Saved From the AC Technician's Accident

By Yen Yen

In June 2023, as usual, my regular AC technician came to our house for cleaning service. But, on that day, not as usual, he came with his son (about 13 years of age) as his assistant.

When he was going to clean the AC unit, he asked his son to turn on the cleaning machine, but his son, who was outside the room, didn't hear him saying it. So, he was forced to come down from the ladder and approached his son to tell him what to do.

Then, he went back up the ladder. But, before he was ready to direct the water hose to the AC unit, his son had turned on the machine and it caused the water came out of it and sprayed on his face. 

The water was also carelessly sprayed on the inside parts of the AC unit which caused a loud noise while it was turned on for a few days.

As he was surprised, he accidentally dropped the hose and flooded the surrounding floor.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! The electrical plug of the cable connecting the computer and the voltage stabilizer, which was lying only about 30 cm away from the flooded floor, wasn’t sprayed with water at all. Also, after he checked, he said it was fine and safe. PRAISE ABBA JESUS, YOU have put it at the right place and right time.

I can't imagine how much it would cost if the AC unit was severely damaged and the danger if the electrical plug came into contact with water.

I learned from this experience not to allow a minor (person under the age of full legal responsibility) to work as an assistant.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! YOU have saved us again and again.

“HIS truth shall be your (large) shield (=tsinnah, covering whole body) and buckler (=socherah, something that surrounds and protects)” ~ Psalm 91:4 NKJV

“Therefore the verse (Psalm 91:4) is actually saying that HIS TRUTH both protects your whole front like a shield AND also protects your back, where you cannot see what is happening in the heat of battle”. ~ Christine Beadsworth,+where+you+cannot+see+what+is+happening+in+the+heat+of+battle%E2%80%9D.+%22Christine+Beadsworth%22&

“The LORD will do whatever it takes to get HIS children to safety” ~ Joseph Prince – Unmerited Favor

“For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you” ~ Acts 18:10a

A Miracle CHRISTmas Gift

By Yen Yen

Nov 2023, I ordered 20 snake plants online. But, after 5 days of delivery by the cargo, they still had not arrived yet. From the Tracking, I saw that they had been stored on the warehouse for 4 days. I had never thought before that it could be the effect of overload delivery which caused them to experience delays.

On day 6, I asked the Customer Care and she expected me to wait for 4 more days. I thought the plants would definitely die as it was delivered without a planting medium. But, the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) said, "The plants will live. Take by faith". Then, I prayed and prayed in my heart, “Blood of JESUS cover my snake plants as a shield. Never fail!”

On day 7, around 2 p.m., they arrived freshly and none was dead. Only 2 small parts of 2 leaves, which were a bit brownish but all live until now.

Logically, the plants would definitely die. Even though the roots were watered before delivery and still wet when opened, but they were tightly wrapped in the cardboard for almost a week without air and without planting medium (it's like wrapping a thing). Also, when they were arrived, the cardboard was very hot as the city’s temperature was around 34oC.

Thanks a lot, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Miracle CHRISTmas Gift!

...I (=JESUS) have come that they may have life (=zōēn, both of physical (present) and of spiritual (particularly future)), and that they may have it more abundantly (=perisson, exceeding expectation) ~ John 10:10b NKJV

While HE (=JESUS) was saying these things to them, behold, a synagogue official came and bowed down before HIM, and said, “My daughter has just died; but come and lay YOUR hand on her, and she will become alive again.” ~ Mat 9:18 NASB

Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit ~ Jeremiah 17:7-8 NIV

Now to HIM who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to HIS power that is at work within us ~ Ephesians 3:20 NIV

The LORD (=YAHWEH) is my Shepherd, I shall lack nothing ~ Psalm 23:1 

Saved From the LPG Gas Danger

By Yen Yen

In June 2023, our LPG gas ran out. As usual, my worker asked our regular becak driver to carry the 12 kg LPG cylinder to the downstairs and lift it to the upstairs after they had returned from the LPG gas base.

When he arrived on the upstairs floor, I saw him put the LPG cylinder on the floor carelessly with noise. Then, he rolled it horizontally along the floor and kicked it like soccer towards the kitchen, sometimes he used his hands to make it run straight again.

Actually, this had been going on for quite a long time, but I didn't realize at all what he had done was very dangerous as it could damage the cylinder valve resulting in a gas leak, fire or explosion. 

Since then, THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! YOU have provided us a male worker to carry it down and up the stairs.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! YOU have saved us again and again.

