7 Keys To Transforming Thought

We've all experienced the popular notion that "our thoughts shape our reality". When life is working well, it's easy to focus on thoughts that feel good and perpetuate success and happiness in our lives. However, what do you do when you are attached to thoughts that clearly don't serve you? Below are 7 Keys to making the shift.

1. AWARENESS - Before we can influence our thoughts, we need to become aware of them. How do you know there is a disempowering thought lurking in your mind? Your EMOTIONS serve as signals to catch your attention. These feelings may be subtle or extreme. A feeling that "something is off", discomfort, anxiety or a mild sense of resistance or depression is worth paying attention to. Some reactions are blatant and obvious, serving as giant clues that the mind has attached to a thought. Become a detective and identify the thought or thoughts that are associated with the feeling. Awareness is the first key. You cannot shift what you are unaware of.

2. Is it true in REALITY? So often, the thoughts that drive our feelings have no basis in reality, leaving us attached to thoughts that are simply fantasy. When an event happens, our minds instantaneously attach a meaning (meaning is a synonym for "thought") to the occurrence. Separating the FACTS (what happened) from the MEANING or interpretation is one way to connect to reality. It's important to recognize the myriad of ways that we distort reality. We EXAGGERATE or MINIMIZE it. We DENY it. We think it SHOULD be different than it is. We ARGUE with it. And, we FORECAST it. Each of these results in stress or anxiety. When the mind recognizes that a thought is NOT true in reality, it often simply releases the thought. Getting in touch with the REALITY of the situation is the second key to shifting thoughts.

3. Identifying Impact - Often times a thought that we investigate appears to be factual or true in reality, yet the resulting feeling is one of stress, anxiety, or sadness. Death, accidents, unmet expectations, annoying sounds, flat tires, and deflating stock markets happen. Some of the feelings associated with these events can become "addictive" in a strange way. We connect with others through sadness or disappointment. The adrenaline rush of anger can also give us a sense of certainty or power. When a thought is true in reality, but you're finding the result is not serving you -- it's time to identify the impact. If you continue to attach to this thought, how will it make you feel? How will you treat others? How will you live your life if you constantly focus on this thought? When the mind comprehends that there is more pain associated to a thought than pleasure, the mind often simply let's the thought go.

It's also helpful to identify the perceived PAYOFF. Typically the benefit we unconsciously believe we're receiving, isn't REALLY giving us what we desire. When the mind realizes this, it lets go of the thought more easily. Identifying the impact is another key to transforming thought.

4. Willingness - In order for any transformation to occur, one MUST be WILLING to shift. Someone can know they have a food, TV or alcohol addiction, but without a genuine WILLINGNESS to shift - NOTHING will disrupt the destructive behavior. Such is the case with thoughts that one is consciously or unconsciously addicted to. That authentic willingness works magic.

5. Just Let Go - Sometimes unresourceful thoughts arise, and we can simply let them go because they don't serve us. The inner critic may say, "Who are you to think you can do that?" or "This isn't going to work", or "What if you fail?" Maybe the thought is trivial negativity or fixated on something that can't change. The most powerful part of you can respond with a simple, "Thank you for sharing", and let it go.

6. Redirect Focus - Our minds are like children. Whatever you place in front of them becomes the focus of their reality. When caught up in addictive thoughts, consciously redirect your focus on something more positive or neutral. If your spouse is running late, embrace the beauty in your environment. If you find yourself frustrated in traffic, focus on your breathing, music in the car or the opportunity to relax and slow down. LANGUAGE is a powerful means of redirecting your focus. Consider shifting your internal dialog. Choose words that empower you over words that deplete your energy.

7. SCRAMBLE the Thought - Tony Robbins and NLP practitioners know of this powerful tool, and it's simple for anyone to use by themselves. You simply must be WILLING to try it. If you've been embracing a negative mantra over and over in your mind, simply recognizing its impact may not be enough. Let's take a mantra like, "I have so much to do". To scramble this sentence, or any other, do the following.

• Say the sentence 5 times really fast in a MICKEY MOUSE voice (yes, I'm serious).

• Say the sentence 5 times really slow in a COWBOY'S voice.

• Say the sentence 5 times is your most SENSUAL and SEDUCTIVE voice.

• Say the sentence 5 times BACKWARDS (i.e. "Do to much so have I").

You must play FULL OUT. If you're playing full-out, you'll find yourself laughing out loud. Just continue until you've made it all the way through the 4 steps above. When you're done, notice how you feel about the original sentence. Most people experience the sentence as neutral or humorous after completing this exercise. The addictive thought has been transformed. Try it!!

