Healed From Tinnitus

By Yen Yen

One day around 2 a.m. in Nov 2024, my right ear started ringing quite loud. Though it was getting louder by the day and it’s slightly hard to hear what people said, but I kept partaking The HOLY COMMUNION and prayed, “ABBA JESUS, no diseases can stand under YOUR Wild Love to me. This will definitely be a testimony”. I also took Chinese Medicine. 

Five days later, after partaking the HOLY COMMUNION in the late afternoon, about an hour later, I felt my tinnitus gradually disappear and at 6.20 p.m. the tinnitus was gone until now. In JESUS’ Name, I believe this healing is permanent.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Healing to me!

My healer/healing is JESUS
My healthy is JESUS
My age is JESUS
My longevity is JESUS
My youth is JESUS

‘HE (JESUS) then said in Arabic, “... just know that I love you." "That's it?" I asked. HE said, "Yes, believe in ME".’ ~ Khalida Wukawitz (Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations – Sid Roth)

"For the first time in my adult life I wanted it to be true that JESUS loved me. ... I yelled out into the darkness, 'JESUS, save me.' ... and HE came to rescue me.” ~ Howard Storm (My Descent Into Death)

Worker Saved From the Electric Shock

By Yen Yen

One afternoon in Nov 2024, I asked my worker to fix an outlet/electrical socket that has come loose from a wooden beam.

Before doing it, I asked him whether he could do it or not as he just understood basic electrical and he said “Yes”.

After he turned off the third switch of the MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) of the room, as it turned out the fan with the outlet on the right window was still on.

I knew the room had two switches of the MCB, but I was not sure whether the loose outlet on the left window was included in the third switch of the MCB or not.

I almost just wanted to entrust him to fix it. But, when he wanted to start fixing it, at the right time, I believe the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) moved me to ask him for plugging the fan into the loose power outlet first and after it was plugged, the fan was also still on.

If he started fixing it without plugging the fan into the loose outlet first, then I cannot dare to imagine it. 

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to him! YOU have saved him from the electric shot.

‘HE (JESUS) then said in Arabic, “... just know that I love you." "That's it?" I asked. HE said, "Yes, believe in ME".’ ~ Khalida Wukawitz (Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations – Sid Roth)

"For the first time in my adult life I wanted it to be true that JESUS loved me. ... I yelled out into the darkness, 'JESUS, save me.' ... and HE came to rescue me.” ~ Howard Storm (My Descent Into Death)

Teen Saved From the Vehicle Accident

By Yen Yen

Since a few months ago, almost every morning, while walking exercise, I see a Senior High teen, who used to play in front of my house as a kid, going to school with his motorbike. Sometimes, he looks at me before starting his motorbike as if saying goodbye to school.

After I knew his background (As a broken home Junior High teen, he used to drink and smoke, then he quit after realized how hard to earn a living), I believe I was moved by The HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS' SPIRIT) to start praying and partaking the HOLY COMMUNION for him as I did on one morning in Nov 2024.

Then, while I was walking exercise around my house, I saw him going to school with his motorbike as usual.

When his motorbike passed through the security post in our complex housing, a car came from about 20 m in front of him at quite high speed (the street was about 2 m wide). And, he was stuck in a tight spot as there was no street to the left of the security post.

Finally, PRAISE ABBA JESUS, he could force the handlebars of his motorbike to turn to the left at the right place and right time. While he could only look down, the car came just right next to him then turned right at the bend of the street.

Had he been one second too late to force the motorbike handlebars to turn to the left, he would be hit or at least the car or his motorbike were dented. 

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to him! This showed me again that YOUR unconditional love is also for unbelievers.

‘HE (JESUS) then said in Arabic, “... just know that I love you." "That's it?" I asked. HE said, "Yes, believe in ME".’ ~ Khalida Wukawitz (Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations – Sid Roth)

"For the first time in my adult life I wanted it to be true that JESUS loved me. ... I yelled out into the darkness, 'JESUS, save me.' ... and HE came to rescue me.” ~ Howard Storm (My Descent Into Death)

Saved by the Attack of the Bad People

By Yen Yen

One morning in Oct 2024, as usual, before walking exercise on the small street at the back of my house, I prayed, “BLOOD of JESUS covers me as a shield. Never fail!”. The street was quiet, only me and a kampong people who was about 4 meters in front of me, busy with his phone.

No longer, I saw a middle-aged man riding a motorbike from the street bend and stopped in front of me. Suddenly, he looked at me with full of hatred. I just realized it after a while, then I shifted my gaze downwards for about a minute.

