Saved From the Hazing Punishments

That time, as other new univ. students, I had to participate in the hazing for 3 days. 

In day 2, the coach leader asked said: “For all who haven’t submitted your dream task yet then raise hands!” One by one students raised their hands. 

Then he said, “For those who raising hands will be punished here at noon. If we found that someone didn’t do it and not raise hands, s/he’ll be punished double!” and the other students raised their hands.  

A coach asked me, “Did you submit it?” I just nodded while looking down and then he left me. 

Actually, it’s impossible for me to do it with several tasks going at once. I believe, JESUS gave me a courage to keep not raising my hand though I knew the risk. PRAISE JESUS, until after I graduated, they didn’t know that I didn’t submit it.

Logically, I’d have definitely been caught bcoz the participants was divided into groups with only 20 students and 2 group-coaches each. It's unlikely if the 2 group-coaches didn't know who hadn't submitted the task.

I believe, JESUS made both of them didn’t have the heart to hand over my name to the coach leader. 

Or, HE made them making a mistake in checking so that my task had been wrongly checked as submitted. But, whatever it was, HE saved me miraculously from getting caught and their inhuman punishments. 

My friend said, she and other punished friends were dried, walking and running barefoot on the concrete field under the hot noon sun. As the result, she got bad blisters on her feet and one was fainted.

It's not necessary to obey bad people. Whether you obey them or not, they will harm you. People who has the heart of JESUS, will not have the heart to harm others.

“For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you ~ Acts 18:10a NIV”.

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...