A Healing CHRISTmas Gift

When I was 9 years of age, I was chosen to perform two shows at the school's Christmas celebration. The first, I would recite a poem with 4 friends (Each of us would memorize a verse, which was begun with the initial letter Y.E.S.U.S (J.E.S.U.S)) and the second, perform as the angel that appeared to Mary.

The school's Christmas celebration would be started on Sunday at 5pm, but in the morning, I got a fever. As the doctor’s clinic was closed, my dad had a dare to take me to the doctor’s house and he didn’t mind to check me up.

At home, after taking the medicine until at around 1 p.m., I still haven't sweated yet. Mom said, if I didn’t get healed, I was not allowed to go to the school. I almost gave up by thinking, “If I can’t go, it’s fine”. But then, I thought, “How about the poem show? It will be a missing initial letter ‘S’ and how about the Mary without the angel?”

Then, I prayed in my heart and that was the first time I prayed for healing, “LORD JESUS, please heal me now, so that I can perform at the school’s Christmas celebration.”

Shortly, I started to sweat and my fever was gone. PRAISE ABBA JESUS! I was completely healed. At around 4 p.m., I could go to the school by walking with grandma.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Healing Christmas Gift. YOUR Miracle made me able to attend and perform the both CHRISTmas shows well.

...As your days are, so will your strength, your rest and security be. ~ Deu 33:25b AMP

HE satisfies your years (=‘eḏ•yêḵ, mouth) with good things, so that your youth is renewed like an eagle. ~ Psalm 103:5 TLV (https://bibeltext.com/hebrew/edyech_5716.htm)

...And by HIS stripes (wounds) we are healed ~ Isa 53:5 AMP

JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Eyes Opener

2 Kings 6:17: “Then Elisha prayed and said, ‘O LORD(=YAHWEH), I pray, open (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) eyes that he may see.’ And the LORD opened (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) eyes of the servant and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”
John 9:6-7 ERV: After JESUS said this, HE spit on the dirt, made some mud and put it on the man’s eyes....He was now able to see.
Luke 24:30-31 AMP: ...HE took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it, HE began giving it to them. Then their eyes were [suddenly] opened [by GOD] and they [clearly] recognized HIM; and HE vanished from their sight.
Acts 9:12: and in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come in and place his hands on him (Saul), so that he may regain his sight.
JESUS can show us what HE sees that we need to see.

Saved from the Stone Throwing

One late afternoon in Oct 2016, I was praying in tongue while walking exercise on the 1st floor of my shophouse.

My front entrance door had the bigger part on the left, which was always closed by the rolling door, and the small one on the right was opened.

While I was walking behind the bigger door, suddenly someone threw a stone, which was almost the size of my fist, into our house.

I was curious to see who did it. Then, HOLY SPIRIT warned me, “Jangan (No)! Nanti mereka akan melempar untuk kedua kalinya (They will throw again for the second time later)!”

But I still wanted to see them then I felt "SOMEONE (I believe it's an angel or JESUS)" hold my collar tightly so I couldn’t move at all. A second later, they threw a similar stone again for the second time, exactly as HE warned.

Imagine if I could move then the stone would hit me. THANK YOU, JESUS for protecting me.
After that, I could move to see the bad boys. I asked them not to do it again then they went far away and never back since then.

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of https://bestmotivation.blogspot.com/2023/07/saved-by-attack-of-cat.html After that, I still often met ...