Saved From the Motorcycle Accident

By Yen Yen

That late afternoon, my SHS class held a farewell dinner at the restaurant which was about 15 mins from my house. My seatmate was willing to pick me up with her motorcycle.

But, I forgot that she was a road queen and as soon as I sat on the motorcycle’s back seat, she started zigzagging at very high speed. I almost slumped and fell down, but I couldn't open my mouth to tell her to slow down as I was busy tightly holding on to the motorcycle’s seat.

PRAISE ABBA JESUS! Finally, while we stopped at the traffic light, I could tell her not to speed as I almost fell down. Then, she rode normally and we arrived at the restaurant safely.

After the dinner, I went home with another friend's car as I didn't dare to ride her motorcycle anymore. THANKS A LOT, ABBA JESUS for YOUR Wild Love and Wild Protection for us!

‘HE (JESUS) looks at me and HE goes, "I love you with a wild love ... No man controls MY love for you"’ ~ Chris Dupré (The Wild Love of GOD on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!)

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