8. Replace It. As you loosen the grips on the thoughts that don't serve you, it's important to replace them with something more empowering - so the thoughts don't have a home to return to. Consciously choosing the antithesis of the original thought is a simple solution. Another way to find a replacement is to turn the statement around. Identifying a thought that is "as true" or "truer" than the original statement. Or it may simply align more with what you want to create or attract into your life. In the example above, "I have too much to do", could be transformed into, "I'm on track", or "It's all going to get done". As long as the replacement is more powerful that the unresourceful, you're on track.

Mary Allen, CPCC, MCC is author of The Power of Inner Choice. She hosts Conversations with the Masters interviewing best-selling authors via free, live conference calls. Visit http://www.lifecoachmary.com to learn about coaching, her popular year-long Success and Inner Peace Bootcamp and tap into a wealth of resources including her ezine SoulFULLY Living, and Your Daily Gems.


How to Stop Attracting Negative Conditions

By Daniel Hinds

Sadly the world is filled with lots of negativity. Everywhere you look there are stories of sad and depressing conditions. It can be very difficult to maintain a positive outlook in order to attract the better things that you desire.

The law of attraction is quite unforgiving. You may be a very nice person however several things within your environment may very well be killing your changes of successfully applying the law of attraction to your life. Perhaps you are one of the many people who are bogged down by negativity. As you may well already know you attract the things that you focus on, whether consciously or unconsciously. How then do you best apply the law of attraction to your life and attract more positive conditions?

1) The media is a large supplier of horrible, painful negativity. It's a wonder that anyone can leave their homes. You are constantly being bombarded by stories that could frighten anyone. Then there are the doom and gloom health scares. There is always a new medical condition that requires some form of medication and always you are being told that you absolute need it or else. Are you really in danger of every illness or are they programming you for ill health so that they can force feed you their drugs? You be the judge. You may think that those stories do not affect you personally but the reality is that they do seep into your subconscious mind. Whatever enters your subconscious mind begins to control your outer reality. You can begin to monitor the amount of time you spend in front of the tube even best you can be extremely selective about the programming that you watch. Perhaps start by eliminating the news.

2) People are a great source of negativity. You can cancel our all of your hard efforts by spending time around people who complain a lot or whose force tends to be gloomy. Imagine immersing yourself in a good thirty minute program to change your life by applying the law of attraction techniques only to spend the rest of your day listening to someone whose outlook is negative. The moment you do you have just cancelled out your attraction and this keeps you in the never ending cycle of being stuck.

3) Indulging in the past is another common form of negativity that way too many people indulge in. So many people judge their present as well as their future based on poor experiences in their past. You cannot successfully apply the law of attraction techniques if your thoughts are focused on what did not work for you in the past. You can let go of the past negativity if you really want to see success in attracting what you truly desire.

Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit http://www.cosmic-wealth.com to learn more about these secrets teachings. Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.

Four Steps To Increase Your Motivation At Work

Work motivation is all about 'you' putting a lot of energy and time into doing all of your work responsibilities all in a timely manner. You will find that this behavior is something that you need to mutter for you to be a star worker. You will need to have work motivation when it comes to every single task or project so that you can do the project and do it right. You will find that motivation is the key factor in your performance. There is a lot of ways that you can increase your motivation; however, here are four particular steps that will allow you to increase your motivation.

First you will want to think about the Equity theory. This is where you can picture everyone has someone who gets a job and then does it. Everyone at work probably has the same expectations at work; however, you have to make yourself special. You will want to think about how you can stand out among all the other works. This may mean that you will have to change your behavior. You are going to have to find a way that will put yourself above the rest. This is where the motivation will kick in, because you are going to have to motivate yourself to be better. You will get your rewards when the boss pats you on the back or shakes your hand. Then you will work a little harder, and you'll be offered a job with higher respect or you will get your rewards in monetary forms.

Also, think about your competition. They can not be better than you, because then they will end up with all the rewards. You will want to use your competition as motivation. You will want to motivate yourself by using the competition to increase your self awareness of possibilities. You will work harder the moment that you know someone is working harder than you. When it comes to competition, you will find that it is one of the greatest self motivational tools.

Qualifications will also increase your motivation. If you can do a better job that is higher in the ranks, then you need to show others that you can work at levels below you and then scramble to the top. You will want to think about everything that you can do to show off your real talents. If you are able to do more, then why don't you? It's not a question of doing more, but it is a question of whether you would rather have the boss or others perceive you as someone who has low potential or high potential.

Finally, you need to learn how to set goals. Your goals will help motivate you to push yourself forward. Also, you will be able to chart your progression. You will find that there are a lot of benefits when it comes to setting goals and making a path to the top. However, you will find that it is a way for you to work for something just for yourself. The goals are something that you are doing for yourself, and it's not something that you are doing for the company.

