Saved From the Hazing Punishments

That time, as other new univ. students, I had to participate in the hazing for 3 days. 

In day 2, the coach leader asked said: “For all who haven’t submitted your dream task yet then raise hands!” One by one students raised their hands. 

Then he said, “For those who raising hands will be punished here at noon. If we found that someone didn’t do it and not raise hands, s/he’ll be punished double!” and the other students raised their hands.  

A coach asked me, “Did you submit it?” I just nodded while looking down and then he left me. 

Actually, it’s impossible for me to do it with several tasks going at once. I believe, JESUS gave me a courage to keep not raising my hand though I knew the risk. PRAISE JESUS, until after I graduated, they didn’t know that I didn’t submit it.

Logically, I’d have definitely been caught bcoz the participants was divided into groups with only 20 students and 2 group-coaches each. It's unlikely if the 2 group-coaches didn't know who hadn't submitted the task.

I believe, JESUS made both of them didn’t have the heart to hand over my name to the coach leader. 

Or, HE made them making a mistake in checking so that my task had been wrongly checked as submitted. But, whatever it was, HE saved me miraculously from getting caught and their inhuman punishments. 

My friend said, she and other punished friends were dried, walking and running barefoot on the concrete field under the hot noon sun. As the result, she got bad blisters on her feet and one was fainted.

It's not necessary to obey bad people. Whether you obey them or not, they will harm you. People who has the heart of JESUS, will not have the heart to harm others.

“For I AM with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you ~ Acts 18:10a NIV”.

Saved from the Fire

By Yen Yen

In 2001, around 3AM, my dad woke me up bcoz our neighbor’s shophouse was on fire. It’s located on the northeast, about 4 shophouses from us.
Then I prayed in tongue while walking around on the 2nd floor of my house and the HOLY SPIRIT reminded me about the testimony of Samuel Doctorian in his book “and I saw Him”, which really strengthened me:
[While the engine on the wing of the plane Samuel was on exploded, a Turkey doctor said "But look, the fire are getting bigger”. Samuel said, “I’m not looking through that window but through the window of faith. You’ll experience GOD's Mighty Hands and escape will definitely happen”.]
HE also said, “Semuanya pasti baik-baik saja (Everything will be definitely fine)”.
Then the fire was getting bigger. The firefighters were arrived late and had trouble putting out the fire, which had reached the roof of the 3rd floor shophouse with black smoke billowing.
Dad asked us to immediately go to his friend’s house. I said, “GOD said, everything will be definitely fine. I want to sleep, am sleepy”, then I entered into my room.
15 minutes later, mom said, “The fire has been extinguished” and everything was fine, exactly as HE said. PRAISE JESUS!

Saved From the Late Coming to School Punishment and Thirsty-Hungry

By Yen Yen

One day when I was in the 2nd elementary grade, I woke up late at 9AM (time the school started). My mom said, “I thought u have gone to school. I didn’t see u in the bedroom”. “I was sleeping under the bed”.

Then, I took a little breakfast and hurriedly went to the school by walking with my servant. The school was about 15 mins from our house.

While on the way, I thought that I would surely get the late coming punishment by standing up-sitting down with holding my ears for 100 times as it happened to my friends.

While we were crossing the small bridge, suddenly my water bottle strap, which was right across the front of my chest, broken and the bottle rolled and fell directly into the river (the handle of the bridge was only made of a thin iron, like a string, with up and down separate parts, approx.1 cm in diameter each).

Then, I had to hold thirsty because the hot weather and hope I could get drink at the school though I didn’t have pocket money.

When arriving at school, I almost didn’t believe that the school hasn’t started yet. I saw my seatmate sitting next to the classroom door then said, “May I have a drink? My water bottle fell into the river”. “Sure”, she poured the water from her bottle into the bottle cap and gave it to me. “More?” “Yes”. “More?” “No. Thanks”.

Then she opened the lid of her bread container and asked, “You want bread?” I nodded and she let me take a piece of them.

No longer after that, the bell was ringing and we entered the class. That school day has been a beautiful day for me. No punishment, no longer thirsty and hungry.

JESUS has miraculously saved me from the late coming punishment and provided what I needed at the right place, right time. Thanks JESUS, my Savior, my Bread and Water of Life. Also, Thanks for a friend with JESUS’ Heart, YOU gave.

I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert ~ Isa 43:19b KJ21

Saved From the Accident of Hitting the Sliding Glass Door

By Yen Yen

One Sunday afternoon, as a 5 yo kid, I was playing with my cousin in her house. I was chasing her through the opened sliding glass door then ran to the other part of her house and back to the sliding door again. 

While I was running there, I didn’t know the sliding glass door has been closed. Then, I hit the closed sliding door and the glass was shattered. I cried aloud. 

But, Praise JESUS, I only got a small bleeding wound in the middle of my forehead (between my eyebrows), no glass pieces got into my eyes and the rest of my body was also completely unhurt. The wound just needed to be smeared by the iodine. 

At that time, I still didn’t know about praying in tongue, even could not read the Bible. But, as I remember, in my kindergarten/Sunday school, the teacher taught us to sing about JESUS’ love, such as “YESUS Kasih Padaku (JESUS loves me this I know)”, also my mom and I often sang about HIS love at home. And, that day, HE showed HIS love for me by protecting me. THANK YOU, JESUS!

Saved by the Attack of the Doberman Pet

Around 1995, I was looking for new students by advertising then Mr. Andrew (pseud) asked me to teach their kids. They kept a Doberman pet that always barked at me.

For almost 2 yrs, it's all going fine and the dog had become big with about 1 m tall at its head. They just put it in a simple plywood cage with a small door latch.

To enter their house from the gate, I had to walk on the narrow footpath, whereas in my left side was exactly by way of the front of the cage and the dog would bark trying to batter the door down until the cage was shaking.

Every time before the kids' lesson finished, Mrs. Andrew always left home to pick up her husband and they weren't back when I left.

One evening, both of them were back before I left. On the narrow footpath, near the dog's cage, I just said goodbye to Mrs. Andrew, while in my right side, her husband was working on below their stalled car. Suddenly, the dog battered down its door cage and chased me. Mrs. Andrew was surprised but could do nothing.

Thank JESUS, the right back door of their car was opened. Immediately, I entered and closed the door. The dog was waiting outside by barking until Mr. Andrew secured it in the garage.

After I got out from the car safely, he said, "You’re lucky. If you didn’t enter the car, you would be bitten. It's very wild!"

Imagine that day, if there were only two little kids and me as usual, no Mr. Andrew there, no car with the right back door opened and parked near the cage then what would happen? I realized that JESUS had prepared all things to protect me before it happened. Praise JESUS!

A year later, Mr. Andrew asked me to teach their kids again. He said their dog was already sold because it had bitten their servant.

The Attacked Wild Cat Became Friendly

 By Yen Yen This is an updated of After that, I still often met ...