“GOD forbid that I should boast about anything except for the Cross of our LORD JESUS CHRIST” ~ Gal 6:14a CEB

“For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you” ~ Acts 18:10a

JESUS (=ALEPH TAV) is the Tithe, Windows of Heaven, and Fruits of Ground

At the end of three years you shall bring forth אֶת־ (=ALEPH TAV, JESUS) כָּל־ (=all) מַעְשַׂר֙ (=the tithe) of your increase the same year, and shall lay it up within your gates.” ~ Deu 14:28

“Thou shalt truly tithe אֵת (=ALEPH TAV, JESUS) כָּל(=all) ־תְּבוּאַת (=the increase) זַרְעֶךָ(=of seed), that the field bringeth forth year by year” ~ Deu 14:22 KJV

הָבִ֨יאוּ (=ha·vi·'u, Bring) אֶת־ (=ALEPH TAV, JESUS) כָּל־(=kāl-, all) הַמַּעֲשֵׂר (=ham·ma·'a·ser, tithe) into the store-house there may be food in MY house and prove ME now herewith, says יהוה (=YAHWEH) of Hosts, if I will not open אֵ֚ת (=ALEPH TAV, JESUS) אֲרֻבֹּ֣ות(=a·rub·bo·vt, Windows) הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם(=ha·sha·ma·yim, of Heaven) and pour out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes and HE shall not destroy אֶת־ (=ALEPH TAV, JESUSפְּרִי (=pe·ri, fruits) הָאֲדָמָה (=ha·'a·da·mah, of the ground)” ~ Malachi 3:10-11

JESUS is the fruit of the Old Testament. Once that fruit is produced, then the plant is finished. JESUS has finished the Law and the prophets.

Saved from Taking the Wrong Supplement and the “Expired” Cakes

By Yen Yen

Nov 2023, a few days ago, my worker said that our neighbor gave him the appetite supplement.

Though I felt this was strange as he didn’t have eating problem and the neighbor, which was known as a stingy person, never gave him anything for all this time, but I didn’t think too much and just forgot it.

I believe, this morning ABBA JESUS made me suddenly remember about it and moved me to do some web-research. My conclusion is the supplement should not be taken without consulting the doctor.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! My worker has not taken it yet. YOU have saved him from harmful side-effects due to taking the wrong supplement.

The similar case happened to us years ago. Mom’s friend gave us quite a lot of cakes and dad had eaten a few of them before mom had time to thank her by phone, whereas I didn’t like to eat them and mom decided to call her first before eating them.

Mom’s friend said, “其实那些糕没人要吃了,要丢又可惜。看到你孩子经过我们门口时,就想到把那些糕送给你们吃。(Actually, no one wanted to eat those cakes anymore, and it would be a pity to throw them away. When I saw your child passing by our doorway, I thought of giving them to you all.)

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS to protect us and dad didn’t get poisoned from eating them.

“The LORD will do whatever it takes to get HIS children to safety” ~ Joseph Prince – Unmerited Favor

“For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you” ~ Acts 18:10a

Saved From Late School Entry

By Yen Yen

When I was around 4 years of age, mom wanted to send me to the upper class of kindergarten school of her choice which was not far from our house. (Kindergarten has two levels for two years here. The lower class begins at age four and the upper class begins at age five).

Mom didn’t want to send me to the lower class of kindergarten as she thought it would be waste of time and money. The upper class subjects were only singing, playing, physical exercises, learning to read and write the alphabet.

When the new student registrations were opened, she went to register me there. But, the registration committee didn’t allow her to register me as I was not 5 years of age yet. Then, she went home with disappointed and annoyance. 

After dad was back from work, she told what was going on and he said, “Let me do it”. The next day, he went to the school and bumped his old friend as it turned out, he was the Head of the New Student Registration Committee.

Then, dad told him about my rejected registration and his old friend said, “如果你太太说她是。。。太太,我就让你孩子进我们学校 (if your wife said that she is ... (dads name)'s wife, then I will let your child enter our school. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS! I was directly accepted.

Personally, I think school entry should be based on students’ ability, not age as ABBA JESUS created us as a unique person with difference intelligence, ability, and talent. Let alone, I was only several months less than the requirement age.

During my school time (kindergarten – university), many classmates/contemporary students were younger than me, not just a few months apart but also almost a year apart and the youngest friend was a lazy but genius student.

For me, when I had problems in my study, I just prayed to ABBA JESUS and HE always helped me (Saved from the Failed Preparation Phase, Semester/National Exams, and Thesis).

"but GOD has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and GOD has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong" ~ 1 Cor 1:27 NASB

"With GOD’S Power working in us, GOD can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine." ~ Eph 3:20 NCV

"Only(=אַךְ (’ak), surely) YOUR goodness and faithful love will pursue(=rādaph – in the Qal imperfect form – an ongoing and continuous action of the PURSUER (=GOD, JESUS)) me ALL the DAYS of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD as long as I live" ~ Psalm 23:6 HCSB

Isaac, Joseph sometimes represented ALEPH TAV (=JESUS)

 “...They drew and lifted up אֶת (=ALEPH TAV, JESUS)־יוֹסֵף(=Joseph) out of the pit and וַיִּמְכְּרוּ(=sold) אֶת(=ALEPH TAV, JESUS)־יוֹסֵף(=Joseph)...” ~ Genesis 37:28 ASV

“So they counted out for HIM (=JESUS) thirty pieces of silver. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand HIM over”. ~ Matthew 26:14-16

“...Abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in the order, and וַיַּעֲקֹד (=bound) אֶת(=ALEPH TAV, JESUS)־יִצְחָק (=Isaac) and laid אֹתוֹ (=ALEPH TAV VAV, JESUS at the cross)...” ~ Genesis 22:9 ASV

For God so loved the world that HE gave HIS one and only SON, that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life. ~ John 3:16

Luke 9:23: After the Cross - Exalt JESUS(=ALEPH TAV)’ Cross

By Yen Yen

Luke 9:23: Before the Cross:

...let him deny himself and take up his cross every day

At the Cross:

JESUS denied HIMSELF and took up our cross.