PRAISE ABBA JESUS, when I lifted my head, he was gone and didn’t hurt me physically. A week before this happened, he was also acting like that while he was walking into the alley’s entrance. I don't know why since we don't know each other, but I know he is a kampong people.

Since then, I had time to see him several times, but he didn't dare look at me at all, whether by bowing/raising his head or by speeding up his motorbike. He seemed to regret his actions.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to me!

HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)

Saved From the Sting of the Great Black Wasp

By Yen Yen

One late afternoon in Oct 2024, after partaking the Holy Communion, I was moved by the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) to check the 3rd floor window (Usually, I rarely go there).

After eating, I just went to check it out and I almost didn’t believe what I saw. It took a few minutes to make sure that it was a ‘big black bee’ with about 2.5 cm in length (Later, I just knew it was a great black wasp) between the mosquito net and the naco/louvre window.

The wasp was trying to get outside but it was blocked by the mosquito net, while the naco window which was slightly closed at the top part and widely opened at the bottom part.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS, YOU moved me to close the naco window tightly at the right place and right time. Just after closing the bottom part, the wasp flew down but it could not fly towards me. Had I been one second too late, it would attack me. Then, it was trapped between the naco window and the mosquito net.

I asked my worker to spray it with eucalyptus oil-water from the terrace outside the window and from the indoor, I pointed where the wasp was as it flew up and down quickly.

Then, the wasp started to get soaked and no longer, it was lying without moving at the bottom of the window and the next morning, I saw it has been dead.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to us!

HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)



Saved From Inhaling the Poisonous Black Smoke

By Yen Yen

One morning in July 2024, a kampong people burnt the electric cable again in our back housing complex but this time, the fire was big and the big and thick black smoke moved quickly and would turning to the front of the complex towards where I was standing approximately 40 m.

I had time to think, how to save myself from the black smoke? Even if I could run fast, the black smoke still moved much faster than me.

Suddenly, the quite strong wind blew away the black smoke at the right place and the right time, when it was about to turn towards the front of the complex so that it moved into the kampong and I was saved from inhaling the poisonous black smoke.

A few days ago (Aug 2024), he burnt the electric cable again in our back complex. My worker said, the black smoke was so big and thick! That’s time, I was in my house and the black smoke was not getting into my house though at that time the 3rd floor window could not be closed tightly. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to us!

HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)


Saved From the Motorcycle Accident

By Yen Yen

That late afternoon, my SHS class held a farewell dinner at the restaurant which was about 15 mins from my house. My seatmate was willing to pick me up with her motorcycle.

But, I forgot that she was a road queen and as soon as I sat on the motorcycle’s back seat, she started zigzagging at very high speed. I almost slumped and fell down, but I couldn't open my mouth to tell her to slow down as I was busy tightly holding on to the motorcycle’s seat.

PRAISE ABBA JESUS! Finally, while we stopped at the traffic light, I could tell her not to speed as I almost fell down. Then, she rode normally and we arrived at the restaurant safely.

After the dinner, I went home with another friend's car as I didn't dare to ride her motorcycle anymore. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to us!

‘HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)

Peter, Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias (=Hananiah, GOD’s Grace).

Sapphira (=sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue stone) is the picture of the Law (see Exodus 24:9-12).




Peter (=stone - see John 1:42 (KJV)) was a Law-keeping Jew. He preached mixture of the Law and Grace messages, which was the ministry of death, and it caused the death of Ananias and Sapphira.




The examples of experiences of people who had lived under mixture of the Law and Grace messages and then listened to the Gospel of Grace:

1. https://blog.josephprince.com/praise-report-no-more-living-a-sinful-lifestyle-life-totally-transformed/

2. https://blog.josephprince.com/praise-report-the-real-treasure-found-in-the-person-of-jesus/

3. https://www.josephprince.org/blog/praise-reports/finding-joy-when-you-are-not-under-the-mixture-of-law-and-grace

4. https://www.josephprince.org/blog/praise-reports/relationship-with-son-restored-after-receiving-grace

5. https://blog.josephprince.com/praise-report-freed-from-anxiety-enjoying-renewed-closeness-with-god/

6. https://www.josephprince.org/blog/praise-reports/grace-changed-my-parents-and-me

7. https://www.josephprince.org/blog/praise-reports/healing-of-various-conditions-and-provision-for-a-scholarship-for-family

8. https://blog.josephprince.com/praise-report-no-longer-slaves-to-fear/

‘HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)

‘HE (JESUS) then said in Arabic, “... just know that I love you." "That's it?" I asked. HE said, "Yes, believe in ME".’ ~ Khalida Wukawitz (Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations – Sid Roth)

"For the first time in my adult life I wanted it to be true that JESUS loved me. ... I yelled out into the darkness, 'JESUS, save me.' ... and HE came to rescue me.” ~ Howard Storm (My Descent Into Death)

UPDATED (Jan 10, 2025 - No. 3. 2016): Saved From the Earthquakes

By Yen Yen

1. One late afternoon, I (about 6-8 years of age at that time) was just back from my neighbor's across the house. Mom said, “There was an earthquake here. Did you feel it? This chair (=an iron chair with seat and backrest using rubber valves, called “Kursi Pentil/Valve Chair”) was moving from there to here”. “No, there’s no earthquake there”.

