Fail to Succeed and You Succeed at Failing

Alan Lakein, a world leading expert on personal time management said;

"Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or master your time and master your life."

And he was right! Time can tick away and before you know it, weeks, months and years can pass without having achieved much of anything. Life will pass you by if you are happy to let it. If, on the other hand, you have set yourself goals and have huge desires then there is no reason you should fail at anything!

Alan Lakein, also said;

"Failing to plan, is planning to fail"

Is he right? I feel planning is important however I do not think it is the most crucial element of success. It is impossible to plan for inspired action and since I am a strong believer that inspired action can come at any time, I don't feel that lack of proper planning will guarantee my failure.

I say;

"Fail to succeed and you succeed at failing"

Success can be anyone's if they have a strong enough desire for it. Being prepared to do anything to achieve your goal is what will propel you into success. If you burn all bridges behind you and put yourself in a position where failure is not an option then and only then will you experience real living!

Man can do anything they can dream of. If you're in a position where you cannot walk away and go back to old habits then you force yourself to look at only one outcome - succeeding. And when you focus on that one outcome, success is guaranteed.

To start you off on a smaller scale, I feel setting yourself small goals and achieving them no matter what will help you to build a strong successful attitude. Here are some examples:

* If you're in Internet Marketing, then setting yourself certain sales goals will help you grow your business further.

* Set a target for your monthly salary and every month up it by an extra $200. In just 1 year you'll be earning an extra $2,400.

* If you're a golfer then set a goal to beat your previous handicap each and every month.

* Maybe you're a song writer ... set yourself a goal of writing at least one song every week.

Healthy competition doesn't hurt you it can only make you stronger and better. It provides a platform for you to better yourself and to become more. By becoming more you are able to give more. And by giving more, you are more.

Become more, today!

About the Author

Gary Evans is a Law of Attraction practitioner, author and owner of the company Good To Feel Good. Gary is dedicated to helping you attract anything you desire through successful application of the Law of Attraction.

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