problem: we don't seem to get good news as regularly or as consistently as we need it.

That's why we have to take special measures to MANUFACTURE it.

It is simply too important to our mental health to be allowed to occur merely by chance. And it is too powerful to place entirely into the hands of other people.

So, how can we create good news every day?

Here are some tips:

(1) Remember past successes. Get that sweet taste of what it has been like to achieve your goals. Savor these memories.

(2) Consider everything for which you can be grateful.

(3) Think of all of your current initiatives that can pay off. Imagine them, one by one, doing so.

(4) Think of at least one new initiative that you can inaugurate, today.

(5) Mentally see yourself harvesting seeds that you have planted long ago, that are dormant, from which you've seen no visible signs of growth. Sprinkle them with your attention, now. Select one or two to nurture with your current energy, knowledge and abilities. Imagine it blooming into something magnificent.

Good news wants to happen, and we want it and need it!

So, if you don't feel it's imminent, for any reason, manufacture it!

Dr. Gary S. Goodman, President of , is a popular keynote speaker, management consultant, and seminar leader and the best-selling author of 12 books, including Reach Out & Sell Someone®, You Can Sell Anything By Telephone! and Monitoring, Measuring & Managing Customer Service, and the audio program, "The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable," published by Nightingale-Conant. He is a frequent guest on radio and television, worldwide. A Ph.D. from USC's Annenberg School, a Loyola lawyer, and an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School at Claremont Graduate University, Gary offers programs through UCLA Extension and numerous universities, trade associations, and other organizations in the United States and abroad. He holds the rank of Shodan, 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate. He is headquartered in Glendale, California, and he can be reached at (818) 243-7338 or at:

Self Confidence - Expressing Your Uniqueness Is Important and Necessary

The most critical characteristic in achieving any level of success in life is self-confidence. It is the secret to succeeding in both the business world, relationships and personally in your life. But unfortunately, confidence and low self-esteem problems are all too common in society today, and leave many individuals without the necessary self acceptance and strength of character to live their life on their terms.

So what does it mean to "live life on your terms?" This means expressing your natural strengths and attributes without fear or trepidation. And it is only through expressing what is natural in you -- your innate skills, characteristics and desires -- that you can really "succeed" in any area of life.

The opposite of expressing your personal uniqueness is to be found in many people suffering with self-confidence problems. These individuals -- often unknowingly -- have a habit of attempting to "cover up" who they really are, and deny their true personalities. When this happens it is a real loss not only for the individual affected, but for the rest of us as well. Here's why:

Each of us is unique -- we have our own unique strengths, weaknesses, preferences, talents and points of view. When we attempt to hide or cover up our uniqueness, we deprive both ourselves and those around us of an important part of nature. That's right; I used the word "nature."

You see, who you "naturally" are is important, both to you and to the world at large. Think about the old biblical quote encouraging you to not "hide your light under a bushel." This means, don't hide who you truly are from the world, because who you truly are is an important part of the overall whole. It can be no other way.

The problem is that we live in a world where a competitive mindset is rampant. This mindset assumes that you must conform to certain social norms in order to have any value. Hogwash! You have value simply because you are a part of nature and you are here. You can stop your internal dialogue right there -- no further explanation is necessary.

The secret to success in life is to be MORE of who you already are. This means expressing your uniqueness to its fullest, or letting the whole world see your light. Self-esteem issues often cause people to fear rejection, and to believe that they will not be accepted if they let the world know exactly who they are. This belief is one the primary cause of poor self-esteem and confidence issues.

And it is important to keep in mind that when a person subjugates their natural characteristics in an attempt to "fit in," they make themselves miserable, and they make the world a poorer place. Why? Because they are denying the rest of us what is unique about them.

What I'm trying to say is, we (the world) need your uniqueness. The world needs my uniqueness, and every single person's uniqueness. It is critical that we each understand that our natural characteristics and unique qualities are important to the world. Once an individual understands this, self-confidence issues tend to fade rather quickly.

After all, it is difficult to maintain a poor self image when you understand that who and what you are is important to the life of the world.

Jon Mercer is the director of Build Confidence Quickly Using "Positive Brainwashing."

Unusual Traits Of Highly Successful People!

We've all heard about the successful people of this world. We've heard of people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobbs, Richard Branson and so on.

We have also heard what it takes to be successful like these people. We heard you have to save, you have to start your own business, you have to own properties, you have to be prudent with your finances and so on.

While all these are true (they are time tested), there are other traits that I've noticed about many successful people. They are traits people don't notice. They are traits people don't talk about. Traits that make them succeed where many others have failed.

I'm going to share those traits with you today. Make sure you learn from them and more importantly act on them.

Trait One: Successful People Are Always Learning

I was at a seminar not too long ago and I was seated beside a fine gentleman. After the seminar, I gathered he was a multi millionaire that specializes in importing goods from China. I know a lot of people will wonder why someone who is worth over hundred million dollars will be doing in a seminar.

The truth is that most successful people are permanent learners. They always want to learn new things that will give them new ideas as well as new insights into how things are done.

Trait Two: Successful People Always Ask Questions

I've never met any successful person that claims to know it all yet I've met many average people who claim to be experts on all issues on the face of this planet.

Most successful people ask questions about many things. They don't pretend to know it all. In fact, they don't attempt to know it all. That is why they surround themselves with attorneys, accountants and so on.

Trait Three: Successful People Desire More Success

I've met many people that say they will stop working or stop trying to achieve things once they make a million dollars. Most successful people don't think like that. They are always looking for new challenges.

I bet we've all heard of poeple who sold their companies for millions and then start a new business from scratch. That is the spirit and that is why they seem to be forever successful.

I stongly believe these little tricks can help all of us move towards our dreams of becoming extremely successful. Let us make use of them.

We Can All Succeed!

Akin Alabi

Become An Incredibly Magnetic Person Who's Loved, Desired And Admired Everywhere FAST. Visit For Details.

Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...