Lack Of Motivation - How To Cure The Lack Of Motivation

By Israel Goldman

Lack is motivation is a common problem in our modern world, just look around your environment & it is real obvious that most people lack motivation.

To solve a problem permanently, we don't just look at the problem, we look at the root of the problem, which is also the real cause behind the problem.

Why do most people lack motivation? Simple, there is simply no reason for them to be motivated!

Most people do not even know what they are living for? It is almost like, they have not a good excuse for breathing the oxygen.

First & foremost, motivation does NOT come from self improvement or motivational material. (Not in a form of a book, an audio or even a seminar.)

Motivation comes right from deep within you. Have you asked yourself:

• Who is the real you? (What is your true identity?)

• What is your purpose? (What do you live for?)

• What is your passion? (What keeps you going?)

Take a few moments to think about those 3 questions.

You will notice that I did not share the usual motivation methods that most people teach. In no way am I saying that they are not good.

Just think of it this way, when it comes to gardening, you can cut off the weeds but they will still grow back quickly, when you finally pull them out by the roots, they are gone for a very long time.

That is the reason why we are going to "fix" the roots before going any further.

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