“Now if we have died with CHRIST, we believe that we will also live [together] with HIM” ~ Rom 6:8 AMP

After the Cross:

Let he denied himself (=his self-effort) then exalt (=ἀράτω, וְנָשָׂא) אֶת(=ALEPH TAV, JESUS) Cross(=צְלוּבוֹ, crucified, σταυρὸν=a cross (the Rom. instrument of crucifixion)) every day.

Note: There is אֶת(=ALEPH TAV, JESUS) before the “Cross” word in the Hebrew version.

“God forbid that I should boast about anything except for the Cross of our LORD JESUS CHRIST” ~ Gal 6:14a CEB

JESUS, My Divine Technician

By Yen Yen

In March, 2022 morning, I asked my neighbor who knows electric well to remove the unused cables in my house. He asked while pointing at them, “Are all these unused?” and I said, “Yes”. 

After the cables were cut down for easier carrying, I just realized my internet cable, which was also there, has been cut off accidentally, so that I could not finish my job that needed web searching. 

While my neighbor was fixing the cable, I was praying in tongue and said repeatedly, “Before 3 p.m., my job is done. Even, it’ll be done before 2.30 p.m. In JESUS’ Name. Amen!” At around 2 p.m., it has been fixed by the adhesive tape and my job was done before 2.30 p.m. PRAISE JESUS! 

The next morning, my PC internet was just able to receive and send the non-urgent emails for about 15 minutes then unable to be used at all. 

The official internet technician said in phone, “The broken internet cable cannot be fixed again. It must be replaced by the new one.” Then, another official technician came to check and said, “The (broken-fixed) cable is wet, it had to be replaced by the new one.” 

It means, the day before, JESUS has made the broken-fixed internet cable could be miraculously used for sending my job on the right time. 

While he was doing the cable replacements, I was praying in tongue and the HOLY SPIRIT said, “AKU akan menanggung semua kecerobohanmu (I will take responsibility for all your carelessness (=weakness))”. And, the service fee and the 25 meters cable were free. THANK YOU JESUS, my Divine Technician! 

"MY grace is all you need. MY (Miraculous) Power works best in weakness" (see 2 Cor 12:9 NLT)

Saved From the Truck Accident

By Yen Yen

One morning in Sep 2023, I had something to do and once it’s done, I went home by foot.

But, I couldn't walk through the sidewalk as there was a food pushcart hawker on the side of the street and some of his customers were eating while sitting and smoking on the long chair with the table he provided on the nearby sidewalk.

Right next to the sidewalk, there was a becak (a cycle rickshaw with passenger seat in front) which was parking on the side of the street.

I planned to walk through the right side of the parking becak, then back to the sidewalk which there was no those pushcart hawker’s customers and as the becak blocked me from walking on the side of the street, then I had to walk a bit to the middle of the street.

Just before I walked through the right side of the parking becak, I saw in front of me, a truck was passing on the street about 1.5 m from where I was standing and the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) made me stop my steps at the right place and right time and HE asked me to stand still and wait until the truck passed through in front of me.

Then, I could turn right, get back onto the sidewalk and get home safely.

Thanks a lot ABBA JESUS to protect me!


JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Ten Commandments, the Law of GOD and the Tablets of Stone

JESUS is the Ten Commandments:

1. ...And HE wrote on the tablets ALEPH TAV (=JESUS) the Words of the Covenant, the Ten Commandments ~ Exo 34:28

2. And HE wrote on the tablets according to the first writing, ALEPH TAV(=JESUS) the Ten Commandments.... ~ Deu 10:4

JESUS is the Law of GOD:

...I (=Moses) make known ALEPH TAV(=JESUS) the statutes of ELOHIM and VAV ALEPH TAV (=ALEPH TAV, JESUS) Laws of HIM. ~ Exo18:16

JESUS is the Tablets of Stone:

Then the LORD (=YAHWEH) said to Moses, “...I will give you ALEPH TAV(=JESUS) tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I have written...” ~ Exo 24:12

So HE(=YAHWEH) declared to you ALEPH TAV (=JESUS) covenant which HE commanded אֶתְכֶם (=ALEPH TAV/JESUS, KAPH (=to bend – submit), SAMEKH(=infinity - infinite power of HIM)) to perform/do the Ten Commandments ~ Deu 4:13

The kaf/kaph is a letter that is bent. It represents the aspect of submitting oneself to a greater power.

The word Samech represents the infinite power of God’s infinite light.

For CHRIST is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. ~ Romans 10:4 NASB

Jesus is the law of GOD personified. HE is the entirety of the ten commandments in the flesh. HE is the perfect fulfillment of each and every one of them.