My neighbor’s across the house was only separated with a narrow street with a width of approx. 6 m. Many their glass art items were in the glass doorless living room cabinet and their glasses and plates were on the kitchen utensils stand, but no glass clinking. None of their chairs was moved alone though some were lighter than ours. And, nobody said, “There is an earthquake”. Everything was just as usual there.  PRAISE ABBA JESUS!

Another 4 similar experiences of mine:

2. In Sep 1998, I was waiting to start my class in the course, which was located in the centre of the city, with a friend.

She said, “Yesterday, there was an earthquake.” “Really?” “Yes. That wall clock shaked. Didn’t you feel it?” “No. What time did it happen?” “About 6.30 p.m. What were you doing?”. “I was pray and worship”.

Another friend, who just arrived, said, “Yes. I was reading the newspaper at home (His house was in the east side of our city). Suddenly, I felt dizzy. I thought I was sick. As it turned out, it’s an earthquake”.

The next day, when I just arrived to my students’ house in the west of our city, their parent said the same thing, “The day before yesterday, there was an earthquake. That (ceiling) fan shaked”.

Though my house was located in the centre of our city, but there was no earthquake at all. And, nobody said, “There is an earthquake”. Everything was just as usual there. PRAISE ABBA JESUS!

3. (Updated Jan 10, 2025) In 2016, around 2 a.m., there was an earthquake in our city. My neighbor, who lived about 10 m from my house, said, his lamp was shaken and my friend, who lived in the east side of our city, said, her relative asked his family to go outside from the house as it was strong enough. But, we didn’t feel at all, even the small key with its turtle key chain (made from white cement), which hung on the bookcase in my bedroom, was not shaken at all. If the turtle key chain was shaken, it would wake up me. PRAISE ABBA JESUS!

4. In Apr 2021, around 11 a.m., I was moved by The HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) to listen Pastor Joseph Prince’s Psalm 91 sermon and receive his prayer.

Then, around 2 p.m., while I was watching the match in YouTube, our worker came to my room and said there was an earthquake (about Magnitude 6) in her room, which was about 10 meters from mine.

The place where she sat was strongly moving up and down like riding a car on a bumpy road. My friend and people in the internet also said the same thing as her.

But, I just felt the place I sat was slightly vibrated when I leaned back but when I sat up straight, no vibration there. I thought, my next neighbor was renovating their house as they had done since a few months prior. It also happened another 8 earthquakes on that day and PRAISE ABBA JESUS! I didn’t feel them at all.

5. In March, 2024, around 10.30 a.m., after I finished cooking, when I wanted to work on the computer, not as usual, The HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) asked me to pray for an earthquake protection dan I prayed, “BLOOD of JESUS cover me, .... (including mentioned my workers’ names) and our housing and complex housing as a shield never fail!”

An hour later, I almost didn’t believe that there was an earthquake happened (Magnitude 6), I only felt the place I sat like strongly moving back and forth for about a minute then it stopped. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS!

Then, about 12.30 p.m., there was another one (Magnitude 5.3), but THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! I didn’t feel it at all here, I was taking a rest on the chair.

Around 3.30 p.m., while I was working on the computer, there was another one and I felt the place I sat like softly moving back and forth.  Then, I prayed in tongue and said, “I command the earthquake stop, in JESUS’ Name!” and about a minute later, it stopped. PRAISE ABBA JESUS!

My worker, who was on the downstairs of my house, and other people said the afternoon earthquake (around 3.30 p.m) was stronger (Magnitude 6.5), causing a house (about 2 km from here) to collapse. My neighbors came out of their houses, some also tried to run as far as possible from their office.

As I didn’t feel a strong earthquake, then I just stayed and prayed at home. I thought, it was soft now. On that day, it had happened 11 earthquakes but I only felt twice (the strong and the soft, once each).

UPDATED: In Apr 2024, I just read the news, there were two earthquakes with Magnitude 5.6 and 5 happened in our city but we did not feel at all!

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to us! All of us are saved and no house collapsed here!

