Worker Saved From the Electric Shock

By Yen Yen

One afternoon in Nov 2024, I asked my worker to fix an outlet/electrical socket that has come loose from a wooden beam.

Before doing it, I asked him whether he could do it or not as he just understood basic electrical and he said “Yes”.

After he turned off the third switch of the MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) of the room, as it turned out the fan with the outlet on the right window was still on.

I knew the room had two switches of the MCB, but I was not sure whether the loose outlet on the left window was included in the third switch of the MCB or not.

I almost just wanted to entrust him to fix it. But, when he wanted to start fixing it, at the right time, I believe the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) moved me to ask him for plugging the fan into the loose power outlet first and after it was plugged, the fan was also still on.

If he started fixing it without plugging the fan into the loose outlet first, then I cannot dare to imagine it. 

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to him! YOU have saved him from the electric shot.

‘HE (JESUS) then said in Arabic, “... just know that I love you." "That's it?" I asked. HE said, "Yes, believe in ME".’ ~ Khalida Wukawitz (Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations – Sid Roth)

"For the first time in my adult life I wanted it to be true that JESUS loved me. ... I yelled out into the darkness, 'JESUS, save me.' ... and HE came to rescue me.” ~ Howard Storm (My Descent Into Death)

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...