Job (sometimes) represented JESUS (ALEPH TAV)

Job (=אִיּוֹב means “hated/persecuted”)’s suffering (illness, condemned by friends) represented JESUS but when he blamed GOD, he didn’t represent JESUS:

...and smote (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown ~ Job 2:7b

Also against his three friends was his wrath kindled, because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) Job ~ Job 32:3

(No ALEPH TAV) Job speaks without knowledge, his words are without wisdom. ~ Job 34:35 NKJV
Similar case:
The reason Esau has no ALEPH/TAV את Symbols in front of his name after Genesis 27:1 is explained by Moses in Genesis 25:34 for so despised Esau his את birthright!
Before the Cross: The Lord gave (good things) and the Lord has taken (good things) away (in the context of Job’s story)~ Job 1:21b

After the Cross: JESUS gave (good things) and HE has taken (bad things) away:
For GOD so loved the world that HE GAVE His one and only SON, that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life. ~ John 3:16

I live by faith in the SON of GOD, who loved me and GAVE HIMSELF for me. (Gal 2:20b)

HE who did not spare HIS own SON, but delivered HIM up for us all, how shall HE not with HIM also freely GIVE us all things? ~ Romans 8:32

But Jesus came to GIVE us life more abundant ~ see John 10:10b

Jesus gave us HIS righteousness (see Romans 3:26)

The LAMB of GOD who TAKES AWAY the sin of the world! ~ John 1:29b

...HE HIMSELF TOOK our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. ~ Mat 8:17b

Jesus TOOK AWAY the curse of the Law from us (see Galatians 3:13)

(Updated Oct 2023) Saved from the Attack of the Bad Little Kids (Screaming, etc)

By Yen Yen

It's been quite a while, at the back of our shophouse, a bunch of bad little kids (aged 5-7 years) often did things that harmed us.

They often threw stones into our shophouse and at the roof of our house and often screamed in the front of the folding gate. My worker and I had scolded them but they always did again.

Aug, 2023, while I was sitting at the back of our house to get some fresh air, a bad kid started peeking inside our house through the folding gate that was narrowly opened in the middle.

Then, the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) moved me to speak in tongues and I heard them start screaming and banging the folding gate, getting louder and louder.

I kept praying in tongue and murmured the Word of GOD as written in Acts 18:10a “For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you”.

Suddenly, out of my thoughts, my worker came down from the third floor, scolded them and reported a few of them to their parents whom she could meet, so that they ran away and a few of them were beaten by their parents. 

Then, the small street at the back of our house became silent in the afternoon and the next day, those few kids were dodged as soon as they bump into my worker and me on the street. 

So far, though sometimes they still played the soccer on the small street at the back of our house with noise, but they didn't scream and throw stones into our house/at the roof of our house again, even the street is mostly silent now. Thanks a lot, ABBA JESUS!

(Updated) Oct 2023, a bad little kid, who asked some kids to throw stones, has become a good kid also the others, only the two ones have become worse.

That afternoon, the “worse” one played firecrackers at the back of our house and another one wanted to throw an unused fluorescent lamp with length about 120 cm, which was found in a pile of junk, into our house.

But, as the fluorescent lamp was long, he had difficulty putting it through the middle side of the folding gate, which was narrowly opened, and I immediately asked my worker, who was standing near the folding gates, to fully close both of them, so the kids could not harm us.

Thanks a lot ABBA JESUS to protect us again and again! I could not imagine, what would happened if he could throw the lamp into our house. 

Last year, the “worse” one ever repeatedly lighted a match and threw it carelessly while walking along the small street at the back of our house, and Thanks ABBA JESUS, at the right place and right time, I saw it from the window upstairs and immediately asked my worker to stop and drove him away.

As we need ventilation and fresh air, currently the middle side of the folding gate is only opened before they are back from school.

I know, they could be back again, but I also know:

“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still~ Exodus 14:15”.

 “Whoever believes in HIM will not be put to shame.” ~ Rom 10:11 NASB

“For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you” ~ Acts 18:10a


Remember (ALEPH TAV) the day of Sabbath... Exodus 20:8

Therefore YAHWEH blessed the (ALEPH TAV) Sabbath day, and made it holy. Exodus 20:11b WEB

You shall keep (ALEPH TAV) the Sabbath,... Exodus 31:14

...the peace (=eirēnē, REST) of GOD, which surpasses every thought, will guard (=phrourēsei, protected from attack) your hearts and minds in CHRIST JESUS. ~ Phil 4:7 HCSB

For we who BELIEVE(=have faith in) [that is, we who personally trust and confidently rely on God] enter that REST [so we have HIS inner peace now because we are confident in our salvation, and assured of HIS power] ~ Hebrews 4:3a AMP

Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they *woke Him and *said to Him, “Teacher, do YOU not care that we are perishing? ... And HE said to them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith(=rest)?” ~ Mark 4:38,40 NASB1995

Faith is not work, faith is a rest.