“A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.” ~ Psalm 91:7 NKJV

"Quiboloy: ‘I yelled at the Mindanao quake to stop, it stopped’"

‘HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)


Saved From Being Hit by the Wooden Beams

By Yen Yen

One afternoon in March 2024, a handyman of mine was renovating an upstairs room in my house.

While he was carrying a few long wooden beams (WxLxD: about 12 cmx 2 m x 8 cm) on his shoulder from the downstairs to the upstairs, I was standing in front of the kitchen room and would like to turn right.

After I turned right, just before I started to walk straight, THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! YOU made me stop my steps at the right place and the right time, only about a meter in front of me, he was walking straight into the renovated room.

Had I been one second too late, I would have been hit by the wooden beams. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection to me!

‘HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)

JESUS’ Stripe, not “Stripes”

 ...by HIS STRIPE (chabburah – a stripe in Hebrew) we are healed ~ Isaiah 53:5 NKJV

...by WHOSE STRIPE (molopi - a stripe in Greek) you were healed.  ~ 1 Peter 2:24 NKJV

“STRIPE” (either in Hebrew or Greek) can only be used when there actually is only ONE WOUND or ONE LARGE GAPING WOUND; no flesh left at all! JESUS' back was lacerated so badly that HIS entire back was ONE STRIPE. HE was beaten until no skin was left. 

Had there been one quarter inch of space between any two of the bruises/stripes, the Greek here must then have read ‘molopsi (bruises/stripes)’ and not ‘molopi (bruise/stripe)’, likewise the Hebrew here must then have read ‘chabburim (bruises/stripes)’, ’not ‘chabburah (bruise/stripe)’.

The word “STRIPE” tell us how much HE suffered and how brutal the punishment for our sins and the payment for our healing was.

Reference links:



Worker Healed From Itchy Palms and Forehead Bumps

By Yen Yen

One morning in Feb 2024, my worker said he felt so itchy between the fingers of his both hands which made him sleepless all night.

I told him to rub between his fingers with liquid skin itching medicine but the more he rubbed them, the more they itched.

I had a time to think, what if he got an infectious disease? But, the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) said, “Tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan. Dia akan baik-baik saja (There is nothing to be worried about. He will be fine).” 

HE also told me that it’s because my worker's (kapok) mattress was not dried in the sun and the bed sheets were not replaced and it turned out to be true.

Then, I prayed and prayed in my heart, “By YOUR Stripe, .... (worker’s name) is healed. BLOOD of JESUS cover ... (worker’s name) as a shield. Never fail!”

After another worker of mine was back from shopping, she said that she had given him the medicine she used to take when she experienced something similar.

After taking the medicine and took some rest, he said that his palms no longer itch and he felt better. In the late afternoon, the bumps on his forehead had gone down and he is fine until now. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR WILD LOVE to us!

‘HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)


Worker Saved Being Hit by a Wooden Mosquito Net Window

By Yen Yen

One morning in Jan, 2020, the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) moved me to pray Psalm 91.

In the afternoon, the weather was cloudy with strong enough wind. I heard banging on the stairs then as it turned out, when my worker was in the middle of the stairs then suddenly the wind made the wooden mosquito net window with a size of about 110 x 80 x 4 cm, which had only been stuck on the nails around the window, fell off then rolled straight down the stairs (the window was at the top of the stairs) and she didn't have time to go down the stairs.

PRAISE ABBA JESUS! I saw her sitting on the stair where she was on and lower her head and body at the right time when the wooden net window rolled over her so that she was saved from being hit and it continued to roll until it fell to the floor.

Had she been one second too late to bend down, then she would have been hit. The next day, I asked the handyman to nail it into the window frame.

This showed me again that HIS unconditional love is also for unbelievers. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for loving us!

“In this is love, not that we loved GOD, but that HE loved us and sent HIS SON to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10). Beloved, that's the emphasis of the new covenant of grace (unmerited favor)—HIS love for us, not our love for HIM! ~ Joseph Prince -Unmerited Favor

‘HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)

‘HE (JESUS) then said in Arabic, “... just know that I love you." "That's it?" I asked. HE said, "Yes, believe in ME".’ ~ Khalida Wukawitz (Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations – Sid Roth)

"For the first time in my adult life I wanted it to be true that JESUS loved me. ... I yelled out into the darkness, 'JESUS, save me.' ... and HE came to rescue me.” ~ Howard Storm (My Descent Into Death)

“For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But MY lovingkindness will not be removed from you, And MY covenant of peace will not be shaken,” Says the LORD (=YAHWEH) who has compassion on you. ~ Isaiah 54:10 NASB1995

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of https://bestmotivation.blogspot.com/2023/07/saved-by-attack-of-cat.html After that, I still often met ...