How to Jump Start Your Memory and Keep it Going!

Did you know that you could actually jump start your memory with 5 easy steps? First, you need to know that at its simplest, memory is a mental activity for recalling information that has either been learned or experienced.

The best way to think about it is, the way your brain receives information will determine where you retain it and if you will be able to retrieve it, when needed. Voila this is memory!!!

For example when I want to remember something I sing and dance to the information. This gives me happy associations and makes it easy for me to remember things. Recently, when I was getting my yoga certification, one of the things I had to do was remember all these poses in Sanskrit! Yikes!!!

So here is what I did. As I got into a pose, I would say, "How can I remember this?" Then if I was hanging upside down like in the pose of Prasarita Pascimatonasana, I thought, "Hey ---PRASARITA likes to hang upside down and she lands on a Pascimatonasana" which I pictured as a big mountain with a funny name.

I was having fun remembering all those poses!!! I was in my happy place. So here are 5 tips to help you remember and find your happy place:

1. Be fully aware of what you want to remember-focus
2. Tell yourself consciously that you will remember
3. Begin to make associations with fun or familiar things
4. Bring pictures of positive things into your mind
5. Sing, say or talk out loud as you are in the process

Most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!

Now you see that by playing games, you can have fun and bring good emotional responses to information. Positive feelings put to information that you need to remember will help you draw upon good memories and store it in a place within your brain that will make it easy to retrieve.

These are five easy ways to jump-start your memory and keep it going. Use them daily and begin to see the improvement of your mind.

Marti Angel, MA
"America's Health and Expert Lifestyle Coach"

Marti is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Professor, RYT, Reiki Master level 2, Certified WATSU water therapist, Certified Meditation Instructor, Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor (Health Excel, Inc), Certified Nutraceutical Consultant, Certified Health/Lifestyle Coach, Motivational Speaker and founder of the number one alternative therapies site on the web, --- Her blog-- "The OM DIVA"


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