Saved From Slipping on the Stairs

By Yen Yen

1) In 2001, in the afternoon, while I was walking down the house stairs without holding the handrail, I didn't realize some freshly cleaned stairs were slippery with the residue of the detergent as all this time, they were never cleaned with the detergent. Then, I stepped on it and slipped off, fell on the buttocks and slid a few steps down the stairs. PRAISE JESUS! I still could stand and walk without injury, just a pain for a while.

2) In 2005, after taking bath, I didn't realize the stair (only one stair without handrail) in front of the bathroom, was slippery with water, then I stepped on it and slipped off, fell on the buttocks and slid down to the floor. PRAISE JESUS! I still could stand and walk without injury. Though I had to go to the massage once but it was fine.

Then, I heard the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) taught me how to down the bathroom stair as it had potential to slip off, "Face to the right of the door frame, then the right hand holds the inside bathroom wall, and the left hand holds the outside one, then down the stair facing the right."

Currently, the wall handrails have been installed. When I would go up/down the stairs, if I forgot to hold the handrails, then the HOLY SPIRIT would remind me. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS!

JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Anointing Oil

וְלָקַחְתָּ(and you take) אֶת(Aleph Tav, JESUS)-שֶׁמֶן(oil of) הַמִּשְׁחָה (the anointing) ~ Exodus 29:7a NKJV

וְאֵת (=את Aleph Tav, JESUS)  שֶׁמֶן (oil of) הַמִּשְׁחָה (the anointing) ~ Exodus 31:11a NKJV

Saved From the Trash Explosion

By Yen Yen

In Nov 2020, about 6.30AM, as usual I was praying in tongue and Psalm 91 while walking exercise around inside of our complex. 

From the distance about 21 m, I saw a woman came out from the alley entrance of the kampong, which was at the back of our complex. Then, she put her trash down, closed to the side wall of my next door neighbor’s shophouse, and started to burn them. 

No longer after she entered the kampong, the trash exploded and the splinters of the explosion fell only about 1 m from where I alone was standing around there. PRAISE JESUS! 

I didn’t know what the splinter was but I could feel its vibration when it fell to the ground. Then, I walked about 1 m away from where I was standing. Suddenly, the second explosion was heard. THANKS JESUS, none was hurt.

The kampong people often burned their trash around there but never exploded. Sometimes, I was walking closer, even standing where the splinters fell. 

That day, I also didn’t think it could explode. But, JESUS knew it and HE had put me at the right place and right time, as HE Promised in Psalm 91:10-11.

Saved from the Bike Accident

By Yen Yen

That late afternoon, I (around 8yo at that time) was learning to ride my friend's big bike on the street of our housing complex. Not like a smaller bike, I couldn't control this big one.

While my bike was moving forward with the handlebars, which kept turning left and right, about a meter in front of me, there was a bad guy talking to his girlfriend. I didn't know how to stop the bike, the handbrakes and the pedals were difficult to reach.

THANKS JESUS, YOU made my right hand able to grip the brake at the right place, right time and the bike stopped exactly behind him. He just looked back at the bike for a second, then continued his conversation with her.

No longer then, one afternoon, I was accidentally overheard a conversation of the noodles pushcart hawker with someone next to my house:

 “The hawker said that the bad guy didn’t want to pay for his order and threatened the hawker with violence. The hawker’s brother couldn’t stand seeing it, then challenged the bad guy to a fight in another place.”

In the late afternoon, I saw the hawker’s brother’s clothes had blood stains and THANKS JESUS, he managed to take the bad guy to the police station.


The voice/sound I hear/my music is JESUS

My word/salvation/righteousness/holiness/obedience is JESUS

My lifestyle/fashion/culture/tradition is JESUS

My age/youth is JESUS

My strength/joy/power/peace is JESUS

Every day/month/year is JESUS’ day/month/year

...The life I am now living in the flesh, I live by faith in the SON of GOD, who loved me and gave HIMSELF for me. ~ Gal 2:20 EHV

Saved by the Attack of the Cat

By Yen Yen

Since March 2023, a cat from the kampong at the back of our complex, came to our house for breakfast almost every morning at the same time more or less. Then, it would accompany me for morning walk and exercises a while before it left or it would be back to the kampong.

In the afternoon of July, 2023, the cat came to our house (usually it came only in the morning). While I was walking beside it to show its leftover breakfast fish in the front end of our house, I saw it suddenly attacked my right leg. THANKS JESUS! its sharp claws did not hit me. Then, it wanted to jump on my body to have another attack, but it was hindered by the broom in my hand. So, it just sat looking at me from the floor.

Finally, with the broom in my hand, I could force it to leave our house.

I have kept cats since my childhood, but I never saw the sudden anger of the cat like that. I ever heard, one cat owner was attacked while she wanted to separate her fighting cats and the claw marks on her arm has to be stitched up in the hospital.

Then, I realized during this time while with the cat, I did not always bring a broom. THANKS A LOT JESUS, YOU have protected me from its attack by putting me in the right place right time.

“For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you ~ Acts 18:10a NIV”.