You need to think about the raise like you would a manger. What do you think that your manager perceives you to be? Are you a minimum worker? Are you an excellent worker? You need to take the picture that others have made about you and then work hard to change the way that they perceive you. You don't want to allow others to think that you are a no good worker, but a person who really works hard for the company.

Tracy Brinkmann is an goal setting and success coach. Through his company Success Atlas, he provides goal-setting, motivational & educational material, & training via live presentations as well as digital/audio products. Sign up for his free e-Zine http://www.successatlas.com


Why Are These People So Closed To The Christian Faith?

Do you ever find in life that some things are hard to see and accept?

After a two year 'delay' Paul finally arrives in Rome. We read all about in Acts Chapter 28, and after only three days, he is hard at work, using every available opportunity open to him.

Paul called for the Jewish leaders in Rome. Why the Jews? He begins first with those who should be able to understand - those of his own background - those who believed in God. He had done this in all the various centres which he has visited over these past twenty or so years.

He needed to know the position of the Jewish leadership. This was his method, and it remained unchanged, even after all that they had said about him and against him. This is God's pattern too - to the Jew first.

Paul explains how he is innocent. He wants them to know the truth. His desire is to put the record straight. They would have heard rumours, tales, stories about this man, and he would tell of his being arrested in Jerusalem - "nothing could be proved and no-one could release me - so I appealed to Caesar - and that is why I am here in Rome." I just want to explain all this to you, so that you may hear it from my mouth. Paul is so open. Of course, there was another reason. Almighty God wanted His man in Rome.

"We have not received any letters about you", was their reply. "Nobody has come and said anything bad about you - no-one has warned us about you - but we want to hear what your views are about this sect which is called 'Christians'. People everywhere are speaking against this group and they are springing up everywhere. This new movement has appeared all over the Middle East."

Thirty years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, and people are speaking against this strange new faith. It continued to be regarded as a sect, and yet, this was the work of our Creator God. Our loving Father was at work in the world, and in one sense, so very few recognised it. That is also true today.

They agreed to meet for a whole day and hear Paul's reply. Here is an apostle who is eager. He does not have retirement on his mind - no sitting back and leaving it to the others. On he goes witnessing and explaining and teaching and serving as he makes himself available to God.

Look at how he answered. He spoke about the kingdom of God. He spoke about Jesus. He spoke from the Word of God, from morning 'til evening.

The word - this sharp two edged sword was at work. Some believed, and some would not believe.

There are always these reactions. "I'm convinced. I believe that this is true. I surrender and submit to Jesus and His Word." Or the opposite - "I can't accept that. I can't believe that. I'll argue against that. I'll use all my strength to fight against that."

These people then began to argue amongst themselves, and Paul watched these Jews go away. He remembers the words of Isaiah. Go and preach and speak to the people. They shall hear but never understand. They shall see, but they will never come to know what it is all about." This is always so sad to see.

Their hearts were hard. Nothing would go in. Nothing could get in.

They listened to it all. They heard him. They saw so much, but they were spiritually closed and deaf and blind.

Jesus experienced this too. After Jesus healed the man with the withered hand, some went out and planned to kill Him. When the sower went out and sowed his seed, most of it was snatched away. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on that donkey, only a very few realised the significance of what was happening. Others were furious.

Paul experienced similar reactions. Some believed. Some would not. Some did not. But, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is NOT hindered.

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at http://www.studylight.org entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.


Excellence, Integrity And Standards

By Mary Allen

Human beings are drawn to excellence, integrity and high standards. We know it when we see it. We are naturally attracted to these qualities. They are easy words to say, and sometimes harder words to live, especially consistently. Yet, when we do live these words, there are great rewards -- externally and internally. People admire and trust those who exude these qualities, and want to associate with them and buy their products and services. Yet, perhaps the biggest reward of all is a "deeper and more respectful connection" to ourselves, and a greater sense of personal power and fulfillment. Sometimes the short-term pain is worth the long-term gain.

What is Excellence, Integrity and Standards?

Excellence means calling forth the best from you. That is innately fulfilling. Living in integrity is honoring your personal values and code of conduct, and not compromising them even when persuaded by others. Standards is the qualitative value of degree of excellence that you choose for yourself. There are rewards and consequences associated with our choices to live or deny these values. While each distinct, they are integrally linked and displayed together.

I've been blessed to work with a client base of men and women who exemplify excellence, integrity and high standards. I'm frequently inspired by how they honor this code, rarely needing a nudge back to full alignment. What I see in my clients represents a Universal Truth. Those who strive diligently towards excellence, integrity and high standards are generally happier, more financially successful and well balanced -- especially long-term. Those who compromise excellence, integrity and standards may appear to win short-term, but ultimately face consequences, costs and conflicts -- both inside themselves and in the business world.