Keep Protected from the Pandemic and the Chicken Pox Epidemics

In Feb 2020, when the pandemic started to happen in my country, I was concerned as an online student of mine, who lives in another city, said a bad thing (that turned out to be a lie) about my city.

The next day in the afternoon, the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) reminded me (I could clearly see in my mind) how HE has protected me and kept me safe during the chickenpox epidemic from my 5th elem. grade class until now:

[In my 5th grade class, many got a chicken pox, including the one sitting in front of me, behind me, across to my right (each student sat alone – on my left was the wall) and two chairs behind me. But I didn’t.

In my 1st grade in JHS, many got it. My friend sitting behind me came to the school when the vesicles were just broken and leaked as he was afraid of missing lessons/exams. Then, it caused his seatmate, my seatmate, the one sitting behind him on the right and two chairs behind him to get a chicken pox. But I didn’t.

In my 1st grade in SHS, quite a lot got it, including the one sitting in front of me and behind me (across to my right). But I didn’t.

In my 4-5 semesters in the Univ., quite a lot got it, especially they who lived in the same boarding house. But I didn’t.

In 2006, when I was teaching a private child with a fever in my house. The parents didn’t know it was a chicken pox and the next day, the vesicles appeared on her skin. But I kept safe.

In 2008, a private student, who hasn’t completely healed yet, came to my house for the lesson. But I kept safe, and so on...]

Then HE said, “Sebagaimana AKU melindungimu dari wabah cacar air, AKU juga akan melindungimu dalam pandemi ini (As I protected you from the chickenpox epidemics, I will also protect you in this pandemic)”. And HE did, does and I believe HE will keep us safe and protected. THANKS JESUS, I will keep YOUR Promises.

So far, none died cause of the pandemic in my complex housing. Five of my neighbors’ workers got sick but all of them got healed. PRAISE JESUS!

For as many as are the promises of GOD, in CHRIST they are [all answered] “YES.” So through HIM we say our “AMEN” to the glory of God. ~ 2 COR 1:20 AMP

For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in HIM will not be put to shame.” ~ Rom 10:11 NASB

JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the First-Fruits

וַהֲבֵאתֶם(=and you bring) אֶת(=Aleph Tav, JESUS)-עֹמֶר(=sheaf of) רֵאשִׁית(=first of, first-fruits of) קְצִירְכֶם (=harvest of you), אֶל(=to)-הַכֹּהֵן(=priest) ~ Lev 23:10 NKJVb

וְעַתָּה(and now) הִנֵּה(behold) הֵבֵאתִי(I bring) אֶת(=Aleph Tav, JESUS) -רֵאשִׁית(=first of, first-fruits of) פְּרִי(fruit of) הָאֲדָמָה (ground) ~ Deu 26:10a NKJV

But now hath CHRIST been raised from the dead, the FIRSTFRUITS (=רֵאשִׁית, aparchē) of them that are asleep ~ 1 Cor 15:20 ASV

Saved from the Failed Preparation Phase, Semester/National Exams, and Thesis

1. That day was the National Exam day. As univ. student, I have well prepared for it but when I would do the exam, I forgot all I studied and for about 30 minutes, I could write nothing in the exam paper.

Then I prayed in my heart: “GOD, I forgot all I studied. Please help me, GOD. In JESUS’ Name. Amen”. Instantly, I could write the answers quickly and finished just before the time ended. THANKS ABBA JESUS, I was supposed to get E but only by YOUR Grace, I got A. Praise ABBA JESUS!

2. Two similar experiences: I have finished a few exam questions but forgot what I studied then couldn’t answer the others. After praying in my heart, then instantly, I could write the answers quickly and all the results were A. THANKS ABBA JESUS!

3. I was doing the computer programming for my thesis and the problem was I did not understand the certain part of the theory then I could not do the programming.

I have tried and tried for about 2 hours but the program was always stuck. Then I prayed in my heart: “GOD, the program is stuck. Please help me, GOD. In JESUS Name, Amen.” Instantly, I could do it and the thesis was finished in about 3 months and the result was B. THANKS ABBA JESUS!

4. When I was in the 1st semester, my Basic Programming quiz was E. No wonder, no one of friends I knew (at that time, I still didn’t know all my contemporary friends well, only some friends including my old friend) were not willing to accept me as their task group member. But, THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS, YOU made a new friend, which we didn’t know each other before, was willing to accept me and she said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. I will teach you.” 

5. When I was in the 1st semester, my midterm exam results were not good: Math 1 was E, Basic Programming was E, and Flowchart was D. Logically, it was impossible to pass the preparation phase in a year, in which a student must passed all the subjects with C as the minimum requirement.

But ABBA JESUS has made me able to pass in time. All E and D grades have been changed into C in the final result with GPA 2.5.

My study target was “The important is I can pass all the subjects, all C are OK.” I had never thought that I would be graduated in 8 semesters with GPA 3.1, instead of the 9 semesters offered, but HE made it happen.

Some subjects, which I got C in the semester exams, were substituted into A from my national exam results, which were higher than the local ones. All Glory to ABBA JESUS!

JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Crown

2 Kings 11:12 NASB:

Then he brought the (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) SON of THE KING out, and he is giving on HIM (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) THE CROWN and gave him the testimony; and they made (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) HIM KING and anointed him...

1 Chronicles 20:2a: David took (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) THE CROWN of their king from his head

JESUS is the Crown of Glory

Isaiah 28:5 DRA:

In that day the LORD (=YAHWEH) of hosts shall be a CROWN OF GLORY(=tsebi), and a garland of joy to the residue of his people:

JESUS is the Crown of Holy

Exodus 29:6b:

and put (=Nathan, to give) (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) The CROWN (=nezer) OF HOLY (=הַקֹּ֖דֶשׁ, qodesh) on the turban.

Saved From the Rioters

In 1998, around 10AM, the riot happened in our city. The rioters has pelted the window of the row of shophouses at the front of our complex with stones.

While I was praying in tongues, a few minutes later, mom said, “他们要进来了! (They wanted to enter our complex!)” and our house was located inside of it.

While I was continuing to pray in tongue, around 10 minutes later, mom said, “他们去了(They’ve gone away)”. PRAISE JESUS!

A Kiai (Muslim religious leader), from the kampong at the back of our complex, came to them at the entrance complex and said that there was no Chinese here, he asked them to go and they never came back since then.

“No matter where I am, I will look to YOU, JESUS, as my Protector, the ONE who fights for me every day.”

JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Seed-Word of GOD

תִּזְרַע(you are sowing) אֶת(=Aleph Tav, JESUS)-זַרְעֲךָ(zar•'a•cha, seed of you) ~ Deu 11:10

“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed (=sporos, zera) is the Word of GOD. ~ Luke 8:11

In the beginning [before all time] was the WORD (=JESUS – “...HIS Name is the Word of GOD ~ Rev 19:13”), and the WORD was with GOD, and the Word was GOD HIMSELF. ~ John 1:1 AMP

A Prayer for Postponing the Moving

When I was on 3rd grade elem., dad began to be assigned to work out of town. After several months, he travelled to work and back home by train, then he said that our family would move at the end of my 3rd grade school year and live there.

But, I didn’t want to leave my hometown. I prayed in my heart, “LORD JESUS, please cancel dad’s moving plan or at least postpone it until I am in 6th grade”.

A few months later, there was a new policy of our Ministry of Education and Culture, which increased (only) that school year period from 1 to 1.5 years for all levels of education.

I was so happy when dad postponed our moving because the new school only accepted new students in the new school year.

But 6 months seemed to go by so fast, so I kept praying the same prayer in my heart. Then the next year, in June, dad postponed it again for a year.

We just moved to the current town I live in, at the end of my 4th grade school year and no longer then, I have considered this place as my hometown.

ABBA JESUS, YOU know what the best is for us. YOU postponed our moving because YOU knew my heart and YOU also knew our house there always got flooded even if it's just a light rain (We once fled to grandma's house because the flood was about 40 cm high). In here, we never experience flood. THANKS JESUS!

Now to HIM who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the POWER that works within us ~ Eph 3:20 NASB

JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Ground: The Parable of the Sower - After the Cross

After the Cross: In the parable of the sower—Jesus is the perfect ground (=heart) that produces the perfect hundred fold fruit. HIS Heart is overflowed with compassion (=splagchnizomai ~ Luke 7:13-15 NLT). Anyone who encounters the compassion of HIM does not go away the same.  

Look, here is seed for you, and you shall sow (ALEPH TAV=JESUS) the land (=ha•'a•da•mah, ground) ~ Genesis 47:23b

HE will give you rain for the seed with which you sow (ALEPH TAV) the ground (=ha•'a•da•mah), and bread [grain] from the produce of the ground, and it will be rich and plentiful. ~ Isaiah 30:23 AMP

JESUS, moved with compassion, stretched out HIS hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” ~ Mark 1:41

JESUS had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, ~ Mat 20:34

I (JESUS) have compassion on the multitude, because they have now continued with ME three days and have nothing to eat. ~ Mark 8:2"

Dad Saved From the Trip Accidents

 1. In Sep 2016, when I would have lunch and in the downstairs, dad was ready to go outside with his regular becak (a cycle rickshaw with passenger seat in front), the HOLY SPIRIT (=JESUS’ SPIRIT) said, “Tutup bungkus papamu dengan DARAH YESUS (Cover ur dad with JESUS’ BLOOD)”. 

After back home, he said that his becak was overturned while descending a steep incline. THANKS JESUS, he was only got a small bleeding wound above his right knee, no broken bones or other injuries.

2. In 1990s, a few days before dad’s back from his trip, when I wanted to sleep, the HOLY SPIRIT asked me to pray for his protection. 

After he’s back home, mom said, while he was in the train, a passenger who sat in a few rows in the front left-side seat asked him to change seats. No longer after that, someone from outside threw a stone and broke the window of dad’s original seat. 

Dad very often went to trip. During his life, only twice the HOLY SPIRIT especially asked me to pray for his protection. All his other trips were no accident. 

These showed me that JESUS’ unconditional love is also for unbelievers.


The HOLY SPIRIT=JESUS' SPIRIT ~ Gal 2:20 (CHRIST in me), Col 1:27 (CHRIST in you).

The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the SON of GOD, who loved me and gave HIMSELF for me. (Gal 2:20b)

JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Fasting of GOD

Mat 4:2: ...HE (=JESUS) had fasted (=צוּמוֹ, tzom, neither eat nor drink) forty days and forty nights... 
Esther 4:16a AMPC: Go, gather together אֶת (=𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐒, ALEPH TAV)־כָּל(all)־הַיְּהוּדִים (the Jews) that are 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 Shushan (=𝐣𝐨𝐲), and 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 (=צוּמוֹ, tzom) 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞, and neither eat nor drink three days 
It cannot be that the word “tzom” only means “to refrain from eating or drinking.” After all, in the very same verse Esther also says, “V’al tochlu v’al tishtu–and do not eat and do not drink” (Megillat Esther 4:16). 

A Healing CHRISTmas Gift

When I was 9 years of age, I was chosen to perform two shows at the school's Christmas celebration. The first, I would recite a poem with 4 friends (Each of us would memorize a verse, which was begun with the initial letter Y.E.S.U.S (J.E.S.U.S)) and the second, perform as the angel that appeared to Mary.

The school's Christmas celebration would be started on Sunday at 5pm, but in the morning, I got a fever. As the doctor’s clinic was closed, my dad had a dare to take me to the doctor’s house and he didn’t mind to check me up.

At home, after taking the medicine until at around 1 p.m., I still haven't sweated yet. Mom said, if I didn’t get healed, I was not allowed to go to the school. I almost gave up by thinking, “If I can’t go, it’s fine”. But then, I thought, “How about the poem show? It will be a missing initial letter ‘S’ and how about the Mary without the angel?”

Then, I prayed in my heart and that was the first time I prayed for healing, “LORD JESUS, please heal me now, so that I can perform at the school’s Christmas celebration.”

Shortly, I started to sweat and my fever was gone. PRAISE ABBA JESUS! I was completely healed. At around 4 p.m., I could go to the school by walking with grandma.

THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Healing Christmas Gift. YOUR Miracle made me able to attend and perform the both CHRISTmas shows well.

...As your days are, so will your strength, your rest and security be. ~ Deu 33:25b AMP

HE satisfies your years (=‘eḏ•yêḵ, mouth) with good things, so that your youth is renewed like an eagle. ~ Psalm 103:5 TLV (

...And by HIS stripes (wounds) we are healed ~ Isa 53:5 AMP

JESUS (ALEPH TAV) is the Eyes Opener

2 Kings 6:17: “Then Elisha prayed and said, ‘O LORD(=YAHWEH), I pray, open (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) eyes that he may see.’ And the LORD opened (ALEPH TAV, JESUS) eyes of the servant and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”
John 9:6-7 ERV: After JESUS said this, HE spit on the dirt, made some mud and put it on the man’s eyes....He was now able to see.
Luke 24:30-31 AMP: ...HE took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it, HE began giving it to them. Then their eyes were [suddenly] opened [by GOD] and they [clearly] recognized HIM; and HE vanished from their sight.
Acts 9:12: and in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come in and place his hands on him (Saul), so that he may regain his sight.
JESUS can show us what HE sees that we need to see.

Saved from the Stone Throwing

One late afternoon in Oct 2016, I was praying in tongue while walking exercise on the 1st floor of my shophouse.

My front entrance door had the bigger part on the left, which was always closed by the rolling door, and the small one on the right was opened.

While I was walking behind the bigger door, suddenly someone threw a stone, which was almost the size of my fist, into our house.

I was curious to see who did it. Then, HOLY SPIRIT warned me, “Jangan (No)! Nanti mereka akan melempar untuk kedua kalinya (They will throw again for the second time later)!”

But I still wanted to see them then I felt "SOMEONE (I believe it's an angel or JESUS)" hold my collar tightly so I couldn’t move at all. A second later, they threw a similar stone again for the second time, exactly as HE warned.

Imagine if I could move then the stone would hit me. THANK YOU, JESUS for protecting me.
After that, I could move to see the bad boys. I asked them not to do it again then they went far away and never back since then.


The two letters Hebrew Mark (את) of JESUS (Y’SHUA) is written over 9,500 times into the Old Testament that remains untranslated/mistranslated in most, especially in all English translations.

I am the Aleph(א, Alpha=A) and the Tav(ת, Omega=Ω) ~ Chizayon (Rev) 1:8a, 21:6a, 22:13a.
…And when I see את (Aleph-Tav, JESUS) the BLOOD, I will pass over you... ~ Ex 12:13b
Abraham went and took -אֶת (Aleph-Tav=JESUS) THE RAM, and offered HIM up for a BURNT OFFERING in the stead of his son. ~ Gen 22:13
Bring YOU את (Aleph-Tav, JESUS) ALL THE TITHES into the store-house ~ Mal 3:10a

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...