We've all seen examples of both in our lives. It's particularly easy to spot those who characterize the extremes. Those demonstrating excellence, integrity and high standards stand out in their fields -- we trust them, and eagerly buy their products and services. Those at the opposite extreme also stand out -- repelling us or giving us an uneasy feeling.

What attracts or repels us to others, also attracts or repels us from ourselves. The more these qualities are cultivated in our lives, the higher our esteem and the more fulfilled we are. When we aren't giving our best efforts, lower our standards or fudge our integrity -- we tend to like ourselves less.

While the world offers benchmarks of excellence, integrity and standards, the real test is INSIDE of you. YOU know inside if you've really given something your all or not. YOU know when you've crossed an integrity line for yourself. YOU know when you've lowered a standard. It all comes down to a FEELING inside. When we compromise our excellence, integrity or standards, the result is a "feeling" inside of us that tells us something is OFF.

However, sometimes we can fool ourselves or be innocently seduced to compromise a value, and we learn to justify our actions by saying, "the end justifies the means," or "others are doing it," or perhaps we feel that we don't have a choice. This can begin a cycle of lowering standards. The cost is that it takes us further away from our true selves, our ultimate purpose, long-lasting success and our sense of fulfillment. This is one of the most essential ingredients to living the life of your dreams. More about this in future articles.

What inspires YOU to strive for excellence? What is that force inside of you guiding you morally and ethically with yes's and no's? Is that signal strong or weak? What standards are you choosing? And, are you choosing them consciously?

Soulful CHALLENGE: Check in with yourself. Where are you exemplifying excellence and high standards, and where are you not? Where are you in full alignment and integrity with yourself, and where are you compromising? What is ONE action you can take today to honor these values within yourself on a deeper level? Take one action today.

Mary Allen, CPCC, MCC is author of The Power of Inner Choice. She hosts Conversations with the Masters interviewing best-selling authors via free, live conference calls. Visit http://www.lifecoachmary.com to learn about coaching, her popular year-long Success and Inner Peace Bootcamp and tap into a wealth of resources including her ezine SoulFULLY Living, and Your Daily Gems.


How To Beat Procrastination - Miss This Step And You'll Always Be A Slave To Procrastination

Procrastination effects every one of us. In fact it's one of the biggest obstacles to creating freely that there is. How often do you find yourself caught up in trivial tasks like rearranging your art supplies or cleaning things that don't need cleaning, or surfing the internet one more time for those perfect instructions on how to overcome creative block?

One of the reasons procrastination is so powerful and so destructive is because it's a master of deception and disguise.

Whenever you feel drawn to one of these tasks we just mentioned it's as if it's the most important thing on earth and your whole life will come to a standstill if you don't do it RIGHT NOW, that's procrastination at work.

Procrastination slips in like a ghost, hypnotises you into believing that checking your email again or washing your socks is the most urgent activity you can possible do, then disappears again just as discretely, it's work done... And you're left wondering how another hour has passed without you creating anything.

Another hour becomes another day, another week, another month, and you start to believe creating is virtually impossible and you're about as likely to finish your novel or painting or album as you are to fly to the moon on a paper aeroplane...

Sound familiar?

In all of this frustrating and demotivating cycle, there's one crucial step you're missing if you want to beat procrastination.

It's as step that, if you continue to overlook it, will mean you'll be a slave to those habits of procrastination that dominate your creative life forever.

So what is this vital first step, this amazing secret to overcoming procrastination?

Quite simply, admit you procrastinate.

Until you recognise and acknowledge that yes you do procrastinate and no it doesn't make you a terrible, weak person, you'll always procrastinate because it will always slide in unnoticed and do its damage.

This step is not about judging or criticising yourself. It's simply about saying: "Yes I do procrastinate. And yes these habits of procrastination prevent me from being the highly creative person I know deep down I can be. Now I'm ready to admit that, and ready to work towards overcoming procrastination and setting my creativity free..."

Then you're in an empowered and informed position.

Procrastination is suddenly thrust from the shadows, a big spotlight shone in it's face, it's hair ruffled as it's told "Ha! I'm on to you now, sunshine!" And it doesn't like it when you do that...

Take this essential first step today. Admit you procrastinate and with this new awareness you can then begin the next step to beating procrastination - recognising when and how you're most likely to procrastinate.

And if you're ready to beat procrastination and set your creativity free in the next 21 days, I invite you to check out the powerful ecourse "7 Steps To Freedom: How To Beat Procrastination And Set Your Creativity Free" at http://www.HowToBeatProcrastination.com

For your free 7 article series on the first steps to beating procrastination, head over to http://www.CoachCreative.com/procrastinationarticles.html

From Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin

Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace ). Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12). htt...